Loading up.markets each day automatically

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Wondering if someone out there can help.

I currently load up UK and Irish racing every day and before that delet any suspended markets I have on my guardian screen.

I then apply my rule to the loaded races and back to it the following day and do the process again

Does anyone have a piece of code/software to do this for me?

Many thanks
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You lazy git!

Would you like Peter to devise a program that scratches your bollocks too? ;) :D
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Seriously though; this has been posted in the suggestions on other occasions..to auto the racing each day.
Imagine, you are on holiday (maybe a cruise where you at sea all day)..you could set the automation up on a Monday and leave it running automatically loading the races each day. You may laugh, but I would be up for it! :D
You can do this on other software, but its not as good as Betangel in my opinion
I wouldn't mind the bollock scratching either! :D
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Learn to program and build your own programs. I am working abroad at the moment and leave my bots to run / reset balances and log everything...
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Hi Liam
To be honest, I don't doubt I could learn to code this (i've learn assembly lanuguage before on an Intel 80/85 more years ago that I care to remember!). Writing a program to control a set of traffic lights in the final exam still wakes me sometimes in a cold sweat!

I just feel that Excel is much easier to program and build in security features. The other thing is the amount of time to get to a proficient level of coding where Im confident that all is in safe hands..

I do agree that self written programs have a place, but so do simple excel spreadsheets (its an extremely powerful feature of betangel)

Here is a single line on one of my spreadsheets; from the standard betangel sheet cell : L9


Bearing in mind each of those points to other cells with sometimes longer commands..

Now how long would it take me to program that ! Id be 80!
I want to spend as much time with my kids/Grand child these days. I want to set it up in the morning and then off for the day.

All I would ask for is a simple tickbox to "Load Today's Races"! :D

You dont always need a sledgehammer to crack a nut, a toffee hammer will do! Excel will do me for a while :)

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Thats a fair point but once you have mastered the basics you just have to put in the time. Some of my algorithms are just a few lines, similar to that excel equation. The hardest part was trying to match some of the features betAngel has such as fillkill / offset bets.

But I would also like a load today's races checkbox :D
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Must admit I prefer to reboot and refresh everyday. Betfair and windows has not made me feel comfortable just running something ad-infinitum.
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I use Auto load quite often (another software) and on my opinion it is very usefull tool. BetAngel should be capable of this as well. Once you offer automation you should offer auto load. User can choose whether to use it or not...
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have you used auto load with BA or are you saying they should have that application?

I didn't think they had it from my time using it..
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Its not a case of being lazy, I have a config to bet on Australian horse racing, but the markets aren't available on betfair at the time I go to work. Therefore I need the markets to load once midnight rolls around in the UK.
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