Slow death of IPv4

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Posts: 403
Joined: Mon Jul 23, 2012 2:54 pm

The number of IPv4 addresses available to the world is limited due to it being based on a structured 32 bit number. There is a long history of ISP's charging for static IPs.

Starting next month Amazon's AWS offerings are now going to be typically charging 10% more per package for having a static IPv4 and are instead pushing a switch to exclusive IPv6 usage. The charge is not material but it does bring the issue into focus.

I admit I've avoided IPv6 like the plague since it first arrived on the basis that I can remember and type 4 groups of 3 digits quite easily but it seems those days are coming to an end.

Would a total switch to IPv6 have any affect on VPS connection to BF polling / streaming sockets and to BA usage at the current time ? Are there static IPv4 addresses hardwired in the software ?
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