Trigger bet on future WORSE price

Servants, just tap your bell to call them.
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Would it be possible to use a servant for the following rule:

Selection 1 has a lay price of 2, I would like to be able to tell a servant to trigger a lay bet at market if the best lay price gets to 3. I would like to use the Servant context price to decide wich price I would like to use. Right now I get stuck in the conditions where I have to specify the level while making the rule wich is no good. If I dont specify a condition and just set parameters to Servant context price my order will be executed at market at once when I start the servant. Is what I want to do possible? Right now I can do this using Excel but would be so nice to do it using Servants.

A possible fix would be to be able to use the Servant context price in the fixed price condition?
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Yes its possible to do, the main thing you need is a
'fixed odds condition'
selections lay price
is greater than 3.0 (or whatever odds you want)

The rest can be set up how you want, ie applied to selection in 'betfair row 1' or 'servant context' so the position of your mouse when starting it determines which selection it will trigger on. Those are specified on the 'general' tab

Same goes for your stake, you can set a fixed stake or use context stake which again uses the stake value you have chosen for the selection its started on, these parts are all specified on the 'parameters' tab
also on there you can chose the odds you want the servant to place your bet at
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Yes this is possible but then I have to know the fixed odds condition price before when i make the rule. This price will vary for each selection many times so updating the rule each time would be to slow. It would be nice to be able to Shift-Right click the price to start the servant and have the condition for the price i clicked at when starting the servant. That would be the ultimate setup for me. The servant would monitor the selection until it reaches that price and then trigger the bet.
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OK i think i know what you mean - you want to click above the current price (this could be 3 ticks or could be 8 ticks etc) in advance then when the odds trade at that price the bet is triggered is that correct?
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Yes that is correct. Currently I have this setup in Excel but moving it to a servant would be awsome.
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favetelinguis wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2017 7:15 pm
Yes that is correct. Currently I have this setup in Excel but moving it to a servant would be awsome.
That would be one for the future, a few people have suggested that signals can be set at and track odds and that would suit what your wanting to do
'click mouse to set signal at X price, use value of that signal (ie, 3.50) servant then triggers when odds trade at that price'

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+1 :D
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Yes that would be perfect!! Hoping 1.50 will bring this :)
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