Trading Diet — what do you consume?

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Trader Pat
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If you read all the current books on diet, nutrition etc... they all essentially say the same thing without actually saying it. That is too cut down or eliminate processed foods from your diet.

I cut down on processed food a couple of months ago and have pretty much eliminated them from my diet. In that time I've dropped almost 2 stone (at a time when the gyms were closed and the only exercise I've been doing is walking up and down the stairs) , feel much better and my focus and concentration is much improved.

My advice eliminate or completely eradicate processed foods from your diet. Much easier and cheaper than buying magic pills with little or no scientific evidence behind them and paying over the odds for goji berries and avacado toast.

The diet and nutrition industry makes billions every year on the ignorance of its customers. A little research and common sense goes a long way.
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Congrats on the weight loss Trader Pat!

I've recently reached the stage in life where I have to watch what I eat and I hate it! Carbs and choc are my weaknesses. Love a dirty Chinese/Indian takeaway and a whole bag of choc. Managing that and keeping quite fit is hopefully all I need at this stage but keeping my eyes on this thread for when weight get harder to shift, as I suspect it will very soon.
Trader Pat
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CallumPerry wrote:
Tue Jul 28, 2020 4:17 pm
Congrats on the weight loss Trader Pat!

I've recently reached the stage in life where I have to watch what I eat and I hate it! Carbs and choc are my weaknesses. Love a dirty Chinese/Indian takeaway and a whole bag of choc. Managing that and keeping quite fit is hopefully all I need at this stage but keeping my eyes on this thread for when weight get harder to shift, as I suspect it will very soon.
Cheers Callum!

In fairness though there's plenty more where that came from :D

Its all about finding the right balance, you don't want to deny yourself the foods you love or else whats the point. I'll still have a chinese but now its every couple of weeks instead of every other day. The next challenge is getting back into using the gym regularly, thats a whole different kind of motivation
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Good job! Personal experience regarding the gym part.. give it a serious go for a month and once experiencing all the benefits of it that is what keeps you going!
Trader Pat
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NickH wrote:
Tue Jul 28, 2020 5:58 pm
Good job! Personal experience regarding the gym part.. give it a serious go for a month and once experiencing all the benefits of it that is what keeps you going!
Cheers Nick.

I gave the gym a serious go a couple of years ago but stupidly didn't really alter my diet, so it was pretty pointless.

Think I have it the right way around this time.
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Trader Pat wrote:
Tue Jul 28, 2020 2:37 pm
My advice eliminate or completely eradicate processed foods from your diet. Much easier and cheaper than buying magic pills with little or no scientific evidence behind them and paying over the odds for goji berries and avacado toast.

The diet and nutrition industry makes billions every year on the ignorance of its customers. A little research and common sense goes a long way.
just for the record / anyone interested, it appears ashwagandha root, which was mentioned just prior to Pat's post does not fall under the category of a "magic pill with little or no scientific evidence behind them" as quickly found a scientific study for this one.

'Adaptogens' overall sound quite interesting. I'm gonna read up on them a bit more and look forward to trialling them curiously.
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eightbo wrote:
Wed Jul 29, 2020 9:07 pm
Trader Pat wrote:
Tue Jul 28, 2020 2:37 pm
My advice eliminate or completely eradicate processed foods from your diet. Much easier and cheaper than buying magic pills with little or no scientific evidence behind them and paying over the odds for goji berries and avacado toast.

The diet and nutrition industry makes billions every year on the ignorance of its customers. A little research and common sense goes a long way.
just for the record / anyone interested, it appears ashwagandha root, which was mentioned just prior to Pat's post does not fall under the category of a "magic pill with little or no scientific evidence behind them" as quickly found a scientific study for this one.

'Adaptogens' overall sound quite interesting. I'm gonna read up on them a bit more and look forward to trialling them curiously.

Yep, that lines up well against the research I did too.

In the month or so I've taken it, as mentioned before, I'm more relaxed/focussed, sleep well, retain information better, more productive/creative.

All that could be easily explained away with a better sleep regime, but coincidentally, my results across the board are more consistent.

This year, I've only played 2 on-line poker tourneys. The pokerstars $12.5 million (few months ago) no cash, and the inaugural Grosvenor-Hayemaker, which I won for £1660 (£30 entry).

The reason I mention this is because it was on a Tuesday, after a morning/afternoon of trading Greyhounds/Horses, Football (evening), the poker comp started at 8pm thru to a solid, non stop 16 hours or so, profitable session all around. I'm a senior, so it's more impressive.

If anyone wrote a trading book and didn't mention some of the things mentioned by others in this thread, it lacks credibility in my eyes. Also anything about the psychological aspects too. Heck...might write one myself...can do pretty much anything at the moment!

Only side effect is a dry mouth in the morning, so a bit more hydration required starting the morning with warm lemon water. (good for the digestive system)

Last 30 days betfair.

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i havn't read the entire thread so dunno if mentioned already, but if you want focus and mental clarity whilst trading, then fasting may be worth looking at. i eat once per day (not cause of trading..just always have) and i eat after trading is done in late evening, so am at most fasted state whilst trading daytime horses. i can vouch that no sluggishness is present in this state and mental clarity is unreal..almost feels weird at calm and no problem that cant be dealt with. lots of info online if you wanna check out and consensus is its healthy. i have no ill affects after years of omad (one meal a day). body goes into repair mode after about 16 hours of no food and fuels body on ketones which is superior brain fuel. anyway..may be worth a look :D

p.s takes a while to adjust and it aint easy tbh..hunger pangs last 20 mins but in time you adjust and they lesson. got to eat enough calories in one hour window (unprocessed obv best as trader pat says above).
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smallplayer wrote:
Thu Jul 30, 2020 9:54 am
i havn't read the entire thread so dunno if mentioned already, but if you want focus and mental clarity whilst trading, then fasting may be worth looking at. i eat once per day (not cause of trading..just always have) and i eat after trading is done in late evening, so am at most fasted state whilst trading daytime horses. i can vouch that no sluggishness is present in this state and mental clarity is unreal..almost feels weird at calm and no problem that cant be dealt with. lots of info online if you wanna check out and consensus is its healthy. i have no ill affects after years of omad (one meal a day). body goes into repair mode after about 16 hours of no food and fuels body on ketones which is superior brain fuel. anyway..may be worth a look :D

p.s takes a while to adjust and it aint easy tbh..hunger pangs last 20 mins but in time you adjust and they lesson. got to eat enough calories in one hour window (unprocessed obv best as trader pat says above).
Yep, that's all good for sure.

I believe, 60 is the new 40, 50 is the new 30....if you're 20, you haven't been born yet.... 8-)
Nero Tulip
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I try to fast until after, or a decent way through, trading. makes a huge difference for me, no mental fog at all.. I'm still 2 meals a day though in a 4-8 hour window, which feels right for me. If trading is during food eating times of the day then I try to steer clear of rocket fuel carbs, eat small, slow, fatty stuff like nuts, fish, avocado.. I've done this all year, and feel great on it, way way sharper when in a fasted state. I guess it's the trading equivalent of hunter/gatherers reacting quickly to any rustle in the bushes for a meal, not that I do a great deal of active trading these days.
Trader Pat
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eightbo wrote:
Wed Jul 29, 2020 9:07 pm
Trader Pat wrote:
Tue Jul 28, 2020 2:37 pm
My advice eliminate or completely eradicate processed foods from your diet. Much easier and cheaper than buying magic pills with little or no scientific evidence behind them and paying over the odds for goji berries and avacado toast.

The diet and nutrition industry makes billions every year on the ignorance of its customers. A little research and common sense goes a long way.
just for the record / anyone interested, it appears ashwagandha root, which was mentioned just prior to Pat's post does not fall under the category of a "magic pill with little or no scientific evidence behind them" as quickly found a scientific study for this one.

'Adaptogens' overall sound quite interesting. I'm gonna read up on them a bit more and look forward to trialling them curiously.
Wasnt a criticism as much as an observation. There's so many things marketed as good for you or as a miracle food that you have to be careful not to fall into the placebo trap. And scientific studies can also be misleading, other foods and dietary supplements have had promising scientific studies only for another study to come along 6 months later and contradict the original one.

Like I said earlier so much money is wasted on 'super foods' and supplements, prime example of this are multi vitamins, thousands of scientific studies done on them and there's no evidence that they are of any benefit. One study will say they are of limited benefit and another will say they can do more harm that good if taken over a long period of time.

Another thing to consider would be lifestyle and overall diet. Even if you find a 'super food' that does have scientific evidence behind it If you're having 3 takeaway meals a week and drinking 10 pints over the course of a weekend then you're mitigating any benefits that it might give you.

The only tried and tested method for physical and mental well being is a sensible diet and exercise. I dont run but any jogger I've ever spoken to tell me they feel great after a run especially mentally. Everyone has their opinion but for me 'super foods' are a bit like spending money on a trading ebook, its a shortcut and most are no good.
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microwave meals for me :oops:
Trader Pat
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trader44 wrote:
Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:59 pm
microwave meals for me :oops:
I can't really preach too much I had a big mac a few days ago! :? :)
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Trader Pat wrote:
Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:51 pm
eightbo wrote:
Wed Jul 29, 2020 9:07 pm
Trader Pat wrote:
Tue Jul 28, 2020 2:37 pm

I dont run but any jogger I've ever spoken to tell me they feel great after a run especially mentally.
Let me be the exception to the rule. As a (admittedly recent) jogger I never feel good, let alone great, after a run. Hate every step with a passion and the supposed endorphin pay off has never once materialised. But it has got to be good for me right so, around the park i go....
Trader Pat
Posts: 4327
Joined: Tue Oct 25, 2016 12:50 pm

Some interesting cut and pasting deestar

Looks like that comment was deleted? Which is why I didnt see it earlier
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