Guardian/Keyboard Shortcut

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I'm trying to set up an autmation which ill apply using Keyboard shortcut.

So i have managed to call the martes into Guardian but is there a way where i can select a group of added markets in Guardian and then apply automation rules to?

I have been able to apply rules to all the markets in Guardian but i only want to select some (which in this case are markets from a certain dog track)
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buyshirts wrote:
Sat Aug 31, 2024 3:23 pm
I'm trying to set up an autmation which ill apply using Keyboard shortcut.

So i have managed to call the martes into Guardian but is there a way where i can select a group of added markets in Guardian and then apply automation rules to?

I have been able to apply rules to all the markets in Guardian but i only want to select some (which in this case are markets from a certain dog track)
Sort the 'markets' column by clicking on the header then the races will be grouped by track.

If you untick the 'allow market drag and drop' in the 'behaviour' tab of settings then you will be able to highlight a group of markets using the mouse.
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But im trying to set a keyboard shortup to load all the markets and added the rules as well but they are track dependent.
Ideally without any input from me.
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It may be easier to store the Venue as a Text SV . Then compare it against a list using a (Text comparison condition).
You can use that condition to trigger your rules against certain venues.
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Thanks Dabbla
Ill give it a go!
But if i used SV when i'm creating the shortcuts.
The Shortcut actions available in the Guardian section have nowhere i can use the SV to select only them markets.
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I did manage to pull each Venue in individually by using coupons but once in again.
I'm struggling to only select certain Venues
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You wouldn’t use the SV (VENUE) to get the markets.
You would use them to trigger rules for a certain venue.

For example ,
You use the hot key to get all or all of the tracks you wish, using a coupon or market select.
You then add 1 file to Guardian. This file will have all of your rules.

Rule 1 (LAY the fav), using the (Venue) sv with a list added to the (Text comparison condition) we can say only lay the fav at these venues
Perry Bar
Rule 2 (BACK the fav), using the (Venue) sv with a list added to the (Text comparison condition) we can say only back the fav at these venues
Pelaw Grange

Here’s an example file, no bets will actually be placed.
store venue.baf
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Hi Dabbla

Thanks for taking the time to do that Baf as an example.

But what im really looking to do is everthing (Add the desired markets, then to assign betting rules which are linked to the indivual tracks, along side another rules that exports the details of the market to a spreadsheet) with one keystroke.

My orginal way of doing this

1) Search for each track individually and add markets to Guardian
2) Select each Tracks markets and assign in Rule 1 The tracks Betting Profile
3) Select each Tracks but in Rule 2 assign Export market data to Individual track spreadsheet
4) Depending if im going to be about i assign Sound alert to all markets if bets are matched.

I understand i could amalgamate some elements of the above rules which would be a more prescribed way of doing things but as my knowledge has grown i have cobbled together different ways of doing things.

So i saw the video Peter did regarding Keystrokes ( ) and ive tried to incorporate all my current processes (that do work for me) into one keystroke.

As you can see from the Pic of the rules file i created i have maanged to get all the markets into Guardian. I have managed to add assign General sound Alert file for all the markets. What i have not been able to do is Assign the Individual track profiles to the correct markets.

In Keystrokes editor the Guardian section only allows to Select all Markets Guardian, hence this doesn't help me.
I looked at the other methods of selcecting markets in the Guardian section but you can only "Select" market from either the "Search" window or the "Coupon" window but you can't assign rules to these markets directly.

I do recognise that starting from scratch and seeting stuff up in a different manner might be the best way to do this but build on top of what i have already have has helped me in the past get things done while also trying to learn new stuff.

i just wondered is there an obvious way which i am missing.

I do appreicate it would probably been better to outline this from the start rather only giving people half the info but normally going into line and verse is not nessasary.

And i apologise and your help is much appreicated.
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What you could try is , add a rule called (Display market on trading screen) to each of the files for automation 1.
This rule allows you to automatically fire a Hotkey. You could try chaining the hotkeys together.

For example, the first hotkey triggers the actions for Crayford.
The Crayford file automatically triggers a hotkey for Romford.
The Romford file automatically triggers a hotkey for Swindon and so on.
I not exactly sure how well it will work but I can’t think of any other way of doing it.

I have just done a bit of testing and it’s not really working as hoped.
I think it is possible, it may be a combination of this method and the method from above and some alerts.
Alerts can be used to select a signal market.

It just a bit of a pain to setup and test.
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Dabbla thanks for that, i do appreicate your help.
I'll have a look into that plan if i can use them elements to achieve the desired outcome
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I did a bit of testing from what i think was probably your starting point but ran into problems (which i assume were the same or close to what you found )
So i now im going to look into the the Alerts idea but as you said its not obvious and probably will be rather messy.
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I have been testing some ideas but can’t really get anything to work well.
My current idea is, to put a hot key file into Guardian auto 1. That will then automatically switch Auto 1 to the specific file for that venue. I just can’t seem to get to work efficiently. The idea works but not well.

If I get some time over the weekend, I’ll have another look.
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I see the challenge is erkking you!
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buyshirts wrote:
Thu Sep 05, 2024 9:52 pm

I see the challenge is erkking you!
I have certainly spent more time on it, than I care to admit :geek:
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I had a re-think and i'm now passed my skill level!

So if you Dabbla are unable to do it it looks like it can't be done!
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