How to Display the Predicted Goals for a Football Match in Guardian and Throughout Bet Angel

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To display the predicted goals for a football match anywhere in Bet Angel (ie, Guardian, one-click, screen, ladder, watchlist or coupon etc) the first thing you need is a simple rules file in order to get the Predicted goals as a Stored Value.

To do this open Guardian and add at least one market (It doesn't matter what sport or type of market it is at this stage), then select a market and the 'Create rules file for selected market link' will be come active for you to click

When you click the 'Create rules file for selected market' link the rules editor window will appear. On the first tab (the general) tab you just need to select the rule type 'Set/Modify Stored Value' and set the arm time, in the image below I've set it to trigger 1 minute before KO but if you intend to trade pre KO then you can just arm the rule to trigger earlier.

Next click on the Stored Value tab, and for the action choose 'Store a Value' you can then name this value anything you want in the image below I've called it 'expected_number_of_goals',
This value is then to be stored for 'the market', it's important to also tick the 'Shared' box next to it, this is the option that allows this stored value to be shared and displayed throughout Bet Angel. I've also choisen to round the value to 'two decimal places'
Finally from the pick list below that select 'predicted goals for the match'

Then click the 'Disc+' icon at the top of the rules editor window and give the rules file a name, I've simply called this one 'Predicted Goals'

And thats it, its as simple as that, you now have a rules file which will put the predicted goals for each market you apply the rules file to into a Stored Value - which you can then display throughout Bet Angel.

Now each day just add your football markets to Guardian and apply the rules file to the markets you want to see the predicted goals, remembering for the predicted goals to be calculated and put in to a Stored Value the CORRECT SCORE market for each match must also added (you don't need to apply the rules file to the correct score market but it must still be added to Guardian)

To apply the rules file, from the Automation tab select the 'Predicted Goals' file (or whatever you named it) and then click either the 'Apply to All markets' link, or select the markets in the widow below (by holding down your 'CTRL' key while left clicking them) then click the 'Apply to Selected Markets' link
Guardian Markets.jpg

I'd advise anyone wanting to display/use the Predicted Goals to have a go themselves at making the rules files by following the steps above but in case anyone is still struggling below is a copy of the file I created while setting out those steps, once downloaded just click the 'Import a rules file' link on the automation tab of Guardian and then navigate to the folder you downloaded it to and select it
Predicted Goals.baf
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Displaying Predicted Goals in Guardian

Now you have your rules file to store the value of the Predicted Goals for a match you now need to configure your Guardian screen to display it, and this is even easier than creating the rules file!

First you'll need to create a new custom column, to do this click the 'List' tab, then the 'Edit Custom Columns' link and you'll then see the Custom Column Editor window appear.

You can either click 'New' if you want to create a new profile or to edit your default profile just go ahead and begin by giving the custom column your are about to create a header name (title), then it needs to display 'a Shared Stored Value' and below that enter the name of the stored value it needs to display, the name I used when creating the rules file above was 'number_of_expected_goals', and this was for the market
Custom Columns.jpg

Now click the 'Save Column' button and close the window

Now you need to open your custom column chooser and select the name of the custom column you've just created
Column Chooser.jpg

The custom column will now appear at the far right of your guardian columns, but you can place it anywhere you want by pointing your cursor over it and with your left mouse button depressed drag and drop it where you want it - no different from dragging and dropping a file or folder in windows.

Once you are happy with your Guardian set up click the 'disc' icon to the right of the column chooser to re-save your layout with the new custom column added, or the 'disc+' icon if you wish to save the layout as a new profile

And thats it you a ready to begin displaying the predicted goals on your Guardian screen.

All you need to do now is add your markets (ensuring you include the Correct score market for each fixture you add a market for) then apply the rules file too them as described in the previous post, as soon as the time comes and the rules trigger the predicted goals will be display in your new custom column.
Guardian Markets.jpg

Remember you can sort the market by clicking the column headers (clicking them twice will sort them by the reverse order), also once sorted you can do a secondary sort by holding down your shift key while clicking another column header

I'll be posting one or two more examples of how to display the predicted goals in other areas of Bet Angel shortly
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Displaying Predicted Goals on One-Click Screen

Once you have a rules file to store the predicted number of goals and it’s applied to your markets in Guardian in addition to displaying it in Guardian you can also display it throughout other areas of Bet Angel ie, on your one-click or ladder trading screens.

To display it on your one-click screen it’s almost and identical process to that used to display it on your Guardian screen.
Begin by opening the ‘Custom Column’ editor by clicking
Settings > Edit Custom Columns

Then just like when creating the custom column in Guardian either edit your default profile give the column a title of your choice, then select the action ‘Display a Shared Stored Value’ and enter the name of the Stored Value you want to display, remember from the last post I named the stored value ‘number_of_expected_goals’, for the ‘Market’ but if you named yours something different then you’d enter whatever name you did use.
OC Custom Column.jpg

Once you’ve done that just click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom and close the editor window.

Now just as we did for Guardian in the last post we just need to open the custom column chooser and select that new custom column we’ve just created.
OC Column Chooser.jpg

You will now have the predicted number of goals displayed on your one-click screen in a custom column, which you can drag and drop wherever you want by pointing your cursor over the column header box and with your left mouse button depressed move it to your desired location.
OC Exp Goals.jpg

The final thing to do now is click the ‘disc’ icon to save your one-click grid layout, or click the ‘disc+’ icon if you want to save the grid layout as a new profile (which is handy if you trade different types of sports as you probably don’t want a predicted goals custom column displayed if trading a tennis match or horse racing.
OC Save.jpg
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Displaying Predicted Goals on Ladder Screen

To display it on your ladder screen it’s a slightly different process but still following the same principal and even easier

First select the ladder profile you want to edit and add the predicted goals too, then click the spanner icon to the left of your ladder settings pick list. In the image below I’m just going to edit the default ladder settings profile named <Bet Angel Settings>
Ladder Settings.jpg

Then click the ‘Additional Information’ tab, and in the bottom left corner click the ‘Add Item’ button

Next just like creating a custom column start by entering a label (title name) then for the Information type select ‘Shared Stored Value’ and enter the name of the stored value to be displayed for the ‘Market’
Ladder AI.jpg

If like I have done you’ve edited the profile <Bet Angel Settings> you won’t need to save the changes at this point, that is automatically done for you, bu if you’ve edited another ladder profile you’ll now need to click either the ‘Disc’ icon or if you want to save this as a new ladder setting profile you can click ‘Disc+’ at the top if the editor window.

The predicted goals will now be displayed on your ladder screen, if you can’t see them ensure you have the ladder profile you’ve just edited selected in your ‘Ladder Settings’ pick list.
Ladder Display.jpg

There is one more instalment to follow where i'll show how to display the predicted goals in a watchlist/coupon
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