Marker on Ladder when the Pressure Builds Up Servant

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This servant can be used on most types of markets but is typically suited for pre-off racing markets

The purpose of the servant is to highlight with a ‘Marker’ in the back or lay column on your ladder screen if the pressure of money waiting at the best 3 price has built up on one side of the book.

Once a 'Marker' is placed If the pressure maintains and its still at the same price for 5seconds the colour of the Marker will deepen, it will then do the same after 10 seconds, in slower moving markets this can indicate a slow and sustained build up of pressure.
After 15 seconds the 'Marker' will clear, if pressure is still there it will begin the process again.

If at anytime the pressure drops off from one of the best 3 price the ‘Marker’ will clear and be ready to re-trigger again once another build up of pressure occurs.

NB, due to the speed the price move in pre-off racing your unlikely to see a sustained build up of pressure and the deepening colour change of the markers except for higher liquidity markets like Cheltenham, Royal Ascot and the Grand National etc.

In addition to the servant which can be downloaded from the bottom of this post you’ll also need a ‘Ladder Settings file’ to display the ‘Markers’ on your ladder screen, this can also download near the bottom of the page.

The ladder settings file will continually look for ‘Stored Values (shared)’ from the servants rules, when it see’s a Stored Value it will display a Marker relevant to that value (then clear them if the stored value no longer exists).

Using the Servant

The servant uses Context selection so will run on whichever selection/s you choose simply by pointing your mouse cursor pointing at when you start the servant.

Once started on a selection the servant will then monitor it for a build-up of pressure on one side of the book, if this happens you will see a ‘marker’ in the form of the cell of the best price on that side of the book becoming shaded. In the image below you can see there are currently two selections were there is a build up of pressure on the lay side

Pressure Marker 4 Ladders.jpg

What is Defined as Pressure?

This is when the money waiting at each of the best 3 prices on one side is significantly more than the money waiting on the other side of the book at the respective best 3 prices (so it’s far more sophisticated than just using WOM).

You can configure and ‘weight’ this anyway you want, but for the purposes of this example the Servant is configured to trigger when the money waiting at the two best prices are compared with each other and one side is 100% greater (ie, has double the waiting money the other side has), the money then waiting at the two second-best prices are compared against each other and this time one side must have 50% more money waiting, the same goes for the money waiting at the 3rd best prices.

Basically, only when the money waiting on one side of the book is 100% greater than the other at the best price, 50% greater at 2nd best price and 50% greater at 3rd best price will the servant trigger.

For example, in the image below you can see the marker has triggered on the lay side indicating there is upwards build-up of pressure because;
The money at the best back price (5.1) £133 is currently 100% greater than the money waiting at the best lay price (5.2) £96
The money at the 2nd best back price (5.0) £347 is currently 50% greater than the money waiting at the 2nd best lay price (5.3) £218
And the money at the 3rd best back price (4.9) £236 is also 50% greater than the money waiting at the 3rd best lay price (5.4) £99

Ladder Single.jpg

How it Works

The servant's first rule is to stop all other servants so it doesn’t conflict with any other, including re-starting this one on the same selection, this rule will also clear any signal on the market and selection.

The rules file is then split into three more sections, 4 rules for the back side and 4 for the lay side, these are identical except for which side of the book they trigger on.

Back Pressure Marker 0-4secs rule – This rule uses 3 ‘Stored Value’ conditions to test if the money at the best 3 prices is greater on that side of the book as detailed further up this post, if you want to edit those values this is where you’d change it. It also has a ‘Signal Set’ condition to test if a signal named ‘backmarker’ is set, if not the rule can trigger

When it does trigger it will set a signal named ‘backmarker’ for the selection (so this rule can’t then trigger again until this signal is cleared) and set a signal on the market named ‘backtriggered’
It will also ‘Store a Value (Shared)’ named ‘backpressure04’,
When the ladder settings file see’s this stored value set it will display a ‘Marker’.

The Back Pressure Marker 5-9secs and Back Pressure Marker 10-14 secs rule contain the same three Stored Value conditions which are all configured the same, the only extra rule here is a ‘Signal Changed’ condition to test the signal named ‘backmarker’ changed between 4-5 secs ago,
(ie, this rule will trigger 5 secs after the first providing the pressure is still there and the signal hasn’t been cleared)
It will also store a value (shared) named ‘backpressure59’
When the ladder settings file see’s that it will display the relevant marker

The next rule does the same as the last but the ‘Signal Changed condition’ won’t allow it to trigger until 10 secs after the first, when this rule triggers is Stores a Value (Shared) named ‘backpressure1014’
Again when the ladder settings file see’s that it will display the relevant marker

Clear if Pressure Drops
Rule – This rule contains if it triggers will clear ALL signals and Stored Values, it has two conditions, one is a ‘Signal Set’ condition which tests the signal named ‘backtriggered’ is present (ie, there is a marker currently placed)

It then has a ‘Group’ of conditions which tests if ‘one or more condition within that group are false’,
The group contains the three ‘Stored Value conditions’ that test there is a pressure build up at the best 3 prices, if any of these conditions are no true it means the group will have a false condition and the rule will then be able to trigger.

The final section contains two rules two clear/reset the ‘Markers’ (depending on whether they were on the back/lay side)
Each has a 'Signal Changed' condition to test if the signal named 'backmarker or laymarker' changed 15 secs ago, if so the rule will trigger and clear all Signals and Stored Values.
ie, 15 secs after the Marker is placed if its still live this rule will clear it so the process can start again.

Downloading & Using the Ladder Settings

To use these ladder setting’s click the Pressure Marker.bls below to download to your computer, then whilst on your ladder screen click the ‘Spanner’ icon to open the ladder settings editor and in the top left corner click;
Import Ladder Settings.JPG
Pressure Marker.bls

Downloading & Using the Servants

To use these servants just click on the ASC Pressure Markers.Baf attachment links below and this will download them to your computer, then open your Servant Manager window and click the rules link at the top and then "Import a Rules File" as shown in the image, once imported it will now appear in your dropdown boxes and is ready to be started whenever required.

Once you have it imported into your Servant Manager it can be edited very easily simply by clicking on "Edit Rules File".

With any servant always run in practice mode first to ensure everything is working fine, and repeat this each time you make any changes.

See the following thread for step by step instructions on downloading and importing a servant into your Bet Angel, or see image below on where to import it in your Servant Manager.
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To use the Markers on your existing ladder settings simply download the ladder setting file from the previous post and import it into your Bet Angel, then open your ladder settings editor and go on to the ‘Marker’ tab and copy how all the ‘Markers’ are configured into your existing ladder settings.

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hi can someone help me PLEASE.

i need a step by step guide on setting up markers for LTP, i have downloaded the file and imported but nothing is showing on my ladder. please help, going to bang my head against a wall soon.

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Fleckey299 wrote:
Tue Aug 25, 2020 12:15 pm
hi can someone help me PLEASE.

i need a step by step guide on setting up markers for LTP, i have downloaded the file and imported but nothing is showing on my ladder. please help, going to bang my head against a wall soon.

You just need to download both files, import the .bls on into your ladder settings (and select it)
and import the .baf into Guardian and apply it to your markets
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what .baf do i import., price data, greening, volume etc?

many thanks for prompt reply
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sorted Dallas, thanks very much. :D
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Thanks for a great servant! Is there a way to add a warning sound as well?
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frederiklindbo wrote:
Fri Feb 19, 2021 12:03 pm
Thanks for a great servant! Is there a way to add a warning sound as well?
Glad you are enjoying it

And yes its quite easy to get it to play a sound alert to, all you need to do is make a copy of the 3 marker rules (click the rule then the icon with two green arrows to duplicate it)
Or you could just copy one of them depending if you want three alerts going off or just one ie, when it gets to 10-14 secs

Once you've done that on the General tab of the new rule change the rule type to an alert/play sound
Then on the parameters tab you can select your sound file from your PCC

Then on the stored value tab you can delete the value its storing (so that parts blank)
but leave all the conditions as they are

That should do it
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Thanks so much Dallas. Sound is working perfectly now.
Is there a way to transfer this to guardian? So I could potentially load 10 football matches and have guardian play the alert file when the criterias are met for the pressure on either the home or away team?

Thanks for an amazing sofware. I am finishing up my trial now but will for sure purchase a license and officially become a part of the Betangel family :) :D
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frederiklindbo wrote:
Wed Feb 24, 2021 8:16 am
Thanks so much Dallas. Sound is working perfectly now.
Is there a way to transfer this to guardian? So I could potentially load 10 football matches and have guardian play the alert file when the criterias are met for the pressure on either the home or away team?

Thanks for an amazing sofware. I am finishing up my trial now but will for sure purchase a license and officially become a part of the Betangel family :) :D
Yes, you can just remove the top rule 'stop other servants'

Then just change the selection all the other rules are applied to on the 'General' tab of each rule

Glad to hear you are enjoying the software (although I don't make it, that part is down to the Bet Angel Development team, but there excellent work means there's no shortage of features and options people like me can showcase :)
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Well then a big thank you to the development team for their briliance and to you for demonstrating it in such an easy and simple way.

I just tried to implement the changes:
1) removed the top rule
2) changed my Applies to Selection: EVERY selection.

When asking guardian to apply the rule to my selected files it does not want to and says:
"the rules file can only be used as an automation servant."

What am I doing wrong here?
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frederiklindbo wrote:
Thu Feb 25, 2021 8:52 am
Well then a big thank you to the development team for their briliance and to you for demonstrating it in such an easy and simple way.

I just tried to implement the changes:
1) removed the top rule
2) changed my Applies to Selection: EVERY selection.

When asking guardian to apply the rule to my selected files it does not want to and says:
"the rules file can only be used as an automation servant."

What am I doing wrong here?
I had a quick look through and couldn't see anything over looked so asked the development team to debug it, and it turns out that when the rule was being made by me I must of edited a back bet rule that used servant context as the stake, and even though this edited to a 'Set/stored value' rule which blanked out the options on the parameter tab it was still being seen by Guardian and therefore bringing up the 'Cant use because it has a servant rule error'

They'll patch this ahead of the new build going on general release shortly

In the mean time I think what you'd need to do is go through each rule one at a time and do the following;

Change the rule type to 'place a back bet'
Go on to the parameters tab and where the stake option is 'servant context' change that to a fixed amount and enter anything, then click apply then save
Then go back to the general tab and change the rule back to a 'Set/Modify Stored Value' (or set signal for the ones with the ------- name)
all reference to servant context being used should then be gone

Then move on to the next rule and go through each one and that should do it

So the development team would like to return the thanks to you as you've just helped highlight something that will have been there sometime unnoticed.
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Dallas wrote:
Mon Aug 17, 2020 5:16 pm

To use the Markers on your existing ladder settings simply download the ladder setting file from the previous post and import it into your Bet Angel, then open your ladder settings editor and go on to the ‘Marker’ tab and copy how all the ‘Markers’ are configured into your existing ladder settings.
...that's what I've just done - I took a quick photo of each of the markers in addition to the colour drop-down and then quickly and easily added them into an existing ladder setting.
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How do I modify this / use this so that I can simply apply the servant to all selections in one go? At the moment it seems I have to manually apply the rule one by one to each selection....
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liltbrockie wrote:
Fri Dec 10, 2021 7:57 am
How do I modify this / use this so that I can simply apply the servant to all selections in one go? At the moment it seems I have to manually apply the rule one by one to each selection....

I'd need to go through the rule and check its signals and other conditions to give a definite answer but you could try changing the 'applies' to from Servant Context to 'Every' selection' and that might do it.

If not would take a fair bit of editing.

You'd probably either need to recreate the 10 rules and apply each set of 10 rules to a Betfair row index number
Or you might just be able to change the signals and maybe a few of the conditions, but either way if its not just a case of changing what the rules are applied to there will be a good degree of editing required
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