Counting Break Points (For, Saved, Against, Converted) Bot

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Posts: 1760
Joined: Thu May 02, 2019 8:37 am

Bit of a double post this but I can't edit the original and it's probably best off here anyways.
Tested and working 100% as designed now.

I was looking to see if anyone had created automation that counted BP's a few days ago and came across this thread

viewtopic.php?f=37&t=18108&p=213047&hil ... ts#p213047

I put something together quickly and posted in that thread. That first baf file was quite simple and only returned a GAME count where the favourite had any number of BP's for and against. However, I wanted something a little more granular, so after some thinking I've spent a good few hours on this one.
I went around in circles a few times as there are quite a few permutations on scoring, plus Deuce\Adv\Deuce is a headache to automate counts for.

When the favourite is receiving this will keep a temporary, incrementing count (using SV's) of:

No. of Break Points created (40-15 =2, 40-30=1 etc)
It will also check if the Favourite wins the next point when has a BP so we know if it was converted

At the end of the dogs service game the temporary SV's will be added to a running SV (or Signal) for the match :

BPForTotal (SV) = BP's Created by the favourite
BPConverted (Sig.) = BP's Converted by the favourite


When the favourite is serving this will keep a temporary, incrementing count (using SV's) of:

No. of Break Points Against
No. of Break Points Saved

It will also check if the dog wins the next point when they have a BP so we know if favourites serve was broken.

At the end of the Favourites Service game the temporary SV's will be added to a related running SV for the match :

BPAgainstTotal (SV) = BP's against the Favourite
BPSavedTotal (SV) = BP's saved by the Favourite
ServeBrokenCount (Sig) =Number of times favourite has been broken


At the end of each service game, relevant temporary signals and SV's are reset as required

I've switched off much of the log writes and just left relevant info in
Quick sample below where you can see the SV's/Signals listed above being incremented as the match progresses

09/03/2020 11:13:29: [G_Auto] : Store Value for Mick Veldheer: TempBPCountAgainst = 3
09/03/2020 11:13:46: [G_Auto] : Store Value for Mick Veldheer: TempBPSaved = 0 + 1 = 1
09/03/2020 11:14:39: [G_Auto] : Store Value for Mick Veldheer: BPAgainstTotal = 0 + 3 = 3
09/03/2020 11:14:39: [G_Auto] : Store Value for Mick Veldheer: BPSavedTotal = 0 + 1 = 1
09/03/2020 11:14:39: [G_Auto] : Automation Signal for Mick Veldheer: ServeBrokenCount = 1
09/03/2020 11:21:25: [G_Auto] : Store Value for Mick Veldheer: TempBPCount = 0 + 1 = 1
09/03/2020 11:21:54: [G_Auto] : Store Value for Mick Veldheer: DogSavedBP = 1
09/03/2020 11:22:48: [G_Auto] : Store Value for Mick Veldheer: TempBPCount = 1 + 1 = 2
09/03/2020 11:25:04: [G_Auto] : Store Value for Mick Veldheer: BPForTotal = 9 + 2 = 11
09/03/2020 11:25:05: [G_Auto] : Automation Signal for Mick Veldheer: BPConverted = 4
09/03/2020 11:27:59: [G_Auto] : Store Value for Mick Veldheer: TempBPCountAgainst = 1
09/03/2020 11:28:38: [G_Auto] : Store Value for Mick Veldheer: TempBPSaved = 0 + 1 = 1
09/03/2020 11:28:38: [G_Auto] : Store Value for Mick Veldheer: FaveSavedBP = 1
09/03/2020 11:29:43: [G_Auto] : Store Value for Mick Veldheer: BPAgainstTotal = 3 + 1 = 4
09/03/2020 11:29:43: [G_Auto] : Store Value for Mick Veldheer: BPSavedTotal = 1 + 1 = 2
09/03/2020 11:29:48: [G_Auto] : Store Value for Mick Veldheer: FaveWonServeAfterBPAgainst = 1
09/03/2020 11:32:34: [G_Auto] : Store Value for Mick Veldheer: TempBPCount = 1
09/03/2020 11:32:56: [G_Auto] : Store Value for Mick Veldheer: BPForTotal = 11 + 1 = 12
09/03/2020 11:32:57: [G_Auto] : Automation Signal for Mick Veldheer: BPConverted = 5

Obviously this does nothing on it's own but record the values, though should port into an existing automation OK, as long as Fix the Order of the Market Selections is set to Pos 1 (sorted in order of favouritism).
As I've been testing and re-testing on the same matches I also have 2 rules at the start to clear all existing signals and SV's. You may want to delete those.

Hopefully someone may find it useful. Any suggestions. tweaks or fixes gratefully received.

BP For And Against.baf
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Posts: 88
Joined: Tue May 01, 2018 1:33 pm

Great stuff, thanks
Posts: 1760
Joined: Thu May 02, 2019 8:37 am

captainbang wrote:
Tue Jul 14, 2020 10:59 am
Great stuff, thanks
You're welcome.
There is actually an improved version here, that includes Break point stats - earned, held, lost, won etc. Also added in an example Back the Fave strategy to show how it could be used


Shame there are no WTP/ATP matches at the moment to make use of it :(
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