I started my Trading back in 2007 Here is my Journey through the past what feels like forever.Fugazi wrote: ↑Wed Oct 16, 2024 6:49 pmDid you become profitable?Frogmella wrote: ↑Wed Oct 16, 2024 5:02 pmI'm still here, 12 years later (not continuously) still trying to reinvent the wheel.Alpha322 wrote: ↑Mon Oct 14, 2024 11:28 pm
We all done the Journey The profitable have spent not 30 days but years and its not gonna just be handed to newbie. You get great advice and assistance in the forums. If one watches Peters videos and really take them in one will learn, i dont belive in laying Backing Dobbing etc etc, i Trade, and not for targets, its about how many times you can read a market (Order Flow) open the TRADE and CLOSE the Trade and Hedge £2 greened up 20 times a day do the maths just saying
just read this whole post and thought I would stick this on the end .....................
Well i dont know where to start but here goes..
Thanks to bet angel and all the hidden gems in here ive finally started to see how to put all the signes together to achieve a trade that actually makes sense ive put years into making some sense of the makets and what they offer and by simply cold trading what i see has turned a corner..
Here is what ive found in short term..
Their is no golden ticket just screen time market after market and putting things in perspective that i understand in my own head sounds weired i know just that now i see their is many pointers to a trade which whithout hard work would be impossible
Pre race Horse trading ...
the amount of money waiting to be matched
order of the market
time scales
market volume
selection volume
price of fav 2nd fav 3rd fav and more ...
Basically all im saying is when all this can make sense and all the stars are ligned up you get a reason to enter a trade .
I am miles away from perfecting this but just want to put this out their as my personal jurney and im greatfull to bet angel for all the info in this forum i may well make a trader one day but who knows ive blew bank after bank and quit then come back but now my mind set has altered i now take it easy and baby step my way back to the only thing that i truely enjoy doing with my spare time ..
I love automation allthough it can not replace my trading as its too complicated to automate but it certainly points me in the right direction in a way of signals to a trade .
I may sound green still but ive climbed a few rungs now and on my way up "This time next year Rodney" .....lol i dont care about money right now..
I just want to crack trading then money can flow after ..
In a nut shell i just want to say i genuinly believe with hard work and plenty of screen time trading will pay off eventually ..
Thanks Bet Angel and community .