Dating sites

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Hi Zenyatta

Thanks for your advice.

I'm not sure looks are as important as you suggest.

Let's say a woman is in the top 20% looks-wise.

She probably doesn't realise that she's anywhere near that attractive. The human mind constantly bombards itself with put downs, and it can be more comforting to have a low self-image, as it doesn't hurt as much when you fail.

So is she going to try to get into conversation with someone she thinks is out of her league, and risk wasting her time and ending up feeling embarrassed and rejected? Or is she going to focus on people who aren't in the top 20% looks wise (and who clearly aren't using a model's photo rather than their own)?

Even if we assume women are primarily interested in looks (and I would say they generally aren't), I would say that the latter outcome is more likely...

Zenyatta wrote:Hi Jeff,

I signed up for the biggest one, OKCupid,just out of curiosity really.

A couple of things you need to realize:

*The dating websites are largely looks based- unless you are fortunate enough to be a guy in the top 20% in the looks department, its hard to get replies. You need a really good photo, preferably one which has an interesting background or shows you doing something interesting. I suspect your photo is not that great, get a good shot of you outdoors by the ocean (for example) or in an unusual location and I think you'll find you get a better response rate.

*Any girl with decent looks on a dating website gets bombarded with hundreds of messages a week and thus is only going to end up replying to a few of them.

*Experienced users warn its just like the bar scene on steroids. They don't call them 'meat markets' for nothing (see the above two points). Neither bars nor dating websites are good places to meet girls unless are a PYT ('Pretty Young Thing'), because the girls are jaded and on the defensive due to getting hit on all the time, and only really respond favorably to really attractive guys. Basically its for PYTs looking to hook with other PYTs.
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Zenyatta wrote: You need a really good photo, preferably one which has an interesting background or shows you doing something interesting. I suspect your photo is not that great, get a good shot of you outdoors by the ocean (for example) or in an unusual location and I think you'll find you get a better response rate.
He lives in Preston!

His opportunities for lovely backdrops are limited
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Fair comment - it would either have to be some run-down mill or Deepdale! LOL!

BTW, the fact that I live in Preston may be part of the reason I haven't had more joy. I'm looking for someone I can have deep conversations with, and Preston isn't exactly teeming with cultured, intellectual types!

LeTiss 4pm wrote:
He lives in Preston!

His opportunities for lovely backdrops are limited
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Hi Jeff,

one of the lads who worked for me as an industrial year student sent me an invitation to join TAGGED to keep in touch after he went home.

I joined but did nothing for profile etc. because I only used it to keep in touch and naturally nobody contacted me. I used to get regular messages bugging me to update it, so one day, at a loose end, I did. I was 55 I think, so well past my dating sell-by date, and I put on a shot in my work suit wearing a Bogart style "fedora" sat in a beer garden and in spite of stating clearly that I was married and interested only in friends I started to get messages from all sorts of women, some twenty years my junior and it was obvious that they were, invariably, looking for a "relationship". Of course there was a wide spectrum of types, but several were interesting and intelligent and a number of them very attractive. The ages were varied as well, I had contacts from women as much as twenty-five years my junior, as well as a few older.

I think Z's right, the thing that catches the attention is an interesting photo, a bit like e-bay really. After they're attention's caught the quality of your profile's the place you can draw them in, witty or intriguing, your call and good luck,

cheers, P
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Hi Jeff

Can’t agree with Zenyatta, agree far more with Prediction.

I joined Dating Direct at the age of 53. I was a bit half hearted to say the least, didn’t put a picture up, only half filled out the profile, I was my own worst enemy but I had loads of response.

I didn’t bother trawling the site looking through them all, there are thousands of them, a bit like a cattle market, after a while they all look and sound the same, you get sick of the sights of them.

I didn’t approach any of them, but I did reply to every one that approach me. It was a good laugh most of the time because I can’t take life seriously, and the whole thing we were trying to achieve at 53 was hilarious.

I took several of them out, most were good fun, but don’t take any at face value. I went out with one who sent me a photo of her in a bikini, she looked divine I was champing at the bit couldn’t wait to meet her. When I met her I could see the resemblance, I thought it was her mother going to tell me she couldn’t make it, but it was her. When I said how come you don’t look like your photo, she said it was taken 20 years ago, what’s the point!!!! The only one I didn’t kiss goodbye.

Another was great fun but half way through the night she said I’m afraid I’m a bit of a fraud. I have had a bet with a friend that I can date a different man every night for a month. She was half way there and convinced she would win her bet. A pity really, she snogged like an angel.

Have to agree with Prediction you will get offers from all sorts of women, I had offers from women less than half my age, most of them local women not on the site. Don’t know if they fancied me, or my BMW, but I like to think it was me. :lol:

Finally met my lady on the dating site seven years ago and were still together. She had a big four bed detached house in a gorgeous village full of millionaires and I didn’t, so I sold my house and moved in with her.

The only advise I can give you Jeff is stay light hearted, if you can laugh at life and yourself as well as others, you WILL be popular. Women love to laugh and love men who can make them laugh, life’s too short to be serious, good luck.
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Hi Prediction & Davy

Thanks for the advice guys.

Most profiles are variations of 'Oh gosh, I don't know what to write! LOL! My name's Sarah, and I like to go out and have a laugh with my mates'.

My profile is different. I tried to structure my message to say what I was looking for in a friendly but clear and concise manner. But maybe, in taking that approach, I've put people off. Perhaps I come across as too intense. So maybe a photo of me looking as I normally do (ie pretty scruffy!) might help show that I'm an informal guy who they can have a laugh with.

But I'm not worried. I'd like to think that, if a kindred spirit reads my profile, she'll get in touch. And every 'No' takes you one step closer to a 'Yes'! :)

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Hi Jeff

Not pushing the site, and I don't know about the others but Dating Direct send a list of new members and their profiles to every member of the opposite sex on a weekly basis. It ensures every new member gets noticed. I used to enjoy getting these, and still read them after I moved in with my lady, until she caught me reading them. Had to cancel them after that. But it would give you a huge shot in the arm when it went out. My lady responded to me Christmas Eve, it’s a bad time to be alone.

Good luck.
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How romantic! :)

Thanks for the tip.

As for being alone at Christmas, I can honestly say it won't bother me. I'm not sentimental about Christmas, and I'm comfortable with my own company, so I'll be fine.

davy wrote:Hi Jeff

Not pushing the site, and I don't know about the others but Dating Direct send a list of new members and their profiles to every member of the opposite sex on a weekly basis. It ensures every new member gets noticed. I used to enjoy getting these, and still read them after I moved in with my lady, until she caught me reading them. Had to cancel them after that. But it would give you a huge shot in the arm when it went out. My lady responded to me Christmas Eve, it’s a bad time to be alone.

Good luck.
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Yes I have. It was more of an "adult" website though. However if you are prepared to ignore most the smutty stuff, there are some genuine people there. Sometimes you just have to go for it because there are probably 100s of other people in a very similar situation who when confronted by the smutty side, think, no it's not worth if, or they are disgusted, and then don't bother. Sure some of it is not nice but as the SAS motto states: Who Dares Wins.
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Hi Misimiki

I don't have a moral problem with adult dating sites, and I'm sure there are some lovely people on them.

But I'd be unlikely to use such a site, purely because of the health risks. My life is complicated enough without contracting an STD! :)

misimiki wrote:Yes I have. It was more of an "adult" website though. However if you are prepared to ignore most the smutty stuff, there are some genuine people there. Sometimes you just have to go for it because there are probably 100s of other people in a very similar situation who when confronted by the smutty side, think, no it's not worth if, or they are disgusted, and then don't bother. Sure some of it is not nice but as the SAS motto states: Who Dares Wins.
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they're called STI's these days!! Apparantly!!
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It doesn't surprise me! LOL!

Heaven forbid we should call a disease a, er, disease!

I wonder how long it is before it ceases to be called an infection, and becomes a 'challenge'! Or, more likely still, a 'non-sexual orientation specific challenge'!

jimrobo wrote:they're called STI's these days!! Apparantly!!
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Just when I was giving on the site, this morning I received a message from a charming young lady!

Maybe I won't be single this Christmas after all!

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Now that’s what I call a result. It’s all this positive thinking. When I said Christmas is a bad time to be alone, I wasn’t exactly thinking of you Jeff, although I didn’t have the heart to correct you. My lady contacted me on Christmas Eve, She told me later, the kids were out kicking their heals up as kids do and I was sat in the house on my own, and I thought “ I’m going to do something about this”. So she looked on the site and found me, what a lucky girl.

Fill yer boots Jeff, I hope she’s the best cracker you’ve ever pulled. Keep us informed Jeff, this is better than Coronation Street, and I can’t stand Coronation Street.

Good luck

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Thanks Davy!

I've just told her what I do for a living, and I was half expecting the conversation to die a quick death, but she's messaged me back to say: 'You're not the first professional gambler I have met so don't worry about it sounding unusual to me'.

I have a good feeling about this... ;)

davy wrote:
Fill yer boots Jeff, I hope she’s the best cracker you’ve ever pulled. Keep us informed Jeff, this is better than Coronation Street, and I can’t stand Coronation Street.

Good luck

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