Stop at profit - Using Excel

Discussion regarding the spreadsheet functionality of Bet Angel.
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I want to stop at a profit figure, guess there no direct way of doing it directly. I would have to use excel sheet once the balance had reached a certain figure, again I would suspect that you could set a variable to 1 - Automation checks it, less than 1 then continue to bet, equals one stop.

Can I set a change of a variable in a spreadsheet and pass it back to BA ? Bet I cant ! :lol:
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essexboy wrote:
Sun Dec 01, 2024 1:36 am
I want to stop at a profit figure, guess there no direct way of doing it directly. I would have to use excel sheet once the balance had reached a certain figure, again I would suspect that you could set a variable to 1 - Automation checks it, less than 1 then continue to bet, equals one stop.

Can I set a change of a variable in a spreadsheet and pass it back to BA ? Bet I cant ! :lol:
people will line up here to tell you that stopping at a profit figure is bananas
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SAAP is not as banal as first appears ,it all depends upon the reliability (and predictability) of the data used to enter a market . If we use the old chestnut of red and blacks in roulette ,or the even more infamous toss of a coin we see the pointlessness of stop at a winner/profit ,but these are wildly simplistic examples because we are dealing with situations where trends reappear time after time ,otherwise the whole market simply wouldn't exist .I have done it with several markets in the past and providing (like trading) you have a good get-out plan when things go wrong(which they will) then it is a relatively(but intensely boring) way of turning a profit . :D
Kind Regards
Just off to stop at a winner :)
some stop at a winner/profit systems I have used in the past. :lol:
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essexboy wrote:
Sun Dec 01, 2024 1:36 am
I want to stop at a profit figure, guess there no direct way of doing it directly. I would have to use excel sheet once the balance had reached a certain figure, again I would suspect that you could set a variable to 1 - Automation checks it, less than 1 then continue to bet, equals one stop.

Can I set a change of a variable in a spreadsheet and pass it back to BA ? Bet I cant ! :lol:
You can do this directly. There is an option to store a value of your current balance in Guardian so you can capture your opening balance and compare latest balance to opening balance to determine profit or loss since.
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essexboy wrote:
Sun Dec 01, 2024 1:36 am
I want to stop at a profit figure, guess there no direct way of doing it directly. I would have to use excel sheet once the balance had reached a certain figure, again I would suspect that you could set a variable to 1 - Automation checks it, less than 1 then continue to bet, equals one stop.

Can I set a change of a variable in a spreadsheet and pass it back to BA ? Bet I cant ! :lol:
If you haven’t already done so recommend you read this thread.

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SAAP, it's one of those strategies I see both ways. If I SAAP when do I restart? The next day? Why not the next race? If I never reach a profit by the end of the day do I carry on the next day from where I left off with my inevitable staking plan? The point is if I reset my staking plan after a day of no profit the profit I stop at in future days has to repay my loss from the no profit day ... there is an element of Martingale there!

Viewed from the other side, if I have a strategy that has an edge why stop?!
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When looking at one race people want a stop loss, but string races together and they want a stop profit :roll:
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ShaunWhite wrote:
Sun Jan 12, 2025 6:25 pm
When looking at one race people want a stop loss, but string races together and they want a stop profit :roll:
Bet Angel should place a limit on how much you can win. Once you've hit the target you're barred for a month. :D
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Hello Delboy. Long time since we spoke. Saw you were ill so hope you're doing alright. I had you down as a goner, I'm glad I was wrong.
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