Opening price range

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I have a wee query regarding the opening price of the favourite. I was wondering if there was a way to determine that the opening price was ABOVE a certain level and dis-allow the rule to run if the threshold was exceeded. By way of explanation, see below:

1. Have a rule run when the race goes inplay (know how to do this!!)
2. only continue executing the rule IF the opening price on the favourite (at the time of the race opening) is ABOVE 2.2
3. otherwise, do nothing further

I know in traditional logic we'd setup an if{>2.2} condition, and run everything inside the braces, however, in our guardian automation, we only seem to have atomic conditions that get examined on every background cycle, therefore, there's no way to pinpoint this moment in time, other than perhaps using some fancy little frig to measure inplay start for one second and somehow being able to refer back to this data point.

If not doable, then maybe a little c# with the api_ng to the rescue, but would love to see an automation work around if someone has tread this path before :)

Cheers again
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You can use either
"Fixed odds condition" or "Relative odss conditions"
and choose fav Actual SP is gretaer or less than
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Dallas wrote:You can use either
"Fixed odds condition" or "Relative odss conditions"
and choose fav Actual SP is gretaer or less than
I guess I was less than clear in my OP. What I'm really after is purely a value to party off of for the initial opening price after the flag. I then wish to be able to recall that value at every stage, in order to either perform a process or not. Thus, this value is a pseudo constant that needs to be examined before every subsequent step is taken. :)
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So your looking for a way to identify the which odds where traded 1st after the SP and race starts?
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Dallas wrote:So your looking for a way to identify the which odds where traded 1st after the SP and race starts?
correct - i can do this in code (i program in .net), but wondered if the guardian conditions had such a facility. I basically cross test theories between the two and capturing this 1st data point (or initial range), would be very useful based on some of the patterns I've seen emerging (especially if a short placed favourite coming out on odds of 1.3 or less etc)
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There's definetly not a way of doing this within guardian it would have to be a excel solution for something like this
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Ok Dallas -thanks for that, I now know that this very minor limitation exists, so will work around it manually for now.

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Jim, did you manage some way to program this feature? I want to do something similar.
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StefanBelo wrote:Jim, did you manage some way to program this feature? I want to do something similar.
alas no. I did however manage to capture it in my .net environment, but would LOVE to capture same in BA automation. I feel it's a really pivotal data point (in play at least) and therefore is a worthy potential addition to the feature request thread.

Might be good for you to elaborate as to why this data point is pivotal for you too in your *world* ;)

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