Betfair Forum Q&A Session Tuesday 13th July, 18:00

We will update this with things that we think you should know.
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Posts: 4619
Joined: Wed Mar 25, 2009 12:23 pm

Well be hosting a Q&A session on the forum on Tuesday 13th July between 6.00 pm and 7.30 pm (UK Time). We welcome questions on any topic of interest to Betfair customers.

Please send any questions you have to [email protected], and we will endeavour to answer as many as possible. You can send any questions you have from now, and responses will be posted on the night.

Unfortunately it is not possible for us to respond to each email individually but we will attempt to answer all questions raised via the live Q&A session.

Posts: 4619
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Being run as well as ever - 5 minutes in and they haven't even started :!:
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2 simple questions (chosen by Betfair) answered in 22 minutes :lol:
Bet Angel
Bet Angel
Bet Angel
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Unfortunately I have been unavailable today else I would have joined in the fun.
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It seemed as popular as ever, about 34 questions of which 6 were mine, the y declined to answer my 7th:

Did the Christmas card I assume you sent get lost in the post? :lol:

Someone must have wished they had kept quiet:

Since there doesn't seem as much interest in the Q+A session (perhaps a result of fewer people prepared to use the forum after its 'update'?) Ill ask a final question.
Forgive my cynical nature, but its bourne out from the changing way betfair seems to want to squeeze money out its custom with the likes of the PC. You created a Q+A session to let people know about how you were to introduce this charge, then the next one you let out that there were changes to come that scrapped the rolling 60 week rule (which in actual fact never existed as you scrapped it before it was implemented) and now theres this one.

What bad news are you trying to let out this time?

That your account has been closed


They have also stated that they will be doing them every 3 months but we have heard that before.

It is worth a read through as it raises some interesting points and questions.

On the Premium Charge and Charges:

1. Do you have any further changes planned for the Premium Charge or will it be remaining as it currently is?

Are there any plans in place to increase any of the charges in 2010?

There are no plans to amend any of the Exchange charging mechanisms in the foreseeable future.

On bots:

Dear Betfair, does your company have any plans to ban bots using your site as quite frankly they are nothing more than a fly in the ointment for 95% of Betfair punters?

Hi, at present we have no such plans.
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andyfuller wrote: On bots:

Dear Betfair, does your company have any plans to ban bots using your site as quite frankly they are nothing more than a fly in the ointment for 95% of Betfair punters?

Hi, at present we have no such plans.
This made me laugh

Whoever posted that question is misguided - the 5% who use bots are probably the people paying PC, so the chances of BF stopping it are slim

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