How much money do you need to live with betfair?

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Hello everyone, I am Luca, I want go straight to the point.

When it comes to trading I am a little champion.

Everyone could have a talent, and my talent is this.

I have all logical-matematical way of thinking, innate sense of prediction, no emoctions when the market go against me, good sense of risk/reward ratio and so on.

How much money do you think could be useful to generate 1000 at month (without the need to risk high) ? Thank you.

( I just would like to know how much STAKE do I need in order to generate a 1k montly income with a general good risk/reward ratio and your experiences. )
Thank you.
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If you are such a talented little champion, you wouldn't need to ask what stakes are required to make £1000 a month

See ya
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LeTiss wrote:
Thu Sep 21, 2017 3:43 pm

If you are such a talented little champion, you wouldn't need to ask what stakes are required to make £1000 a month

See ya
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Lucacrebbe wrote:
Thu Sep 21, 2017 3:38 pm
I have all logical-matematical way of thinking
Errrr have you tried : New stake = (Return rqd/Current return) * Current stake ? ;)

I'm guessing you used google translate to write that message Luca? If you didn't then you failed to innately predict that calling yourself a talented little champion might end with a little light ribbing (I hope that phrase translates as I planned, oo err )

Don't worry though, it's good to be a talented little champion, but if you keep saying it you might have to be a brave little soldier as well because the big boys will tease you.
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I know why only 5% of people can make profit from trading/sporting trading

The answer is that not everyone have all the carateristic needed:

--matematical and logical mindset
--capability of not suffer when the market goes against you
--capabilty to accept the losses
-- the capability to know when to go out from a trade and when to jump into a trade
-- the capabilty to get a good deal, to recognize a good deal

Sport trading has an adavantage compared to rregular trading: you can watch your tennis palyer, their emotions at TV

All this is pure advantage for an empatic guy who can recognize when his player is down , when is in a perfect form

I reapet , not everyone have all these capabilitues all togheter, is not ''a fault'', everyone is structured in a different way from each other, and that's why is clear that not everyone can habve success in a particular activity

It's like if I would to play football in Premier league...i
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Lucacrebbe wrote:
Thu Sep 21, 2017 3:38 pm
When it comes to trading I am a little champion.
I am in a café reading this and I burst out laughing and nearly spilt my latte when I read this. Several other customers wanted to know what the joke was, I showed a couple of the regulars but they didn't think it was very funny. I guess I must have a weird sense of humour.

I don't think I have ever seen this phrase before in relation to trading, am I the only one that thinks its really amusing?
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Bluesky wrote:
Fri Sep 22, 2017 8:34 am

I don't think I have ever seen this phrase before in relation to trading, am I the only one that thinks its really amusing?
No, you're not. But, to be fair to the OP, I think what he meant was lost in translation. What would sound perfectly reasonable in Italian, for example, could well sound hilarious when translated literally in to English - or any other language for that matter.

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Ultimately any starting bank should be small and manageable and if you have an edge it will grow quickly. But getting there is not easy so I'm not surprised these questions get such a varied response. Lost in translation!
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mjmorris335 wrote:
Fri Sep 22, 2017 10:15 am
Bluesky wrote:
Fri Sep 22, 2017 8:34 am

I don't think I have ever seen this phrase before in relation to trading, am I the only one that thinks its really amusing?
No, you're not. But, to be fair to the OP, I think what he meant was lost in translation. What would sound perfectly reasonable in Italian, for example, could well sound hilarious when translated literally in to English - or any other language for that matter.


I mean that I feel to be very good skilled when it comes to trading. In these days with the ATP finals leavereging on a stake of 1k I've made 2000 euro.

Yesterday I have lost 50$ thanks to sloahana stephens which is an irregular tennis player... irregular and discontinuos

I have to say that I follow 3-4 tennis match per day I follow tennis all day long I could say!

It's really annoing to follow 2 hours of matches but defintley knowledge is money on exange

I am not too much skilled when it comes to scalping on the Book / understaing orders on the book, I am for the most a swing trader
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Found this interesting, but for the *wrong reasons.

Google Translate will struggle with the grammatical syntax, but it would have done a better job with the spelling. The OP looks to me as if he is either winding us up or he learnt English phonetically (endless re-runs of Cash in the Atic?). If the former, then we fell for it :D If the later, then fair-play - his English is better than my Italian (or whatever).


* If this is a real post, I can't help as I've been playing with this stuff for 7 years. Have had great fun but I'm not in a position to help when it comes to talking about profit. :lol:
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Bluesky wrote:
Fri Sep 22, 2017 8:34 am
Lucacrebbe wrote:
Thu Sep 21, 2017 3:38 pm
When it comes to trading I am a little champion.
I am in a café reading this and I burst out laughing and nearly spilt my latte when I read this. Several other customers wanted to know what the joke was, I showed a couple of the regulars but they didn't think it was very funny. I guess I must have a weird sense of humour.

I don't think I have ever seen this phrase before in relation to trading, am I the only one that thinks its really amusing?
I feel, it's a matter of context. Everyone who's been doing this for more than a month or whatever knows that getting the hang of trading is a bloody grind and hard work. A lot of us, I would think, have been at a stage during the early parts of our paths along the learning curve of trading, where we said "I got this s***, I'm the king of the World!"....and then a week, a month passes and it's like "F*** me, I haven't got this", which is where you give up, or start the really hard work. Thus, anyone bursting in claiming to be a little champion is likely to gain little other than scorn and laughs. Well, the guy might actually be a one in 100.000 wunderkind that just gets it from go. But the gut instinct will be along the lines of
LeTiss wrote:
Thu Sep 21, 2017 3:43 pm
If you are such a talented little champion, you wouldn't need to ask what stakes are required to make £1000 a month
....and a feeling of, yeah yeah reality will hit you soon enough about what this requires, which makes the statement and whole post some tragically comical.

So the context being, if another of the regulars at your cafe was, say, an avid chess player putting in huge amounts of work to study the game and improve, and someone came on a chess forum making similar claims, he'd find that just as funny as you do this one here, while you may just shrug at the chess claim, because while you have a basic understanding that chess is difficult, you don't have the same deep understanding of what it really, truly requires.
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I feel inclined to chime in here.

I came into trading with similar confidence to O.P. I had a great run and rolled my bankroll over several times..

I eventually turned it full time and lasted barely a few months before i was in over my head and had a day of melt down due to a combination of factors (thread on here if you are nosey)

It can make you feel untouchable but unfortunately you will be found out! now back in full time work and just trading as a side line for enjoyment..

so basically watch out for complacency O.P and good luck in reaching your goals!! :)

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