Help with a signal

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Posts: 19
Joined: Sun Nov 29, 2020 8:22 pm

I have an automation running laying the field, this has been running 'successfully' for a number of days now. I say 'successfully' as it's triggering when i have asked it to 100% and not gone rogue at any point. the only issue i have is that on a number of the races I am only getting a percentage of my lay stake filled before the cancel all unmatched is triggering. I had a look through various topics and found a file created by Dallas (as usual :D ) named signal addon which looks like it will do what I am needing to be done. I'm just needing some guidance as to where i implement this within my whole automation? does it require a rule for itself and a condition adding in to the 'cancel all unmatched' rule pointing to it? or do i incorporate it into the 'cancel all unmatched' rule itself.
Hoping someone will understand what I am trying to do and be able to assist.

I am currently trying different methods while races are going ahead, I have the 'signal addon' file set to trigger and the only alteration i have made to the file is the value of my lay bet i want to match. I have then set conditions in the 'cancel all unmatched'. a signal set condition checking the signal is set with a value, another for the signal value condition which is equal to 1. I have then set my 'number of matched bets rule to greater than 0. but it's generally matching 2 runners and not cancelling the remaining unmatched bets so I'm obviously barking up the wrong tree.

Ok I can see the signal is working as in the last race my bet was partially matched and then a second or 2 later the rest was matched so i feel a slight elation at that fact. I just now need to suss out how to cancel the unmatched bets.

Right that will do for tonight. I stripped it back in case I was over thinking things, as i do, took all the conditions out of the cancel unmatched bets and they have returned to being cancelled. Unfortnately my bet was less than 50% matched so I'm guessing I need some conditions in there but have no clue what they need to be or how they should be laid out. I will do a bit of reading tonight and see i can find any videos on signals and come back tomorrow and try again.
In the meantime if anyone can help out it would be greatly appreciated.
Posts: 19
Joined: Sun Nov 29, 2020 8:22 pm

I'm hoping that I may have finally cracked the puzzle, and as is usually the case i was completely overthinking the problem. Turns out I don't think I even needed a signal to accomplish what I wanted to do. Just the correct conditions within the cancel bets instruction. Frustrating to spend so long trying multiple ways to do this but very satisfying to reach the goal under my own steam.
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