In-Play Tennis stats to Guardian using a script and API. Script and example baf

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Posts: 1783
Joined: Thu May 02, 2019 8:37 am

If anyone has been using my football score and stats script created in Auto-it, you'll be familiar with the setup to implement this for Guardian

Info here:


Using the existing script framework it's possible to re-jig the script for any sport that's in the Sofascore API. So, here's one for tennis :)

I won't go into chapter and verse as to how this works\is set up, but it's the same as V2 for the football. A CSV market name export in the baf tells the script which matches you want data for, the script then queries the SS API and pulls in play stats for those players in the market name, then outputs them to another CSV file for import into Guardian via a CSV import rule.
I've used the key stats I use for trading tennis, though there are a few more. I've ignored data such as aces etc as not being particularly useful.

For the time being I've also ignored the momentum graph as, unlike football it's more relevant to who is serving at the time. I have played around with it and may bring it back in at some point as it's useful to have a history view on how well a player is holding serve.

You'll need to create the C:\Temp\Tennis_CSV_Output folder manually and double check permissions for the script to read\write to (common issue from previous script)

So, stats you will have per player, as Selection SV's

Note: Set Number is an Event SV

18/05/2022 09:36:17: [G_Auto 2] : Store Value (Shared) for event : SetNo = 1
18/05/2022 09:36:17: [G_Auto 2] : Store Value for Rebecca Sramkova: 1stServeIn% = 56
18/05/2022 09:36:17: [G_Auto 2] : Store Value for Rebecca Sramkova: 1stServePointsWon% = 79
18/05/2022 09:36:17: [G_Auto 2] : Store Value for Rebecca Sramkova: 2ndServeIn% = 82
18/05/2022 09:36:17: [G_Auto 2] : Store Value for Rebecca Sramkova: 2ndServePointsWon% = 36
18/05/2022 09:36:17: [G_Auto 2] : Store Value for Rebecca Sramkova: OppReceivePointsWon = 10
18/05/2022 09:36:17: [G_Auto 2] : Store Value for Rebecca Sramkova: BPAgainst = 1
18/05/2022 09:36:17: [G_Auto 2] : Store Value for Rebecca Sramkova: BPSaved% = 0
18/05/2022 09:36:17: [G_Auto 2] : Store Value for Suzan Lamens: 1stServeIn% = 86
18/05/2022 09:36:17: [G_Auto 2] : Store Value for Suzan Lamens: 1stServePointsWon% = 67
18/05/2022 09:36:17: [G_Auto 2] : Store Value for Suzan Lamens: 2ndServeIn% = 50
18/05/2022 09:36:17: [G_Auto 2] : Store Value for Suzan Lamens: 2ndServePointsWon% = 50
18/05/2022 09:36:17: [G_Auto 2] : Store Value for Suzan Lamens: OppReceivePointsWon = 5
18/05/2022 09:36:17: [G_Auto 2] : Store Value for Suzan Lamens: BPAgainst = 2
18/05/2022 09:36:17: [G_Auto 2] : Store Value for Suzan Lamens: BPSaved% = 50

I'll try posting the code as text , but if it corrupts I'll post to my GDrive again.

The baf currently shows the imported values to prove data is coming back ok, but you'll want to untick that box in the Params tab otherwise your log will be full

Personally, I like to save some of the In play SV values to History lists so you can use automation to plot how stats like 2nd serve win % are improving/decreasing over time

Enjoy :)

SS Tennis V1.0.baf

Code: Select all

#include <Inet.au3>
#include <json.au3>
;~ #include <Array.au3>
#include <String.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <Date.au3>
#include <math.au3>

Local $HomeString, $AwayTeam1, $Momentum, $Markets, $MarketList[0][20], $aScoreArray[0][10], $EventID[0]
$Update = 0

$OutFiles = "C:\Temp\Tennis_CSV_Output"

While 1

	;$Update = $Update + 1

	Local $aMyTable

	;Read BA Output files to an array
	$aFileList = _FileListToArray($OutFiles, "*")

	;If new files found, process them
	If UBound($aFileList) > 0 Then

		For $x = 1 To UBound($aFileList) - 1
			$MarketName = StringReplace($aFileList[$x], "Output_", "")
			$MarketName = StringReplace($MarketName, ".csv", "")
			_ArraySearch($MarketList, $MarketName)
			If @error Then
				_ArrayAdd($MarketList, $MarketName)
			FileDelete("C:\Temp\Tennis_CSV_Output\" & $aFileList[$x])

		$URL = ""
		$data = _INetGetSource($URL)
		$object = json_decode($data)
		Local $Count = Json_Get($object, '.events')
		;MsgBox("", "", "Wait")

		For $d = UBound($MarketList) - 1 To 0 Step -1

			;If we dont have a EventId already, find it
			If $MarketList[$d][1] = "" Then

				Local $aFinalArray[0][5]

				For $i = 0 To UBound($Count) - 1

					$HomeTeam = Json_Get($object, '.events' & '[' & $i & ']')
					$AwayTeam1 = Json_Get($object, '.events' & '[' & $i & ']')

					Local $SplitTeams = _ReturnTeams()
					$Matched = 0

					For $t = 0 To UBound($SplitTeams) - 1
						If StringInStr($MarketList[$d][0], $SplitTeams[$t]) Then
							$Matched = $Matched + 1

					_ArrayAdd($aFinalArray, $MarketList[$d][0] & "|" & $HomeTeam & " v " & $AwayTeam1 & "|" & $i & "||" & $Matched)

				If UBound($aFinalArray) > 0 Then

					For $f = 0 To UBound($aFinalArray) - 1
						$FuzzyResult = _StringFuzzyCompareDamLevDist((StringReplace($aFinalArray[$f][0], " - Match Odds", "")), _StringReplaceAccent($aFinalArray[$f][1]))
						$aFinalArray[$f][3] = $FuzzyResult

					;Sort results array to find closest match. If only one match, check fuzzy result is OK
					_ArraySort($aFinalArray, 0, 0, 0, 3)

					If $aFinalArray[0][4] > 0 And $aFinalArray[0][3] < 20 Then
						$MarketList[$d][1] = Json_Get($object, '.events' & '[' & $aFinalArray[0][2] & '].id')


	;Loop through known markets and pull the stats

	;If we have markets, process them
	If UBound($MarketList) > 0 Then

		For $f = UBound($MarketList) - 1 To 0 Step -1
			If $MarketList[$f][1] = "" Then
				;If no ID matched then remove the market
				_ArrayDelete($MarketList, $f)

		;Create a new temp file
		FileWriteLine("C:\Temp\Sofascore_Tennis_Build.csv", "1")
		$File = FileOpen("C:\Temp\Sofascore_Tennis_Build.csv", 1)

		For $i = UBound($MarketList) - 1 To 0 Step -1

			$URL = "" & $MarketList[$i][1]
			$data = _INetGetSource($URL)
			$object = json_decode($data)

			If Json_Get($object, '.event.status.description') <> "Ended" Then

				;MsgBox("", "", "Wait")

				;Calls function to filter out unwanted match types (Women, U19 etc)
				;If _MatchCheck(Json_Get($object, '')) = "Yes" Then

				$Description = Json_Get($object, '.event.status.description ')

				If StringInStr($Description, "1st") Then $Set = 1
				If StringInStr($Description, "2nd") Then $Set = 2
				If StringInStr($Description, "3rd") Then $Set = 3
				If StringInStr($Description, "4th") Then $Set = 4
				If StringInStr($Description, "5th") Then $Set = 5


				$HomeBuildString = $MarketList[$i][0] & ",*,*,1,E,SetNo," & $Set & ","
				$AwayBuildString = $MarketList[$i][0] & ",*,*,2,"


				;MsgBox("", "", $HomeBuildString)
				;MsgBox("", "", $AwayBuildString)

				FileWriteLine($File, $HomeBuildString)
				FileWriteLine($File, $AwayBuildString)
				ConsoleWrite(_NowTime() & " " & $MarketList[$i][0] & @CRLF)
				;Remove from market list and stop gathering data if match ended
				_ArrayDelete($MarketList, $i)


		;Copy & Overwrite our temp file to master file in one hit (prevents file read/write contention between BA & script)
		FileCopy("C:\Temp\Sofascore_Tennis_Build.csv", "C:\Temp\Sofascore_Tennis_Final.csv", 1)

	Sleep(15000) ;00 seconds


Func _GetStats()

	$URL = "" & $MarketList[$i][1] & "/statistics"
	;$URL = "" & Json_Get($object, '.events' & '[' & $MarketList[$i][1] & '].id') & "/statistics"
	$data3 = _INetGetSource($URL)

	;MsgBox("","", "Wait")
	$object1 = json_decode($data3)

	If $object1 <> "" Then

		$HomeTeamAllFirstServeIn = 0
		$AwayTeamAllFirstServeIn = 0
		$HomeTeamAllFirstServePoints = 0
		$AwayTeamAllFirstServePoints = 0
		$HomeTeamAllSecondServeIn = 0
		$AwayTeamAllSecondServeIn = 0
		$HomeTeamAllSecondServePoints = 0
		$AwayTeamAllSecondServePoints = 0
		$HomeTeamOppReceivePoints = 0
		$AwayTeamOppReceivePoints = 0
		$aHomeBPAgainst = 0
		$aAwayBPAgainst = 0

		$HomeTeamAllFirstServeIn = Between(Json_Get($object1, '.statistics[0].groups[0].statisticsItems[2].home'))
		$AwayTeamAllFirstServeIn = Between(Json_Get($object1, '.statistics[0].groups[0].statisticsItems[2].away'))

		$HomeTeamAllFirstServePoints = Between(Json_Get($object1, '.statistics[0].groups[0].statisticsItems[4].home'))
		$AwayTeamAllFirstServePoints = Between(Json_Get($object1, '.statistics[0].groups[0].statisticsItems[4].away'))

		$HomeTeamAllSecondServeIn = Between(Json_Get($object1, '.statistics[0].groups[0].statisticsItems[3].home'))
		$AwayTeamAllSecondServeIn = Between(Json_Get($object1, '.statistics[0].groups[0].statisticsItems[3].away'))

		$HomeTeamAllSecondServePoints = Between(Json_Get($object1, '.statistics[0].groups[0].statisticsItems[5].home'))
		$AwayTeamAllSecondServePoints = Between(Json_Get($object1, '.statistics[0].groups[0].statisticsItems[5].away'))

		$HomeTeamOppReceivePoints = Json_Get($object1, '.statistics[0].groups[2].statisticsItems[1].away')
		$AwayTeamOppReceivePoints = Json_Get($object1, '.statistics[0].groups[2].statisticsItems[1].home')

		$aHomeBPAgainst = _StringBetween(Json_Get($object1, '.statistics[0].groups[0].statisticsItems[6].home'), "/", " ")
		$aAwayBPAgainst = _StringBetween(Json_Get($object1, '.statistics[0].groups[0].statisticsItems[6].away'), "/", " ")

		$HomeBPSaved = Between(Json_Get($object1, '.statistics[0].groups[0].statisticsItems[6].home'))
		$AwayBPSaved = Between(Json_Get($object1, '.statistics[0].groups[0].statisticsItems[6].away'))


		If UBound($aHomeBPAgainst) > 0 Then
			$HomeBPAgainst = $aHomeBPAgainst[0]
			$HomeBPAgainst = "0"

		If UBound($aAwayBPAgainst) > 0 Then
			$AwayBPAgainst = $aAwayBPAgainst[0]
			$AwayBPAgainst = "0"

		;MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", $HomeBPAgainst)

		$HomeBuildString = $HomeBuildString & "S,1stServeIn%," & $HomeTeamAllFirstServeIn & ",S,1stServePointsWon%," & $HomeTeamAllFirstServePoints & ",S,2ndServeIn%," & $HomeTeamAllSecondServeIn & ",S,2ndServePointsWon%," & $HomeTeamAllSecondServePoints & ",S,OppReceivePointsWon," & $HomeTeamOppReceivePoints & ",S,BPAgainst," & $HomeBPAgainst & ",S,BPSaved%," & $HomeBPSaved

		$AwayBuildString = $AwayBuildString & "S,1stServeIn%," & $AwayTeamAllFirstServeIn & ",S,1stServePointsWon%," & $AwayTeamAllFirstServePoints & ",S,2ndServeIn%," & $AwayTeamAllSecondServeIn & ",S,2ndServePointsWon%," & $AwayTeamAllSecondServePoints & ",S,OppReceivePointsWon," & $AwayTeamOppReceivePoints & ",S,BPAgainst," & $AwayBPAgainst & ",S,BPSaved%," & $AwayBPSaved

		$MarketList[$i][1] = ""


EndFunc   ;==>_GetStats

Func _GetPressure()

	$URL = "" & $MarketList[$i][1] & "/graph"
	$data2 = _INetGetSource($URL)
	$object2 = json_decode($data2)

	If $data2 <> "" Then

EndFunc   ;==>_GetPressure

Func _MatchCheck($Word)
	If StringInStr($Word, "Esports") Then
		Return "No"
		;ElseIf StringInStr($Word, "Friend") Then
		;	Return "No"
		;ElseIf StringInStr($Word, "Women") Then
		;Return "No"
		;ElseIf StringInStr($Word, "(W)") Then
		;Return "No"
		;ElseIf StringInStr($Word, "Reserves") Then
		;	Return "No"
		;ElseIf StringInStr($Word, "U16") Then
		;	Return "No"
		;ElseIf StringInStr($Word, "U17") Then
		;	Return "No"
		;ElseIf StringInStr($Word, "Youth") Then
		;	Return "No"
		;ElseIf StringInStr($Word, "U19") Then
		;	Return "No"
		;ElseIf StringInStr($Word, "U21") Then
		;	Return "No"
		;ElseIf StringInStr($Word, "U20") Then
		;	Return "No"
		;ElseIf StringInStr($Word, "Cup") Then
		;	Return "No"
		;ElseIf StringInStr($Word, "Copa") Then
		;	Return "No"
		Return "Yes"
EndFunc   ;==>_MatchCheck

Func _ReturnTeams()

	Local $TeamArray = StringSplit($HomeTeam, " ", 2)
	Local $AwayTeam = StringSplit($AwayTeam1, " ", 2)
	Local $TeamFinalFunc[0]
	_ArrayConcatenate($TeamArray, $AwayTeam)

	For $f = 0 To UBound($TeamArray) - 1
		$TeamArray[$f] = StringStripWS($TeamArray[$f], 8)
		$TeamArray[$f] = _StringReplaceAccent($TeamArray[$f])


	For $x = 0 To UBound($TeamArray) - 1

		If StringInStr($TeamArray[$x], "-") And StringLen($TeamArray[$x]) > 4 Then
			$HyphenSplit = StringSplit($TeamArray[$x], "-", 2)
			For $d = 0 To UBound($HyphenSplit) - 1
				If StringLen($HyphenSplit[$d]) > 3 And _NameCheck($TeamArray[$x]) = "Yes" Then
					_ArrayAdd($TeamFinalFunc, StringLeft($HyphenSplit[$d], 6))
		ElseIf StringLen($TeamArray[$x]) > 3 And _NameCheck($TeamArray[$x]) = "Yes" Then
			_ArrayAdd($TeamFinalFunc, StringLeft($TeamArray[$x], 6))


	Return ($TeamFinalFunc)

EndFunc   ;==>_ReturnTeams

Func _StringReplaceAccent($sString)
	Local $exp, $rep
	Local $Pattern[29][2] = [ _
			["[ÀÁÂÃÅÆ]", "A"], ["[àáâãåąə]", "a"], ["Ä", "Ae"], ["[æä]", "ae"], _
			["Þ", "B"], ["þ", "b"], _
			["ÇĆ", "C"], ["[çćč]", "c"], _
			["[ÈÉÊË]", "E"], ["[èéêë]", "e"], _
			["[ÌÍÎÏ]", "I"], ["[ìíîïı]", "i"], _
			["Ñ", "N"], ["ñ", "n"], _
			["[ÒÓÔÕÖØ]", "O"], ["[ðòóôõöø]", "o"], _
			["ř", "r"], _
			["[ŠŚ]", "S"], ["[šş]", "s"], _
			["ß", "Ss"], _
			["Ț", "T"], _
			["[ÙÚÛ]", "U"], ["[ùúû]", "u"], ["Ü", "U"], ["ü", "ue"], _
			["Ý", "Y"], ["[ýýÿ]", "y"], _
			["Ž", "Z"], ["ž", "z"]]

	For $i = 0 To (UBound($Pattern) - 1)
		$exp = $Pattern[$i][0]
		If $exp = "" Then ContinueLoop
		$rep = $Pattern[$i][1]

		$sString = StringRegExpReplace($sString, $exp, $rep)
		If @error == 0 And @extended > 0 Then
			;ConsoleWrite($sString & @LF & "--> " & $exp & @LF)

	Return $sString
EndFunc   ;==>_StringReplaceAccent

Func _NameCheck($Word)
	Return "Yes"
EndFunc   ;==>_NameCheck

Func _StringFuzzyCompareDamLevDist($sString1, $sString2)
	Local $iString1Len = StringLen($sString1)
	Local $iString2Len = StringLen($sString2)
		Case $iString1Len = 0
			Return -1
		Case $iString2Len = 0
			Return -1

	Local $aiMatrix[$iString1Len + 1][$iString2Len + 1]
	Local $iString1Loop, $iString2Loop, $iCost

	For $iString1Loop = 0 To $iString1Len
		$aiMatrix[$iString1Loop][0] = $iString1Loop
	For $iString2Loop = 1 To $iString2Len
		$aiMatrix[0][$iString2Loop] = $iString2Loop

	For $iString1Loop = 1 To $iString1Len
		For $iString2Loop = 1 To $iString2Len
			If StringMid($sString1, $iString1Loop, 1) = StringMid($sString2, $iString2Loop, 1) Then
				$iCost = 0
				$iCost = 1
			$aiMatrix[$iString1Loop][$iString2Loop] = _Min(_Min($aiMatrix[$iString1Loop - 1][$iString2Loop] + 1, $aiMatrix[$iString1Loop][$iString2Loop - 1] + 1), $aiMatrix[$iString1Loop - 1][$iString2Loop - 1] + $iCost)
			If ($iString1Loop > 1) And ($iString2Loop > 1) And (StringMid($sString1, $iString1Loop, 1) = StringMid($sString2, $iString2Loop - 1, 1)) And (StringMid($sString1, $iString1Loop - 1, 1) = StringMid($sString2, $iString2Loop, 1)) Then
				$aiMatrix[$iString1Loop][$iString2Loop] = _Min($aiMatrix[$iString1Loop][$iString2Loop], $aiMatrix[$iString1Loop - 2][$iString2Loop - 2] + $iCost)
	Return $aiMatrix[$iString1Len][$iString2Len]
EndFunc   ;==>_StringFuzzyCompareDamLevDist

Func Between($sString)
	Local $aArray = _StringBetween($sString, "(", ")")
	If UBound($aArray) > 0 Then
		Return StringReplace($aArray[0], "%", "")
EndFunc   ;==>Between

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Just to note, SS doesn't provide full stats for every match so for minor events\matches you may only get a subset of the data or none
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Nice work, thank you for sharing.
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eightbo wrote:
Wed May 18, 2022 9:53 am
Nice work, thank you for sharing.
You're welcome. Hope it's useful.
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Great job, Thanks for sharing

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Good stuff!
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Many thanks for posting this!
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Hi Sniffer,

Thanks again for the posting the script. I'm having a few issues though. I can see all files being outputted in the Tennis CSV Output folder which appears and then disappear shortly after. However I'm not getting any information produced in the Sofascore_Tennis_Build.csv or Sofascore_Tennis_Final.csv files like I did with the football script. I'm not sure what the issue could be. Maybe something else from my end?

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fuzz28 wrote:
Thu May 19, 2022 10:27 am
Hi Sniffer,

Thanks again for the posting the script. I'm having a few issues though. I can see all files being outputted in the Tennis CSV Output folder which appears and then disappear shortly after. However I'm not getting any information produced in the Sofascore_Tennis_Build.csv or Sofascore_Tennis_Final.csv files like I did with the football script. I'm not sure what the issue could be. Maybe something else from my end?

Ok, process of elimation then :)
I'm assuming permissions etc are all good as you had the footy script working.
Are the build and final files created but blank ? If so, is the timestamp on the files current, i.e being updated every script loop ?

Next, does the scite console list any matches currently being monitored ?
I've just run it on mine and am getting these returned.
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sniffer66 wrote:
Thu May 19, 2022 10:45 am
fuzz28 wrote:
Thu May 19, 2022 10:27 am
Hi Sniffer,

Thanks again for the posting the script. I'm having a few issues though. I can see all files being outputted in the Tennis CSV Output folder which appears and then disappear shortly after. However I'm not getting any information produced in the Sofascore_Tennis_Build.csv or Sofascore_Tennis_Final.csv files like I did with the football script. I'm not sure what the issue could be. Maybe something else from my end?

Ok, process of elimation then :)
I'm assuming permissions etc are all good as you had the footy script working.
Are the build and final files created but blank ? If so, is the timestamp on the files current, i.e being updated every script loop ?

Next, does the scite console list any matches currently being monitored ?
I've just run it on mine and am getting these returned.

Many thanks for the quick reply. The build and final files are being created in the temp folder but are blank. They are showing a timestamp of current so they are being updated regularly. I'm not seeing the matches on the scite console as the picture you've just posted. I was getting a list of all matches being retrieved when I used the footy script. I think that could be the reason?
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fuzz28 wrote:
Thu May 19, 2022 11:06 am
sniffer66 wrote:
Thu May 19, 2022 10:45 am
fuzz28 wrote:
Thu May 19, 2022 10:27 am
Hi Sniffer,

Thanks again for the posting the script. I'm having a few issues though. I can see all files being outputted in the Tennis CSV Output folder which appears and then disappear shortly after. However I'm not getting any information produced in the Sofascore_Tennis_Build.csv or Sofascore_Tennis_Final.csv files like I did with the football script. I'm not sure what the issue could be. Maybe something else from my end?

Ok, process of elimation then :)
I'm assuming permissions etc are all good as you had the footy script working.
Are the build and final files created but blank ? If so, is the timestamp on the files current, i.e being updated every script loop ?

Next, does the scite console list any matches currently being monitored ?
I've just run it on mine and am getting these returned.

Many thanks for the quick reply. The build and final files are being created in the temp folder but are blank. They are showing a timestamp of current so they are being updated regularly. I'm not seeing the matches on the scite console as the picture you've just posted. I was getting a list of all matches being retrieved when I used the footy script. I think that could be the reason?
OK, thanks. let's just prove it's not an issue with posting the code in tags again. Can you grab the tennis script file from here and try that instead ... 6yusVXyYj4
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sniffer66 wrote:
Thu May 19, 2022 11:11 am
fuzz28 wrote:
Thu May 19, 2022 11:06 am
sniffer66 wrote:
Thu May 19, 2022 10:45 am

Ok, process of elimation then :)
I'm assuming permissions etc are all good as you had the footy script working.
Are the build and final files created but blank ? If so, is the timestamp on the files current, i.e being updated every script loop ?

Next, does the scite console list any matches currently being monitored ?
I've just run it on mine and am getting these returned.

Many thanks for the quick reply. The build and final files are being created in the temp folder but are blank. They are showing a timestamp of current so they are being updated regularly. I'm not seeing the matches on the scite console as the picture you've just posted. I was getting a list of all matches being retrieved when I used the footy script. I think that could be the reason?
OK, thanks. let's just prove it's not an issue with posting the code in tags again. Can you grab the tennis script file from here and try that instead ... 6yusVXyYj4
Great I think that was the reason as it's running fine now and populating the build and final files!
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That's weird how putting the code in web tags causes that issue. It's exactly the same text, just copied and pasted

Anyway, glad it's all working

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thanks for this, gonna have a play around with it later
Posts: 1783
Joined: Thu May 02, 2019 8:37 am

AndyIsHere wrote:
Mon May 23, 2022 1:37 am
thanks for this, gonna have a play around with it later
Enjoy. Please grab the script file from the Google Drive link 2 posts above though. For some reason the script corrupts when posting between code tags, as I have in the OP
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