Ukraine Crisis

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Archery1969 wrote:
Sat Apr 20, 2024 11:01 pm
The Silk Run wrote:
Sat Apr 20, 2024 8:08 pm
Derek27 wrote:
Sat Apr 20, 2024 7:09 pm
Lethal aid bill passed through the House of Representatives. $60 billion dollars of weapons on its way to Ukraine.
I'm happy that money is going to Ukraine. They need it.
Westminster City Council & MPS could do with similar monies. It's like Gaza Strip down here at the weekends. I feel sorry for businesses operating in the area ...
I appreciate that councils and people in the UK need help. I really do.

But they are not being bombed daily.

I know people in the UK feel pissed off because millions of £ are being sent to Ukraine. But one thing is for sure, if someone does harm to the UK then 100% Ukraine will come to our aid in the future.

Having served in war zones around the world, one thing, i detest is kill of the innocent, usually children.

I wish the UK could solve all the problems at home and around the world.

In the meantime, my message to Ukraine is, use the aid wisely and smash Russia on the ground.
I don't regret a single pound of support for Ukraine, whether arms or humaitarian. Putin (not Russia) is a meglomaniac, a dictator. He needs to be shown that we will stand behind Ukraine and feed them weapins and there's nowt he can do about that other than implement MAD.
He's already squandered 50,000 young lives. Any politican that needs to change the law to allow them to be re-elected is clearly a flipping nutjob.
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Interesting news about Ukraine / Russia:

Apparently Ukraine has launched an attack on Russian early warning system, which amoung other things is used to track incoming ICBM's. ... a-big-deal

If true then that's a major escalation.... :o
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greenmark wrote:
Mon Apr 22, 2024 5:43 pm
Putin (not Russia) is a meglomaniac, a dictator. He needs to be shown that we will stand behind Ukraine and feed them weapins and there's nowt he can do about that other than implement MAD.
As the last remaining empire they need to get on with the times :
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Fuck Russia and its people. They side with Putin so bomb all of them. As for Ukraine, launch all the that you have and destroy Russia.
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Archery1969 wrote:
Sat May 25, 2024 7:06 pm
Fuck Russia and its people. They side with Putin so bomb all of them. As for Ukraine, launch all the that you have and destroy Russia.
The vast majority of Russians are against the war. None of them want themselves or their children lined up for the slaughter.
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Derek27 wrote:
Sat May 25, 2024 10:39 pm
Archery1969 wrote:
Sat May 25, 2024 7:06 pm
Fuck Russia and its people. They side with Putin so bomb all of them. As for Ukraine, launch all the that you have and destroy Russia.
The vast majority of Russians are against the war. None of them want themselves or their children lined up for the slaughter.
One word. Tough.
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Archery1969 wrote:
Sat May 25, 2024 10:41 pm
Derek27 wrote:
Sat May 25, 2024 10:39 pm
Archery1969 wrote:
Sat May 25, 2024 7:06 pm
Fuck Russia and its people. They side with Putin so bomb all of them. As for Ukraine, launch all the that you have and destroy Russia.
The vast majority of Russians are against the war. None of them want themselves or their children lined up for the slaughter.
One word. Tough.
If one man can control 145 million, who can argue with him.
Navalny tried. My word how he tried and paid the price.
Putin is a c**t. Only Russians can get rid of him.
So they would then be the humans you wish to destroy.
There's no logic to that whatsoever.
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Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Nato countries, especially the US and several European countries, had "entered a new round of escalating tension and they are doing this deliberately", in remarks quoted by the Tass news agency.

"They are in every possible way provoking Ukraine to continue this senseless war."

I had to read that 3 times because I thought it was too stupid to believe. What a load of BS. Shows what we're up against.
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greenmark wrote:
Fri May 31, 2024 6:00 pm
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Nato countries, especially the US and several European countries, had "entered a new round of escalating tension and they are doing this deliberately", in remarks quoted by the Tass news agency.

"They are in every possible way provoking Ukraine to continue this senseless war."

I had to read that 3 times because I thought it was too stupid to believe. What a load of BS. Shows what we're up against.
Dmitry Peskov has already threatened to Nuke the UK on several occasions. He seems to be full of hot air. But I guess you never know.
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Putin raising taxes for the wealthy and corporation tax to pay for the war.
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If only Putin apologised for invading Ukraine. I think the government would say, well, he can't do more than that, and become best friends with him again.

At least Penny Mordaunt would say, it was wrong of him to invade Ukraine and it was right of him to apologise.

Mark Harper would say it was a mistake and it's clear that he's apologised. :mrgreen:
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Putin is going to go utter mad...

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Chat shit, get banged

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Italian prime minister kisses most guests on both cheeks but only shakes hands with the German Chancellor!
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Derek27 wrote:
Thu Jun 13, 2024 10:11 am
Italian prime minister kisses most guests on both cheeks but only shakes hands with the German Chancellor!
Ok I think it's high time you get the damn thing :) :
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