Tennis Automation - Counting Break Points (For, Saved, Against, Converted) Bot

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EDit: Taken it down temporarily. Found a few bugs/odd behaviour that I thought I'd fixed
Further Edit. Should be good now, but not had much time to test - going away

I was looking to see if anyone had created automation that counted BP's a few days ago and came across this thread

viewtopic.php?f=37&t=18108&p=213047&hil ... ts#p213047

I put something together quickly and posted in that thread. That first baf file was quite simple and only returned a GAME count where the favourite had any number of BP's for and against. However, I wanted something a little more granular, so after some thinking I've spent a good few hours on this one.
I went around in circles a few times as there are quite a few permutations on scoring, plus Deuce\Adv\Deuce is a headache to automate counts for.

When the favourite is receiving this will keep a temporary, incrementing count (using SV's) of:

No. of Break Points created (40-15 =2, 40-30=1 etc)
It will also check if the Favourite wins the next point when has a BP so we know if it was converted

At the end of the dogs service game the temporary SV's will be added to a running SV (or Signal) for the match :

BPForTotal (SV) = BP's Created by the favourite
BPConverted (Sig.) = BP's Converted by the favourite


When the favourite is serving this will keep a temporary, incrementing count (using SV's) of:

No. of Break Points Against
No. of Break Points Saved

It will also check if the dog wins the next point when they have a BP so we know if favourites serve was broken.

At the end of the Favourites Service game the temporary SV's will be added to a related running SV for the match :

BPAgainstTotal (SV) = BP's against the Favourite
BPSavedTotal (SV) = BP's saved by the Favourite
ServeBrokenCount (SV) =Number of times favourite has been broken


At the end of each service game, relevant temporary signals and SV's are reset as required

Note: I've been testing this for a few hours and it writes every value to the log currently so I can fault fix. Easily turned off when you are confident it is doing what it is supposed to.

Obviously this does nothing on it's own but record the values, but should port into an existing automation OK, as long as Fix the Order of the Market Selections is set to Pos 1 (sorted in order of favouritism).
As I've been testing and re-testing on the same matches I also have 2 rules at the start to clear all existing signals and SV's. You may want to delete those.

I believe it's bug free but I'm a little fed up of staring at it waiting for the conditions to hit. I recommend practice mode to be confident if you want to use it.

Hopefully someone may find it useful. Any suggestions. tweaks or fixes gratefully received.
BP For and Against Combined V1.01.baf
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Last edited by sniffer66 on Fri Mar 06, 2020 12:56 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Diacritical Quark
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Top work, I'll have a look at this over the next few days, getting bored of watching automated horse racing markets now, will be good to have a change.
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Diacritical Quark wrote:
Thu Mar 05, 2020 4:49 pm
Top work, I'll have a look at this over the next few days, getting bored of watching automated horse racing markets now, will be good to have a change.
Thanks. Will watch it for a few days to double check there are no bugs in it. if you spot anything, let me know.

The other thought I had today was to calc a % points won on serve. Obviously, we can't detect 1st or 2nd serve but incrementing a signal for no of serves plus another signal incrementing each time we won would give an idea - ((number of points won on serve/total number of serves)*100)
Converse works for receiving.

Just trying to work a little intelligence into the bots decision making, without having to scrape stats sites and use Excel (if even possible)
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Good work on this bot. looks quality
Posts: 1703
Joined: Thu May 02, 2019 8:37 am

Updated file attached in OP. Hopefully have fixed it, thouhgh not had much time to test - away for the weekend

Shout if you find any issues
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