Apple Inc : APPL

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I was just discussing many of the points made in this piece this morning with someone then read this and found myself agreeing with an awful lot of what is said:

Are they becoming predictable? I think so but hope I am surprised by something tomorrow...
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Yes I think they are a bit predictable (and I am a big fan of Apple).
I'm not sure I would be tempted to upgrade mine (I only have the 3gs)..I may be tempted if it has 4G as they are starting the roll out this year :-

Think how that will change courtside trading for instance??

The thing is; You an bet that what ever the spec is, it will almost certainly be a success. It's as if everyone has the have the 'latest and greatest' where Phones are concerned? We went to a wedding at weekend and we sat on a table with about 10 young people (they was all from an industry that doesn't traditionally pay well) but they ALL had the latest iPhones and Samsung's. I felt like mine was a relic!!

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4G will kill your battery quicly, we'll have to wait for a proper battery technology before 4G will be massified.
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Unless I have missed a big announcement that seemd a big let down from the worlds biggest company...maybe they should spend more time innovating than suing?
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My contract is up for renewal so it's a possible for me but not a definite. I moved my wife onto a Samsung andriod device from her old 'normal' phone recently so I could have a good look at something else. I had expected more on this announcement TBH.
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Anyone think Apples stock is a little over valued at the moment? Up 70% this year and the most valuable company of all time. I understand they are a great brand but with a relatively small range of products they really have to stay on the ball to be offering more than similar products in the future.
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I was thinking of shorting it, but I learnt a tough lesson during the dot com boom that you can be 100% right and still lose money. So it will be all about timing it IMHO.
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I fully agree, they have begun to stagnate in terms of innovation. As Peter says, all about the timing and I don't think now is the time personally.
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52 wk-high 702.10
52 wk-low 363.57

Apple's value has roughly doubled in 10 months - it's more to do with all the excess money sloshing around the system that needs to find a home rather than Apple's prospects imho.

the correction in May/June would give cause for hope in shorting, but i agree that shorting atm would be dangerous (it's the value of money that's going down as much as the value of companies going up).
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ipad mini about to be released, new imacs in the pipeline, not to mention the apple tv set and the new ipad in january! Plus iphone5 sales through the roof. Not a good time to short apple until there is some slight negative news.
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jimrobo wrote:ipad mini about to be released, new imacs in the pipeline, not to mention the apple tv set and the new ipad in january! Plus iphone5 sales through the roof. Not a good time to short apple until there is some slight negative news.
but the competition is catching up (Android devices especially are gaining market share as iOS declines).
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Apple are starting to make a few errors. I don't think iPhone 5 will be as popular as it is at the moment. Lots of people waiting to upgrade, but once that's died down I think sales will become tougher.
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jimrobo wrote:ipad mini about to be released, new imacs in the pipeline, not to mention the apple tv set and the new ipad in january! Plus iphone5 sales through the roof. Not a good time to short apple until there is some slight negative news.
New versions of iPads, macs and new versions of phones, one new thing being the TV set but is that really going to gain mass traction in a very well developed and competitive market?

The sales are still expanding of the iPads and phones but the market shares are falling. The bad press about google maps and their own maps is bad to see. The apple maps is terrible IMO and should never have been released as it is. Ditching the YouTube app as well is very annoying even if you can use the phone version for now.

They really do seem like a firm that is reaching its peak. Where are the brand new products coming from? There is only so many personal devices a person wants and needs.

For the share price to keep its growth in the medium term they need that next big product...
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I am intrigued by Apple as a business. I remember really well sitting in a meeting in Houston in 1994 where there was a strategy discussion about Apple, Dell and Compaq. Apple was pretty much written off then, as was Dell but in fact it was probably one of the best buying opportunities in IT history.

We had a Newton in the room that day and were discussing the future of PDA's. But nobody could have guessed what happened from there. I did a presentation on how I thought the Internet could become the global 'dial tone' for future communications. Got that spot on but it still didn't help me identify the winners.

I reckon I know now what technology will be ubiquitous in ten years time, but I can't tell you at this moment who will profit from it. But I bet you people will be reminiscing on Apple at that point.
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andyfuller wrote:
New versions of iPads, macs and new versions of phones, one new thing being the TV set but is that really going to gain mass traction in a very well developed and competitive market?

This was exactly the same sentiment when they launched the iphone. Everyone said its a saturated market and nokia has market dominance apple couldn't touch. In their first opening keynote on the iphone I remember they said they wanted to sell 10Million in a year. Roll the clock forward 6 years and Nokia is a company on the rocks and apple just sold 10Million iphones in their opening weekend of releasing the iphone5 alone. The tv set being a saturated and competitive market won;t scare apple. All the major tv manufacturers know its coming are already scared. Thats why they have rushed out their smart tv versions hoping to get an edge on apple.

2 things to note though if you are looking at shorting the stock. 1, today is option expirey day and potentially there may be a lot of sellers in the market and 2 there is an emerging thing called scuffgate where the black iphones5's are said to suffer from the chamferred edges scuffing. Many seem to be scuffed out of the box. If this emerges as something major then that could have a short term impact on the share price. It may turn out to be a storm in a teacup but I saw a post from a german phone shop saying they opened 30 iphones and they all had scuffs. Ifixit also noted in their teardown they were easily able to scuff the affected area with a coin. White iphones are unaffected as the chamfered adges arent annodised like the black ones.

2 things to note
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