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Fantastic win today for Bradley Wiggins in the Tour De France and great stage win by Mark Cavandish, topped off with Frome in second place overal.

With the Olympics just around the corner and hopefully another great show by the UK it looks like Cycling in the UK is going to grow massively building on the momentum of recent years.

Plenty of people will be inspired to take up the sport :)
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Never thought I would see it.
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Nice to see a positive story about the TDF. Over recent years, stories of doping etc has seriously tarnished it's reputation
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Yeah it is great, hopefully this tour will go some way to restablishing it as the great human feat that it is.

I really like mountain biking but have been attracted more in recent years by road cycling mainly because of the success the British have had. When I am out running, which is still my main sport, the number of cyclists I see out has grown massively the last few days. On Saturday morning I must have seen near on 30 odd in just the 7.5 miles I covered (getting my speed back post comrades :) 6min 10 sec per mile)

I have been trying to justify buying a Watt Bike for myself for a while now, think after today I will have to get one sooner rather than latter Incase they sell out :D
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The success in British cycling is to be applauded and IMHO it comes from the excellent attitude of Dave Brailsford and his team.

Despite recent sport success for the UK, the overall standard of coaching is dire. Yes, there are a lot of good people out volunteering their services but sadly they are swimming against the tide. Rather aptly, the standard of swim coaching in the UK is truly appalling and I speak as a swim coach who has dedicated 10 years trying to work with young athletes.

The problem? There is far too much emphasis on instant success. In football we expect 6 year olds to play competitive games where winning at all costs is the target. In swimming we want National times and victories no matter how they are achieved. You can go through most sports and this applies.

Dave Brailsford and his team (probably some predecessors) took cycling by the scruff of the neck and devised a plan. Training schedules, nutrition, technique, equipment and a can do attitude. We are now the envy of the world when it comes to cycling and this was before the excellent victory of Bradley Wiggins in the Tour de France. We have improved beyond the belief of most people over the past 10 years but that is because there was no short sighted "must win now" attitude.

Because the emphasis is placed on instant success and there is crazy attitude that you are "born" a champion too many young athletes are put on the scrap heap before they've even realised an ounce of their potential.

I have become so frustrated that I have given up trying to deal with the old farts that run these sports. Sadly my health has played a part but until the attitude changes we will never succeed in world sport. What have we won in Football? Nada! We're supposedly the best cricket team in the world PHHH we were the best of a bad bunch and SA showed our weaknesses recently!

Long may the cycling success continue I am delighted at what they have achieved and proud to see UK success. I just wish the rest of UK sport would wake up, kick out the old farts, kick out the "win now" crowd and start to devise a plan like UK Cycling to produce stars of the future.

Soapbox burnt, rant over!!
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Yorkshire to host start of the 2014 Tour De France:

2 stages in Yorkshire and one in London!
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Great decent in today's stage. Just starting, worth a watch. On itv4
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Great win by Chris Froome in this years TDF.

Feel a bit sorry for him in that he isn't getting hardly any of the coverage Wiggins got last year. Also considering all the work Froome did for Wiggins last year.

Va Va Froome!
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To be honest Andy, since Wiggins victory we've had confirmation of Lance Armstrong's cheating

I think this has tarnished the image of the TDF very badly, so much so, the media's coverage is basic at best.
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