stored signal for event not responding

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I wondered if I could get some advice on stored values on 2 bots I have created to be attatched to the same horse race using 2 instances of bet angel, one will lay the field with a stored signal value for the event, the other will back the leading horse using TPD position 1 /distance also creating a stored signal.
When either one of them is triggered the other has a condition to not trigger if the stored set signal is NOT set. The problem is that when one is triggered the other still seems to trigger too?.
Is this because things run too fast in racing for bet angel to react quickly enough over 2 instances. Is there any other way to stop one triggering if the other does?
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You can’t pass SVs from one instance to another, each one is individual.

Is there any reason you need to use 2 instances?
From what you have described I can’t see any reason why you can’t have either, 2 files running on 1 instance or just combine the files.
If your unaware, you can have up to 5 files running in guardian.

Guardian > list > choose column to display (the yellow and grey icon on the far left)

Your SV should really be set to market and not event, unless your also using it to place bets in the another market for that race e.g. the place market.
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Oh brilliant, I didn't realise you could have 2 on 1 instance, thank you, I do have an issue in one file that when a bet is placed in the the race it puts on another but not on the same selection providing there's no matched or unmatched bet on the selection (any) but sometimes it still does, this is a market signal in same file, so again is this because of lag in timing? or is there another way of combating this, thanks
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Im guessing its more order of operation rather than lag.
Without seeing how the file is set up it’s a bit hard to be sure.

Put the market signal on the rule that’s placing the bet, not in a rule after that.
Then add a (signal set condition for the market = is not set) to the bet rule.
By doing that, it will stop anymore bets being placed from that rule or any other rules that use this market signal.
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I do have a condition of bet1 'not set for the market' in the second back bet rules but I feel that as soon as the first is triggered and the second qualifys of odds under 2.02 at the same time they both go on in an instant before the second has a chance to read 'bet1 signal'
I wondered if I could use a delay function like x amount
of time after 'first rule to trigger', but wondered if this means first actual rule in the list of rules or goes by any rule that triggers first as I have a set/modify rule line to signal before the off to make sure favourite is above 2.02, so this is the first trigger?
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bizmark222 wrote:
Mon May 08, 2023 9:27 am
I do have a condition of bet1 'not set for the market' in the second back bet rules but I feel that as soon as the first is triggered and the second qualifys of odds under 2.02 at the same time they both go on in an instant before the second has a chance to read 'bet1 signal'
I wondered if I could use a delay function like x amount
of time after 'first rule to trigger', but wondered if this means first actual rule in the list of rules or goes by any rule that triggers first as I have a set/modify rule line to signal before the off to make sure favourite is above 2.02, so this is the first trigger?
The rules are processed in order they appear in your file, as signals and stored values are set locally there is no delay or waiting to get information back from Betfair etc
Therefore if you set a signal or Stored Value with the first rule in the file all rules below it will be able to see and reference it even within the same refresh cycle
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