Guardian warning when Excel not connected

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Posts: 394
Joined: Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:54 pm

It would be nice if there was some sort of warning that an Excel workbook had been opened but is not connected.

My OCD worry that I keep going back and checking at least two or three times when setting up multiple instances for the day - I can see I've opened the required Excel workbooks on the taskbar but did I click the "Connect" button for that instance ?!

Maybe a splash of colour in the Guardian menu bar similar to the practice mode warning on the main window eg red if not connected - green if ok ?

Also some means of identifying which Guardian window belongs to which main BA one-click window when running multiple instances would help navigate the windows and avoid shutting down the wrong one. Maybe something as simple as putting the parent PID number for all windows in their title bar - or a user-defined text string.
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