Why Does My Automation Bot Not Work or Trigger Properly

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Joined: Sun Aug 09, 2015 10:57 pm
Location: Working From Home

When running any automation file If you find its not working or only part working as expected there is a few quick and easy ways you can locate just about any problem.

Start by going into Guardian and clicking on a market so its highlighted blue, below the bottom window (which shows the odds for the selections of that market by default) there is a number of additional tabs you can click on to show further information related to that market.

The Matched and unmatched bets tabs are self-explanatory and will do as you would expect.

The log tab will show a text log of all activity relating to that market – this includes activity from both manual and automated bets since the market was added to Guardian, it's also very useful if you have rules using signals and stored values as you will be able to see if these have set or worked correctly.

The remaining tab ‘Automation’ is probably the most helpful one when it comes to pin pointing problems with automation files. You will see from the image below it shows all the relevant information for each rule type of the automation file being used on that market, this includes the individual rule names, times that rules were armed for, how many times each triggered and at what time it was last triggered.

Using this you can first see if a rule/s is at least triggering or if your running similar rules or several rule types within the same Automation file determine which are actually being triggered and how often.

With the information shown here combined with information recorded in your log any problems within an automation file should be straight forward to locate and hopefully resolve.

In the event you’re not able to resolve yourself and need to ask the forum for help, taking a screenshot of the ‘Automation’ and ‘Log’ tabs and posting them with your question will help others to help you.
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