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I hate snipers.
those people who wait like a poison snake waiting for its prey ,those people who wait for victims to put there money in the market and they take it and move the market to lay it off,im sick of them, like school bullies they use there strength to push people around ,there strength is the money ,i hope i win the lottery soon ,just so i can take there money and mess them around, i dont think its fair play,??
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If you can't beat them join them ;)
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hmmmm ,,its just the mind set .getting up in the morning looking through the markets wondering who am i gona screw to day ? just seams wrong ,but alot of people are doing it..
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That's the way trading works I'm afraid

People look towards Peter Webb as the king of BF trading, but when he uploads a screenshot showing a £500 profit on a race, that means somebody or some people have lost £500.

There is no room for sentiment when you're sat in front of your screen, Marc
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'If you want a friend, get a dog'.
Gordon Gekko
LeTiss 4pm wrote: There is no room for sentiment when you're sat in front of your screen, Marc
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all i can do is laugh now,i read some where on here recently ..LET THE MARKET BE YOUR SLAVE ,im learning more ever day,
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Stop being such a bl00dy whimp,sir.
When you were born,you didn't get a certificate stating that life would be fair,did you?It isn't.You have to make it so.
18 months ago,I was a trader.I was getting fleeced by people who were better than me and who had bigger banks-just like you.I had 3 choices:1) Continue 2)Stop gambling 3)Take advantage of the guys that were creaming me.
I decided to stop trading and become a layer and a backer.I now select a horse that I want to back or lay,decide on the odds that I feel are value,then I wait patiently for the traders to move the odds in my favour.When they do,I place my bet.If they move the odds against me,no matter,there's lots of other races.
Last edited by 74.5 on Wed Apr 04, 2012 2:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Its a frustrating game at times.Have a good look at BARTON STACY in the first at hereford.It wont be far away and might give you a bit to play with today..

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hi all
icarus i just got back from a break ,and see your selection i see he was placed ,dont know how the in running went,hope u got a fiew quid.
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I understand where you are coming from Marc and I even had some seasoned pros write PMs to me yesterday and today in regards to a posting i made in another thread about betting promotions in regards to their frustration and how they feel the markets are heavily manipulated these days more than ever before.

I personally dont mind people using their money to move a market but what i feel is happening at the moment is that some entities (could even be betfair themselves) have the ability to self match themselves so they can create a false arena to play in and move through their own money that is sat in queues whilst making it look like it is matched money. I have lots of videos highlighting this and how even against the smallest of money they will move it with big amounts very short term. I think its easiest markets to see it for racing are the Ausy markets or if you enter the UK markets 15 mins out when activity is usually almost none existant.

I find it quite easy to trade against what they are doing by scalping as they use the same trap over and over but you have to be quick and ready to do a lot of scratch trades. It doesnt allow any decent stakes to be entered or they will simply go against it. Using small stakes they are usually reluctant to move it significantly I find but its not great for making any significant money.

To back up my point that I believe betfair allow certain entities some privilages I received an email from a premium account exec today on another matter in which they said,

"The minimum commission we offer is 2%, however if you have a business plan that you feel would be beneficial to both you and Betfair please send us a copy of your proposal and I shall forward this onto our pricing team for review."

read into that as you wish
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Hi Stephen .
yes the smaller markets or as you say 15 mins out are a no go for me at the moment ,its just crazy ,ive just read on here on another trend alot of people are finding the same thing today,as regards the email from betfair to your collegue ,there is only one thing to read out of that .
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Hi Steven

Have you put the videos on YouTube? If so, can you give us the link please?


steven1976 wrote:but what i feel is happening at the moment is that some entities (could even be betfair themselves) have the ability to self match themselves so they can create a false arena to play in and move through their own money that is sat in queues whilst making it look like it is matched money. I have lots of videos highlighting this
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convoysur-2 wrote:I hate snipers.
those people who wait like a poison snake waiting for its prey ,those people who wait for victims to put there money in the market and they take it and move the market to lay it off,im sick of them, like school bullies they use there strength to push people around ,there strength is the money ,i hope i win the lottery soon ,just so i can take there money and mess them around, i dont think its fair play,??
Marc just build your bank like i did, the bigger it gets then you can push prices at certain points in the markets like they can, after all evereyone is out to do the same thing build data money
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74.5 wrote:Convoysur

I decided to stop trading and become a layer and a backer.I now select a horse that I want to back or lay,decide on the odds that I feel are value,then I wait patiently for the traders to move the odds in my favour.When they do,I place my bet.If they move the odds against me,no matter,there's lots of other races.
Yes, value trading is the only way to beat the manipulators, unfortunately knowing which horses are value requires a very high skill level (i.e. detailed knowledge of UK horse racing).

These manipulators really are sad folks. They aren't stupid though, lets give them that. Shortly after trying to push the price against their mark, they usually quickly scuttle away again like the cockroaches they are when they see their intended victim isn't backing down.
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Zenyatta wrote:
Yes, value trading is the only way to beat the manipulators, unfortunately knowing which horses are value requires a very high skill level (i.e. detailed knowledge of UK horse racing).
That's patently untrue. I know pro traders who happily admit that they know nothing about the horses they are trading, and work solely from the information in the ladders and on the charts...

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