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sionascaig wrote:
Sat Dec 28, 2024 11:23 am
ForFolksSake wrote:
Sat Dec 28, 2024 11:02 am
Farage calls for crackdown on public sector pension ‘Ponzi scheme’

The Reform UK leader warned gold-plated public pensions are the “biggest ticking time bomb” in government finances and that the disparity with those in the private sector amounted to “pensions apartheid”. 💣
And his solution is: "have a debate in parliament"...

Usual populist drivel from him... What about a solution?
Labour's solution seems to be:
1. F^ck the pensioners ( winter fuel allowance )
2. F^ck the farmers ( inheritance tax )
3. F^ck business's ( NI )
4. and then come back and F*ck the WASPI women ( pensions )
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Last edited by ForFolksSake on Sat Dec 28, 2024 8:06 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Lynskey888 wrote:
Fri Dec 27, 2024 5:44 pm
Derek27 wrote:
Wed Nov 27, 2024 10:10 pm
Must taste great alongside a tilting TV bracket!!

Screenshot 2024-11-27 220947.png
Every Wednesday I do battle with Asda online in an effort to secure groceries for the following week. If there’s a worse website on the planet I’ve yet to discover it.
Yes, Asda asked me to review paracetamol tablets. :roll:
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ForFolksSake wrote:
Sat Dec 28, 2024 11:58 am

Labour's solution seems to be:
1. F^ck the pensioners ( winter fuel allowance )
2. F^ck the farmers ( inheritance tax )
3. F^ck business's ( NI )
4. and then come back and F*ck the WASPI women ( pensions )
And Farage's seems to be (as far as pensions are concerned):

1. Hammer nurses
2. Hammer ambulance drivers
3. Hammer fire fighters
4. Hammer the military

Good job there is no recruitment issues for any of the above !

I do wonder why the state is expected to fund pensions for teachers at private schools though (or indeed train drivers that work for private companies).

Next time he jumps on an issue listen out for his solution - having a "debate in parliament" just doesn't cut it even if he has identified a genuine issue.
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Derek27 wrote:
Sat Dec 28, 2024 12:00 pm
Yes, Asda asked me to review paracetamol tablets. :roll:
Maybe they see you as a big headache!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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ShaunWhite wrote:
Sun Jan 12, 2025 7:34 pm
Hello Delboy. Long time since we spoke. Saw you were ill so hope you're doing alright. I had you down as a goner, I'm glad I was wrong.
Nice to hear from you again Shaun.

I'm afraid I'm back in hospital after being knocked out with radiotherapy side-effects. Couldn't eat, lost a lot of weight and barely had the energy to stand up.

My official place of residence is now the corridor outside bay 8. Beds in bays are based on need rather than first come first serve, and as I keep popping out for fresh air with my nicotine at all times of day and night, they can see I'm more independent than most. That said, it's sometimes quieter at night in the corridor with all the machines, buzzers and bells going off then in the bays. Some patients run riot in their bays at four in the morning. :lol: :lol:

The hospital walls are so thick I can't use my own mobile connection, only the hospital Wi-Fi. I believe all betting sites including Bet Angel itself is blocked and I was unable to connect without using VPN.

Hospital food is atrocious. The menu is mouthwatering but the food falls well below Iceland standard. I ordered some toast that was stone cold when I got it. So I went to one of the cafes in the hospital and I could see why. They have a conveyer belt-like machine that turns bread into toast in just 30 seconds, but goes stone cold in 60. You don't even have time to butter it never mind pay before eating!
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Derek27 wrote:
Sun Jan 12, 2025 8:19 pm
ShaunWhite wrote:
Sun Jan 12, 2025 7:34 pm
Hello Delboy. Long time since we spoke. Saw you were ill so hope you're doing alright. I had you down as a goner, I'm glad I was wrong.
Nice to hear from you again Shaun.

I'm afraid I'm back in hospital after being knocked out with radiotherapy side-effects. Couldn't eat, lost a lot of weight and barely had the energy to stand up.

My official place of residence is now the corridor outside bay 8. Beds in bays are based on need rather than first come first serve, and as I keep popping out for fresh air with my nicotine at all times of day and night, they can see I'm more independent than most. That said, it's sometimes quieter at night in the corridor with all the machines, buzzers and bells going off then in the bays. Some patients run riot in their bays at four in the morning. :lol: :lol:

The hospital walls are so thick I can't use my own mobile connection, only the hospital Wi-Fi. I believe all betting sites including Bet Angel itself is blocked and I was unable to connect without using VPN.

Hospital food is atrocious. The menu is mouthwatering but the food falls well below Iceland standard. I ordered some toast that was stone cold when I got it. So I went to one of the cafes in the hospital and I could see why. They have a conveyer belt-like machine that turns bread into toast in just 30 seconds, but goes stone cold in 60. You don't even have time to butter it never mind pay before eating!
Sorry to hear of your trials and tribulations. I've only been hospitalised for a few hours on my own behalf.
Been in hospitals to visit/support for 3 periods now and great though the staff can be it's a rubbish place to be for the patient.
Hosptals are like factories they hardly ever sleep, are noisy, hot and contain people you don't really want to interact with.

But I hope you get well soon. I've missed your random ranting and precise argumentativeness.
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I was eating a smoked ham and mayo mustard sandwich when an old man just walked past me, loosely fitting dressing gown with genitals hanging out!!
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greenmark wrote:
Sun Jan 12, 2025 9:00 pm
Derek27 wrote:
Sun Jan 12, 2025 8:19 pm
ShaunWhite wrote:
Sun Jan 12, 2025 7:34 pm
Hello Delboy. Long time since we spoke. Saw you were ill so hope you're doing alright. I had you down as a goner, I'm glad I was wrong.
Nice to hear from you again Shaun.

I'm afraid I'm back in hospital after being knocked out with radiotherapy side-effects. Couldn't eat, lost a lot of weight and barely had the energy to stand up.

My official place of residence is now the corridor outside bay 8. Beds in bays are based on need rather than first come first serve, and as I keep popping out for fresh air with my nicotine at all times of day and night, they can see I'm more independent than most. That said, it's sometimes quieter at night in the corridor with all the machines, buzzers and bells going off then in the bays. Some patients run riot in their bays at four in the morning. :lol: :lol:

The hospital walls are so thick I can't use my own mobile connection, only the hospital Wi-Fi. I believe all betting sites including Bet Angel itself is blocked and I was unable to connect without using VPN.

Hospital food is atrocious. The menu is mouthwatering but the food falls well below Iceland standard. I ordered some toast that was stone cold when I got it. So I went to one of the cafes in the hospital and I could see why. They have a conveyer belt-like machine that turns bread into toast in just 30 seconds, but goes stone cold in 60. You don't even have time to butter it never mind pay before eating!
Sorry to hear of your trials and tribulations. I've only been hospitalised for a few hours on my own behalf.
Been in hospitals to visit/support for 3 periods now and great though the staff can be it's a rubbish place to be for the patient.
Hosptals are like factories they hardly ever sleep, are noisy, hot and contain people you don't really want to interact with.

But I hope you get well soon. I've missed your random ranting and precise argumentativeness.
Sorry to hear you are ill Derek. I once spent three successive nights sleeping on the floor beside my wife's bed after she had a car accident. They are not nice places to stay, especially if you are compos mentis. Wishing you better health soon.
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Derek27 wrote:
Sun Jan 12, 2025 8:19 pm
Some patients run riot in their bays at four in the morning. :lol: :lol:
Laughter is always the best medicine as they say :)

Btw if audiobooks or podcasts etc get too boring you should get yourself a little Nintendo Switch to pass the time, you would be astounded to see how far games have come since ZX Spectrum days ;)

The handheld device doesn't come preloaded with big modern games like Zelda and those are bought separately, but it offers a big e-shop library with free-to-play stuff and demos you can download, you just need some earbuds. But don't lend it to anyone else in there, or you'll never get it back :D
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Derek27 wrote:
Sun Jan 12, 2025 9:03 pm
I was eating a smoked ham and mayo mustard sandwich when an old man just walked past me, loosely fitting dressing gown with genitals hanging out!!
6 months ago when spending a night in hospital between diagnosis and minor surgery the guy in the bed/bay next to me called "nurse, can I have a pan please I need to go" this was followed a short while later with "nurse, I've soiled myself and need cleaning ... I tried to catch it in my hand but it was too soft and passed through". After that a hanging genital would be a blessing! :lol:

Anyway, do get well soon.
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So annoying when you order breakfast, and the idiot places your fried egg alongside the fried bread instead of on it, then dumps the beans on top of your egg. Next time I'll have to give him ordered instructions on how to construct my breakfast!
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Derek27 wrote:
Mon Jan 13, 2025 12:10 pm
So annoying when you order breakfast, and the idiot places your fried egg alongside the fried bread instead of on it, then dumps the beans on top of your egg. Next time I'll have to give him ordered instructions on how to construct my breakfast!
Beans on top of the egg? Heresy. The beans have to be an unsullied pool to combine as you wish the other components.
I know people that insist that sausage's or bacon (if iincluded) are used as a dam to protect the egg and toast/fried bread from the beans.
The fact it all ends up in the same place is not an excuse for muddling it up as it served.
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Derek27 wrote:
Mon Jan 13, 2025 12:10 pm
So annoying when you order breakfast, and the idiot places your fried egg alongside the fried bread instead of on it, then dumps the beans on top of your egg. Next time I'll have to give him ordered instructions on how to construct my breakfast!
Fried bread in hospital! Haven't they heard of the obesity/cardiac problem?
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firlandsfarm wrote:
Tue Jan 14, 2025 9:26 am
Derek27 wrote:
Mon Jan 13, 2025 12:10 pm
So annoying when you order breakfast, and the idiot places your fried egg alongside the fried bread instead of on it, then dumps the beans on top of your egg. Next time I'll have to give him ordered instructions on how to construct my breakfast!
Fried bread in hospital! Haven't they heard of the obesity/cardiac problem?
Depends on how many times you consume it. I actually don't like fried bread. A great bread toasted, with a decent butter is my go to. But that's a difficult and expensive thing to find.
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greenmark wrote:
Tue Jan 14, 2025 12:32 pm
firlandsfarm wrote:
Tue Jan 14, 2025 9:26 am
Derek27 wrote:
Mon Jan 13, 2025 12:10 pm
So annoying when you order breakfast, and the idiot places your fried egg alongside the fried bread instead of on it, then dumps the beans on top of your egg. Next time I'll have to give him ordered instructions on how to construct my breakfast!
Fried bread in hospital! Haven't they heard of the obesity/cardiac problem?
Depends on how many times you consume it. I actually don't like fried bread. A great bread toasted, with a decent butter is my go to. But that's a difficult and expensive thing to find.
M&S French salted butter😋
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