One-Click Settings

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Posts: 33
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Hi all,

Can anyone tell me if settings on the one-click screen impact on automation bets i.e. I want to do some manual trading in-running today but I don't want the greening and fill or kills settings I have added to the one-click screen to affect my automated bets.
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There is no differentiation on the API between a manual bet or an automated bet.

So, YES, your manual trading will affect anything you have on the same account that you have automated.
Posts: 33
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So even if the automated bet isn't set to green up via the automation it would now do so?
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megarain wrote:
Mon Jan 13, 2025 11:57 am
There is no differentiation on the API between a manual bet or an automated bet.
BA doesn't make a distinction but the API can via the bet strategy reference. It's not just manual/auto that clashes, it also affects bets placed outside of BA. Sadly this means I can only use BA to monitor markets because its so dominant. Whereas positions I create elsewhere can leave BA ones alone.
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Thx - I never used the API much, but knew any external bets would cause issues with automated strategies.

There is a test version of Bet Angel. Trying new things out on it can be time-wasting, but tends to save money.
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