Dating sites

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Posts: 277
Joined: Fri May 20, 2011 7:42 am

hi all I have used dating sites in he past with out success, but I did meet alot of people and that was fun. Interestingly I was discussing this very subject with my sister and she said the following:-
Most women hate, and I mean hate, "cheap vulgar humour, as in just get your leg over and have fun" type nudge nudge wink wink humour!! Intelligent women like intelligent men with something to say, to be a good conversationalist you need to be a good listener!

But lets start at first base, as a man, take a very long serious look at yourself in the mirror? look at your wardrobe, is that Zappatta moustache which looked good when you were twenty odd look good now? Do you dress like a typical brit abroad? if you are not sure on these things ask a women friend with a sense of style to take you out shopping. first impressions are vital!!!!! get another hobby, or sport, join a club, Women like honest well groomed men at ease with themselves. I was very lucky to meet my partner a year ago in the local pub. when neither was looking for the other, karma has a strange way of working!!!
luck to you all,

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I hope to meet all of you traders in Paris eventually. Remember, years of hot French chicks, easy money and beautiful art and food await all of Paris
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Posts: 1235
Joined: Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:41 pm

No disrespect intended to any Parisians but........

My memory of Paris is horrendous traffic, every car has a dent in every panel and more dog shit than my local lost dogs home.

Still better than London though............I am not bothered about upsetting Londoners though. :)
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mugsgame wrote: My memory of Paris is horrendous traffic, every car has a dent in every panel and more dog shit than my local lost dogs home.
No need to use a car in a big city. As to the shit, pay some of the mug punters to clean it up. That's their job isn't it? It's for traders to live it up whilst all the mugs slave away day in and day out doing all the work.
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