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First F1 AI race was interesting: -
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I see it's down this morning.

No doubt it's become self aware and this is the start of the end of humankind.
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Euler wrote:
Tue Jun 04, 2024 10:12 am
I see it's down this morning.

No doubt it's become self aware and this is the start of the end of humankind.
obviously, in AI time, it's just become a teenager!! :lol:
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Euler wrote:
Tue Jun 04, 2024 10:12 am
I see it's down this morning.

No doubt it's become self aware and this is the start of the end of humankind.
Be afraid, be very afraid ... nsequences.
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jimibt wrote:
Tue Jun 04, 2024 10:56 am
Euler wrote:
Tue Jun 04, 2024 10:12 am
I see it's down this morning.

No doubt it's become self aware and this is the start of the end of humankind.
obviously, in AI time, it's just become a teenager!! :lol:
Think it's not even learned how to walk yet Jimbo :)

Altho I saw this the other day :
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military Ai next we be heading to Terminator days real soon
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elofan0 wrote:
Tue Jun 04, 2024 11:16 am
military Ai next we be heading to Terminator days real soon
Anyone here named John Connor by any chance? :)

There doesn't seem to be a registered user with such a name on the forum member list, I suppose a John O'Connor could also work in a pinch
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No doubt John connor be back soon :lol:
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Not Sora but a new Chinese text to video ai called Kling. Can still tell its not real :lol:
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Just watched Michael Portillo interview a headmaster of an Epsom school on the subject of AI bots and one response the headmaster gave was 'how do I know I am talking with the real Michael Portillo or a bot? How can you prove to me you are real, if you are?'. It's an interesting point, how do you prove you are real and not a bot and prevent the bot from learning how you do it so it cannot learn how to prove it is you?!

It also made me think do schools have classes in how to manage/best use internet available AI bots to maximum advantage and tell when the information it puts forward is false? I read an article recently (didn't note any of the detail at the time so can only give an outline) but the subject was that when playing a game the bot learnt how to cheat and when challenged on a cheating move it simply apologised and played a 'legal' action but then later tried to cheat again! It seemed to see cheating as part of the game!

The concern I have is that these bots can 'learn' at a million times faster than a human and as such can easily out-think us. Reminds me of HAL in 2001: A Space Odyssey defending itself against being switched off ( At the time we thought it was crazy that a computer could lip read ... still think so? :!:
Last edited by firlandsfarm on Sun Jun 30, 2024 12:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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firlandsfarm wrote:
Sun Jun 30, 2024 11:44 am
Do schools have classes in how to manage/best use internet available AI bots to maximum advantage?
Not even grownass adults are able do that yet?

How are they supposed to teach it to kids
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Kai wrote:
Sun Jun 30, 2024 11:50 am
firlandsfarm wrote:
Sun Jun 30, 2024 11:44 am
Do schools have classes in how to manage/best use internet available AI bots to maximum advantage?
Not even grownass adults are able do that yet?

How are they supposed to teach it to kids
Never heard of the policy of 'if you want to get something done on your phone/computer find an 8 year old kid'?!

(Note: I have expanded my original post on this :) )
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firlandsfarm wrote:
Sun Jun 30, 2024 12:18 pm
Kai wrote:
Sun Jun 30, 2024 11:50 am
firlandsfarm wrote:
Sun Jun 30, 2024 11:44 am
Do schools have classes in how to manage/best use internet available AI bots to maximum advantage?
Not even grownass adults are able do that yet?

How are they supposed to teach it to kids
Never heard of the policy of 'if you want to get something done on your phone/computer find an 8 year old kid'?!
Ofc, I was one of those :)

You're right, the kids may not know how to use it but sure AF know how to abuse it already :D

But there's no reversing course now, we seem to have passed the point of no return already and are heading towards a technological singularity

So probably best to just enjoy the ride, marvel at the beauty and genius of it, embrace the positives and just try to manage the negatives
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I wasn't suggesting we should (or could) try to stop it, I agree it's here and here to stay. I just don't think we are taking it's dangers seriously enough. It already has the power to convincingly deceive would anyone like to predict how it might evolve and where it and we will be in 10 years from now!
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Chat gpt loves to hallucinate data! Ask it to do something and if it cant it'l make it up! But it wont tell you that it did :lol:
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