Remove Unwanted Markets from Guardian with your own Additional Filters

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When searching for specfic markets the best tool to use is Bet Angel's 'Market Filter Editor' using this you will be able to filter out markets not matching your criteria and adding only those which do meet your criteria to Guardian
In most cases that is all you will need, however there is only a set number of options available for you to use as a filter at the point of search, this mainly due to the restrictions put in place by Betfair in order not to have too much strain placed on there servers.

You do however have another option which you can use as soon as the markets have been added to Guardian, and with no more than 3-4 clicks you can find and remove all unwanted markets that don't meet your criteria.

Using this method you can filter markets by just about any criteria you want, from price, selection traded volume, money waiting, form, surface, stall draw and much much more - even a horses age!

How is it Done
This is done by creating an automation rules file, with this you have the ability to use any of its conditions and/or stored value as part of your filter. Once the rule file is made you simply apply it to the market in Guardian, it will trigger on those meeting your criteria and set a stored value.
Using a Custom Column in Guardian to display this stored value you can then sort the market by clicking the custom column header a put all those that meet your criteria at the top, making it easy to select and remove the unwanted markets below

Ready-Made settings files to add the custom column and display your Guardian exactly as shown in the image above can be downloaded from the bottom of this first post, once you have those imported you will also be able to download and use any of the example rule filters in the subsequent posts

To help further understand this I'm going to add a few example below which you can download and import into your own Bet Angel (then edit anyway you want). To make things easier i'll put each example into a new post below and they will include

1) Filter by Price - This example will look for all markets with an odds on Favourite
2) Filter by Form - This example will look for all markets where the Favourite won last time out
3) Filter by Stall Draw - This example will look for all markets where one of the three front runners in the betting are running in stalls 1, 2 or 3
4) Filter by Horses Age - This example will look for all markets where the minimum age of each horse is 5yrs old

Guardian Settings Files
To use these Guardian layout setting’s, click the 'Qualified Markets'.gml file below to download it to your computer, then whilst on your Guardian screen click the 'List' tab then the 'page with a green arrow' icon' to import it
Qualified Markets.gml
Guardian Market Import.JPG

To display the custom columns you will also need to download the file named 'Qualifying Markets.gcc' below and import it into your Custom Column Editor in Guardian.
Qualifying Markets.gcc
Guardian CC Import.JPG
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Filter Markets by Price

This first example is quite straight forward and will allow you to filter out markets using a price criteria, for the purposes of demonstrating this I've set the following example to filter out markets where the Favourite is odds on (below 2.0)

Once the rule is applied to the markets you will see in the custom column I've created called 'Qualified' which of the markets the rule trigger on due to the favourite being below 2.0

Odds Guardian.jpg

Clicking the column header then sorts them so the markets I'm interested in are at the top, and those below them can now be selected and removed - leaving just the markets with an odds on Fav

Odds Guardian2.jpg

Downloading the File
To use this file just click on the 'Qualifying Markets Rule (Odds On).baf' link below and that will download it to your computer, then with guardian open on the "Automation" tab click "Import a Rules File" as shown in the image, once imported it will now appear in the pick list area just above, you can now apply it to any markets you have added into guardian.
Qualifying Market Rules (Fav Odds).baf
Guardian Import.jpg
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Filter Markets by a Runners Form

This example will allow you to filter markets using a runners for, you can of course set this up in many ways from checking if a runner/s has no recent for, the front three in the betting have all been unplaced on their last three races, the fav or 2nd fav have won 2 or more of their last 3 races and so on

For the purposes of demonstrating I've set the following example to filter out markets where the fav won their last race

Once the rule is applied to the markets you will see in the custom column I've created called 'Qualified' which of the markets the rule trigger on due to the favourite winning its last race, I've also got the form displayed next to the runners on the one-click screen so you can see it's correctly identified that the fav of this race won its last outing


As before clicking the 'Column Header' will then sort the markets so all those now at the top I know now have a favourite which won its last race


Downloading the File
To use this file just click on the 'Qualifying Markets Rule (Form).baf' link below and that will download it to your computer, then with guardian open on the "Automation" tab click "Import a Rules File" as shown in the image, once imported it will now appear in the pick list area just above, you can now apply it to any markets you have added into guardian.
Qualifying Market Rules (Form).baf
Guardian Import.jpg
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Filter Markets by Stall Draw

This example will allow you to filter markets using the stall draw a runner/s are running from, you might find this useful if you are using a draw bias strategy etc

For the purposes of demonstration I've set the following example to filter for markets where any one of the front three in the betting are running from stalls 1, 2 or 3 (which would usually be on the inside of the course closest to the rails)

Once the rule is applied to the markets you will see in the 'Qualified' column which of the markets the rule has trigger on, just for illustration purposes I've highlighted the stall draws numbers of the front three in the betting on the one-click screen, as you can see both the fav and 3rd fav in this race are running from stalls 1-3

Stall Draw.jpg

Downloading the File
To use this file just click on the 'Qualifying Markets Rule (Stall Draw).baf' link below and that will download it to your computer, then with guardian open on the "Automation" tab click "Import a Rules File" as shown in the image, once imported it will now appear in the pick list area just above, you can now apply it to any markets you have added into guardian.
Qualifying Market Rules (Stall Draw).baf
Guardian Import.jpg
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Filter Markets by Horses Age

This example will allow you to filter markets using the age of a horse, you might find this useful if you are wanting races containing just a 2yo, or races where there is minimum age etc

For the purposes of demonstration I've set the following example to filter for markets where all horses are aged 5 or older

Once the rule is applied to the markets you will see in the 'Qualified' column which of the markets the rule has trigger on, just for illustration purposes I logged the stored values which store the age of each horse to the market log
As you can see the horses in the race age from 6-11yr old, with 6 being the age of the youngest horse in the race this has met the criteria


As before clicking the 'Column Header' will then sort the markets so all those now at the top I know now have all the markets where the minimum age of each horse is 5 or above at the top, making it easy to quickly select all the remaining markets and remove them from Guardian


Downloading the File
To use this file just click on the 'Qualifying Markets Rule (Age).baf' link below and that will download it to your computer, then with guardian open on the "Automation" tab click "Import a Rules File" as shown in the image, once imported it will now appear in the pick list area just above, you can now apply it to any markets you have added into guardian.
Qualifying Market Rules (Age).baf
Guardian Import.jpg
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