Liability Lay SP automation

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Joined: Sun Sep 06, 2020 10:56 pm

Hi everyone,

I am building an automation where I calculate the liability based on latest prices in every refresh, in order to place a Lay SP rule in Horse Racing.

I have created some rules that save my liability to stored values based on latest prices. However, the problem I have is that the lay SP rule needs to be triggered at specific time, then it would not take my latest calculated liability, it would take my liability at the moment the Lay SP rule triggers.

I would like to update my liability in my Lay SP, based on latest value in my stored values. Is this possible? Is there any way to do this?

Here is an example:

1) 10 seconds before start time - I calculate my liability based on latest prices. Let's assume my liability is £100. And I trigger a Lay SP rule, with £100 liability.

2) The event gets delayed and prices move. My liability changes from £100 to £150, and it updates my stored values. However, my SP bet is still having £100 liability. Is there any way to update my liability to £150?

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