New beta version of Bet Angel v1.55.0 - now on general release

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We are pleased to announce that a new beta version of Bet Angel Professional is available v1.55.0

Download it from here: -

Bet Angel VPS only version: - ... 1_55_0.exe

Note: Links updated for general release on 2nd Sept. General release version is the same as beta 3, apart from including a fix for the VWAP bug that Vovsen found (when setting a SV with VWAP from a nominated selection)

Note: Links updated to Beta 2 on 24th July. Update due to betfair chart address changing. Also bug fix for when editing History List Value B settings

Note: Links updated to Beta 3 on 6th August. Changes detailed at the end of this post

We have tested this in alpha over the last few weeks and any bugs found have been fixed. We feel it’s ready for beta release to the community ahead of its formal public release next month.

As with all betas, please gain confidence with the version before using full stakes. If you spot any issues, please post them to this thread.

In this version we have enhanced the internal memory management of Bet Angel to page certain data to disk. This has allowed us to increase the amount of chart history available, improve the performance of logging and create a new type of Stored Value for Automation. We have also added a new display feature for the ladder, added two new Automation rule types, two new Automation conditions and made other Automation enhancements. In addition to this, a number of customer ideas and suggestions have been implemented.

Features of v1.55.0

  • The concept of Historical Stored Values has been added to Automation. Each market and each selection can now maintain up to ten ‘History Lists’ that can be used to store values over time. You can think of them in terms of a price history that stores your own values.
    • Those values can then be extracted for use in other Automation rules (by looking up the what the value was in the history a certain number of seconds ago)
    • They can be displayed in Custom columns on the one-click screen or in the additional information area of the ladder.
    • They can also be plotted on an Advanced Chart. E.g. You could store and plot VWAP on a chart, or store a value to act as an indicator on the chart.
    • On the Stored Values tab, use the actions 'Store a value in a history list' and 'Clear the current value in a history list' to modify the contents of a history list
  • New options have been added to the General tab:
    • A rule can now apply to EVERY selection in the market.
    • A rule can be configured to trigger an unlimited number of times
    • A rule can be configured to rearm on every refresh
    • Note: These three features are particularly useful when populating the Historical Stored Values
  • A new rule type to 'Cancel Unmatched Bets On All Other Selections ( Price Dependent )' has been added. i.e. Cancel bets on all the other selections in the market other than the one that the rule is applying to.
    • Note: on the parameters page, best price, best reverse price etc relates to the chosen selection of the rule and not the 'other' selection being cancelled. It is assumed the rule will mostly be used with a fixed price. e.g. 'cancel all other unmatched Back bets >= 1.01'
  • A new rule type has been added to 'Export All Stored Values' to a CSV file. There are options to export: only Shared SVs / only non-Shared / with or without the latest value in each History List.
    • Each time the rule is run the current values are written to a new line in the CSV file. The values are exported in sections in the order: Event Stored Values, then Market, then each Selection.
    • For each section the Stored Values are output as Name,Value pairs and a count of how many pairs are in the section is output after the section type.
    • In each section, the SVs are output in alphabetical order of their name.
    • Note: If you wish to keep the values aligned in the same column from start to finish of a series of Exports (perhaps for analysis in Excel), then all SVs should be initialised with a value before the first Export.
  • The new 'Stored Value Changed condition' has been added to compare when the value held by a Stored Value was last changed
  • The new 'Text Comparison condition' has been added to compare text in the market name against a list of entered text. This can be used with condition grouping to construct more complex AND/OR/NOR text matching conditions
  • Extra parameters are available for 'Close Trade on a selection (with or without greening)' to allow closing at a specific price rather than just current & reverse prices.
  • A Stored Value can now be set with the following values: Close Trade Profit at a price, Close Trade Profit with greening at a price, the market's Green All Profit (current market price), the market's Green All Profit (reverse market price). These values are also available in the Stored Value condition.
  • The Historic Relative Odds condition has been upgraded to also allow comparison of a selection's volume in addition to its prices. Comparison options have also been enhanced and adjustments now include multiply/divide and adjustment by fixed amount & percentage.
  • 'Projected SP' has been added as an option to the Place At parameter for appropriate rules such as when placing Back & Lay bets
  • A new Staking option 'By liability using Stored Value Stake' has been added. This uses the same calculation as ‘By Liability’ but the stake used for the calculation is provided by a Stored Value rather than defined in the rule itself.

  • A new Markers feature has been added to the Ladder Settings that allow coloured markers to be placed on chosen ladder columns, either at a fixed price or at a price determined by a shared Stored Value. Markers can be in the form of horizontal or vertical bars, cell borders or a whole cell highlight.

    In this image we’ve used a red border marker to show where the back price was 60 seconds ago, orange for back price 40 seconds ago and yellow for 20 seconds ago.

    In this example we are storing the VWAP in a history list using a Servant and are using that history to display a purple region on the chart and show the current VWAP as a purple marker on the Ladder across five columns.
  • What-if profit and Current profit values can now be shown in the Additional Information area
  • The traded amount displayed in the traded volume column can now be modified to display the amount as a percentage of selection's volume, or as a percentage of market's volume. The setting is found of the General page of the Ladder Settings.
One-click Custom columns
  • The button used to start a Servant can now display the value from a shared stored value
  • Extra bet cancellation options have been added – you can now cancel back and/or lay bets on the other selections in the market rather than just on the selection itself
  • Bet Angel Settings (Excel page) – new option to 'Note processed commands in the market's Log’. Useful for keeping track of Stored Values set by Excel
  • Advanced Chart Settings - new buttons have been added to import/export a chart setting from/to a file. Useful when sharing chart settings with the forum or between your own PCs.
  • New Keyboard shortcuts – ‘Close the One-click window under the mouse’ in the One-click category & ‘Close the ladder window under the mouse’ in the Ladder category
  • The Log tabs on the Bet Angel main screen and in Guardian now have the concept of paging. You can choose the number of lines displayed on each page. This gives a performance improvement when writing a lot of information to the log (e.g. when logging during Automation). It also makes navigating through the log easier when it is being updated in the background. This new implementation also uses disk paging to use less memory.
  • Chart price histories are now paged to disk so that Bet Angel uses less memory and can display advanced charts history spanning two days (when using longer time intervals) - assuming Guardian has been refreshing the market for those two days.
    • This feature also allows the Historical Stored Values to span the same timeframe as the charts.
    • The Chart page of Bet Angel Settings has a picklist to control the usage of disk paging. The setting defaults to 'Full' which will page all types of chart histories to the disk to conserve as much memory as possible.
Beta 3
  • Bug Fix - ladder cells were not changing colour as mouse tracked over them (found by sa7med)
  • Bug Fix - matched bets not showing in Guardian if you navigate the markets in a certain way (found by ODPaul82)
  • Automation's Export All Stored Values - extra output formatting options added (as requested by jimibt and others)
  • New 'Current Selection' automation condition has been added to compare if the current selection 'is' or 'is not' the one specified in the rule condition. Designed to be used with the EVERY selection choice, based on a request from Dabbla.
    Example usage: a) Place a bet on every runner apart from the favourite. b) Place a bet on every runners in a market apart from the one in the Servant Context.
    Note: Add multiple 'Current Selection' conditions if you want to exclude more than one selection from the rule.
  • 'Last Traded Price Book % of a selection' added to the Stored Value condition and the Set Stored Values page (requested by Jukebox and others)
  • 'Number of Selections in the market' added to the Stored Value condition and the Set Stored Values page (requested by Jukebox and others)
  • Automation Rules Editor now presets the filename to the current name when using 'Save As' (requested by many customers)
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fck me... that's a hell'o'a'bunch'o'changes :D

very, very interesting!! (and thanks for the little Market Name filter... can literally implement this [and many other of the additions] today ) ;)
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Good stuff!
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re this:

A new rule type has been added to 'Export All Stored Values' to a CSV file. There are options to export: only Shared SVs / only non-Shared / with or without the latest value in each History List.

is there any chance that each line could be timestamped ?? i.e.

22/07/2020 14:28:16.0020
22/07/2020 14:28:16.0220

this would allow for real in depth analysis on rate of change etc, etc
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jimibt wrote:
Wed Jul 22, 2020 10:39 am
is there any chance that each line could be timestamped ?? i.e.
Yes, the first column in the CSV file is the timestamp. Then there's the Market name and the Automation instance that called the rule and then it gets on with the actual Stored Value data.
You can choose to export all to the same filename or put each market into a different file if you wish.
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Bet Angel wrote:
Wed Jul 22, 2020 10:50 am
jimibt wrote:
Wed Jul 22, 2020 10:39 am
is there any chance that each line could be timestamped ?? i.e.
Yes, the first column in the CSV file is the timestamp. Then there's the Market name and the Automation instance that called the rule and then it gets on with the actual Stored Value data.
You can choose to export all to the same filename or put each market into a different file if you wish.
ok, thanks.. i'd made posed that question before firing off the test rule. i've since found that altho my sv's are being collected using [Every Selection], they do not get saved to the csv at the end of the process. here's what I have for the final save:
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ok, it WORKED fine after i manually created the default folder: SVExports

So, one further question. Altho I could PARSE the file and format it into the structure I require (using Count of name/value pairs in this Section before next Section column), would it be possible to have an option to put each selection on its own line. Presently, all sv's per call are displayed on a single line which makes any functional use of them a bit limited (not a complaint btw -just a user observation).

Also, despite asking for all history (of the sv's) to be captured, it only appears to be giving me the last set of sv's - i.e. a one liner with a single set of the sv's across every selection, rather than a line by line account of all recorded values of the sv's across the time period of the rule. I had hoped to see a second by second account of the historical data, one on each new line per rearm of the rule. (see my rule conditions on previous msg)

Will delve further this afternoon.
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Very impressive, I can't wait to have the VWAP highlighted on the ladder along with where prices were x seconds ago. This is a heck of a serving with a load of trimmings.
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jamesg46 wrote:
Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:22 am
Very impressive, I can't wait to have the VWAP highlighted on the ladder along with where prices were x seconds ago. This is a heck of a serving with a load of trimmings.
yup- stuffed!! burp.........
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jimibt wrote:
Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:04 am
ok, it WORKED fine after i manually created the default folder: SVExports

So, one further question. Altho I could PARSE the file and format it into the structure I require (using Count of name/value pairs in this Section before next Section column), would it be possible to have an option to put each selection on its own line. Presently, all sv's per call are displayed on a single line which makes any functional use of them a bit limited (not a complaint btw -just a user observation).

Also, despite asking for all history (of the sv's) to be captured, it only appears to be giving me the last set of sv's - i.e. a one liner with a single set of the sv's across every selection, rather than a line by line account of all recorded values of the sv's across the time period of the rule. I had hoped to see a second by second account of the historical data, one on each new line per rearm of the rule. (see my rule conditions on previous msg)

Will delve further this afternoon.
it's ok, i figured out that i need to have the companion rule saving the csv at the same time as the sv is being populated. i had mistakenly thought that a single save at the end of the process would save all SV history for the market. all working as expected now...
Last edited by jimibt on Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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jimibt wrote:
Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:04 am
ok, it WORKED fine after i manually created the default folder: SVExports
We'll have a look at that - normally the path would auto-create if it didn't exist, but might not be working in this instance
jimibt wrote:
Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:04 am
it only appears to be giving me the last set of sv's - i.e. a one liner with a single set of the sv's across every selection
It outputs the current values at the time you make the call, so if you want to record the values every second, setup the rule with unlimited triggers rearming one second apart.
jimibt wrote:
Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:04 am
So, one further question. Altho I could PARSE the file and format it into the structure I require, would it be possible to have an option to put each selection on its own line.
Presently, all sv's per call are displayed on a single line which makes any functional use of them a bit limited
What are you using to parse it? Is it something that expects repeating blocks of multiple rows?
The idea was that every call would go on a new line and then they would export in a predictable order. This format is ideal for plotting a chart or analysing with Excel as all the values will go down a column without having to skip rows.
If you're writing the parsing code by hand then each section type tells you how many name/value pairs are in it, so its easy to skip x * 2 columns to get to the new section.

I'm not saying we won't add another export option, just want to understand what you're using to parse it that requires repeating blocks of data. The rule originally started life as a debug facility used just to keep track of current values of things!
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Bet Angel wrote:
Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:37 am
jimibt wrote:
Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:04 am
So, one further question. Altho I could PARSE the file and format it into the structure I require, would it be possible to have an option to put each selection on its own line.
Presently, all sv's per call are displayed on a single line which makes any functional use of them a bit limited
What are you using to parse it? Is it something that expects repeating blocks of multiple rows?
The idea was that every call would go on a new line and then they would export in a predictable order. This format is ideal for plotting a chart or analysing with Excel as all the values will go down a column without having to skip rows.
If you're writing the parsing code by hand then each section type tells you how many name/value pairs are in it, so its easy to skip x * 2 columns to get to the new section.

I'm not saying we won't add another export option, just want to understand what you're using to parse it that requires repeating blocks of data. The rule originally started life as a debug facility used just to keep track of current values of things!
the parsing is so that i can break things down to a level of detail that gives me a single selection per line. this fits into an exisiting format that i use for analysis. i can easily transform the file and as you mention, the fact that there's an attribute that identifies how many sv's per section will allow me to parse out with the required generic precission.

the only addition that I would dare to request is that the timestamp be down to millisecond precision, i.e 22/07/2020 11:38:41.001 etc as this would allow for seperation between calls that occur within the same second. maybe this could be an additional format specification with the default being as currently is.

thanks for all of this -everything working as expected and building the adaptor parser as we speak :D
Last edited by jimibt on Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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jimibt wrote:
Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:26 am
jamesg46 wrote:
Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:22 am
Very impressive, I can't wait to have the VWAP highlighted on the ladder along with where prices were x seconds ago. This is a heck of a serving with a load of trimmings.
yup- stuffed!! burp.........
:D Started with the VWAP Highlighted on my ladder but there is so much that I feel like a kid in a sweet shop now!
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jimibt wrote:
Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:42 am
i can easily transform the file and as you mention, the fact that there's an attribute that identifies how many sv's per section will allow me to parse out with the required generic precission.

... building the adaptor parser as we speak
OK, we'll leave it as it stands unless there's some more demand for the data spread across multiple rows.
jimibt wrote:
Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:42 am
the only addition that I would dare to request is that the timestamp be down to millisecond precision, i.e 22/07/2020 11:38:41.001 etc as this would allow for seperation between calls that occur within the same second.
Yes that make sense - we can include that option when we bug fix the folder path creation.
jamesg46 wrote:
Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:47 am
...I feel like a kid in a sweet shop now!
:D We're just glad to be able to finally put everything on display. This build has been so interconnected with a lot of the changes requiring the better memory management, that it's great to be able to draw a line and make it public. The integration of history of your own derived values into the charts, the ladder and one-click is huge; in future just a small enhancement to Stored Values is going to ripple through so much of Bet Angel and have a dramatic effect. Cue the requests for loads more Stored Value data items!
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I am trying to install the VPS version on top of v1.54.2d.

I have unblocked etc and run it, but the edition number hasn't changed when I log in, and the new features are not there.

If I remove the existing version and try a clean install, will all my settings files be lost ?
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