Message Alerts to Trading Opportunities

Get Bet Angel to scan for your favoured trading set up and alert you to any Betfair trading opportunities you are looking for.
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Trading is all about spotting and making the most of opportunities, it stands to reason that whenever you sit down to trade you want to make the most of as many of these opportunities as possible and that everyone missed is a potential reduction to your daily/weekly profits.

The sheer number of markets available means often monitoring and spotting all of these yourself is impossible no matter how experienced you are, even if your sticking to just one sport there could still be dozens of markets all being played out simultaneously.

One of these sports is Tennis, with as many as 50 matches all being played at the same time it is very easy to miss those key moments and opportunities in a match, and if you focus on just a handful yourself you can guarantee most of the opportunities will arise on those matches you’re not looking at.

So, in this example, ill show how combining a basic automation file with the 'Watch List' feature you can enable Bet Angel to monitor 100s of markets throughout the whole day and alert you when the conditions you have specified have been met.

I have created 2 simple ‘Alert’ rules for use on tennis markets (but they can be created for any market and to alert you to just about anything). Both rules are contained within a single automation file which can be downloaded from here.

The opportunities I want to look out for and be notified of is when a break of serve occurs or the fav loses the first set. So, in the automation file it only requires the following two alert rules;
Alert you via a ‘Pop-up’ message if a break of serve has occurred and in which match
Alert you via a ‘Pop-up’ message if the fav at the start of the match loses the first set.

Getting Started

Once I have added the matches I require to guardian (which can be a whole days’ worth if you wish) see this thread on the best ways to do this depending on market types and sports required

Then next step is to select all or just the ones you want to run the automation alerts on.

Guardian Select.JPG

Next click on the ‘Automation’ tab at the top and chose ‘Apply rule to selected markets’ or ‘Apply rule to all markets’

Guardian Apply.JPG

The last part here is to click on the ‘Watch’ tab, if you are running the rule on all markets you can tick the ‘Sync with Guardians list of markets’ box, if you selected only certain markets they should still be highlighted, so first ‘untick’ the sync option and then click ‘Add selected markets to watch list’. Finally click ‘Display the selected watch list and position it where ever you want, you can use the drawing pin in the top right corner to pin it so it remains on top.

Guardian Watch.JPG

The watch list is fully customizable and can display as little or as much information as you wish using the ‘Display’ tab at the top, this includes live scores for WTA & ATP tennis matches.

You can also choose the number of selections which are visible from each market you wish to see using the line icons just above and to the left of each market. Here I have chosen to hide the selections, so I can fit more on my screen, also I have sorted them by ‘Alphabetically by name in (ascending order). That way when a pop-up message does appear with the players names I can find it much quicker in the list.


Now you can sit back and leave Bet Angel to do its thing and once a break occurs or a pre-match favorite loses the first set in any of these matches there will be a pop-up message appear infoming you of this and in which match it occurred.

That is exactly what has happened in the image below, as soon as the message appeared I expanded the market to see the actual score, if it’s then something I want to trade I can open the market with a single click on either the ladder icon to open it on the ladder screen or on the Bet Angel icon to open it on the one-click screen.

PopUp Alert.JPG

If you are already in a trade the profit and loss for each market is shown, you can also click that figure to ‘Green Up’ for that predicted profit without the need to even open the market.

Thats all there is to it, just by combining a simple alert automation file with the watchlist feature your ensuring that you never miss an opportunity again even on the busiest of days, and when one is presented to you you can be straight into the market and a trade with a single click.

You don’t have to just trade one type of market you could add as many different types as you wish with there own Alert rules, so in addition to Breaks and set wins on Tennis you may want to add some alerts for steamers or drifter in the racing markets or possible goals scored in the soccer markets.
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