Automation algo for late goals

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I'm interested in experimenting with an automation rule for trading late goals in a football match.

I've never used automation before so I assume setting a rule to place an order into a market when the match reaches a certain time would be straight forward e.g. When the match reaches 88 mins place a lay order in the appropriate Over/Under Market in relation to the current score. Is that possible?

Also beyond that is it also possible to have an exception to basically not place an order at all if a goal is scored say after a certain point e.g. The 80th minute and cancel any subsequent rules or triggering for the remainder of that match.

Hope that makes sense?
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I've never used automation before so I assume setting a rule to place an order into a market when the match reaches a certain time would be straight forward e.g. When the match reaches 88 mins place a lay order in the appropriate Over/Under Market in relation to the current score. Is that possible?

Yes you would need to apply it to multiple over/unders but then (assuming you want to lay unders) you would create each rule to trigger on betfair row 1
Then if you add in a 'fixed odds condition' to say something along the lines of
Selections last trade price
is less than 1.50

ONLY the next under X.5 market will have such low odds at this late time, you can use soccer mystic to have a play about with to see what the approx odds would be 'X' mins from the end

Also beyond that is it also possible to have an exception to basically not place an order at all if a goal is scored say after a certain point e.g. The 80th minute and cancel any subsequent rules or triggering for the remainder of that match.

There is a file you can download from the shared files section which sets a signal whenever a goal is scored (see link below) what you would do then is add a 'signal changed condition' to your main back/lay rule to test is a signal has recently been set within the last X seconds

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Thanks Dallas, I'll play around with this
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Quick follow up question here if I may...

So I have a rule called Late goals and it's set to Row 1 (under x.5) for every x.5 market available.

The rule looks to place a lay bet to arm the trigger at 01:43:00 after the event goes in play (which is a crude assumption of the 88 minute mark assuming no added on time at the end of the 1st half and a strict 15 minute HT break) until 01:50:00.

There are 2 price conditions too: Lay price >1.2 and <1.5 (these are just hypothetical prices for now just for purpose of setting up the rule and may change later)

I've downloaded and installed the file Signal Goals Over_Under.baf from the link you mentioned.

How do I link the above imported rules file to the Late goals rule I created so much so that if there is a signal/goal from the time 01:35:00 (approx 80 mins) onwards that is will negate any triggering of the Late goals rule?

Hope all that makes sense? Also please feel free to correct me if I'm making this more complicated or less efficient than it needs to be :lol:

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The signal file you have downloaded looks for a 10+ tick move and will set a signal after one has happened (due to how late in the game your using it you might be better changing to 20 or even 30+ ticks)

On your lay rule you would add a 'signal set'
Is the signal named (I cant remember what I called it on the signal O/U rule)
Not set with a value

ie, your lay rule will only be allowed to trigger if no signal has been set (ie a move of 10+ ticks which means a goal has been scored since the signal rule has been armed)
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