Using Tennis Trader with No Live Score Feed By Updating the Scores Manually

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From time to time Betfair do not provide the live score feed for tennis markets via there API (they may still have them on their website but unless they also have them on their API Bet Angel is unable to display them).

Usually, this is confined to less important non WTA & ATP tournements, however, for the last two years, they have not been able to offer a live score feed for the Australian Open and are unlikely to do so for the coming years due to licencing issues which they are unlikely to purchase/re-new at the next opportunity as Australian users can not allowed bet in-play.

For Tennis Trader to make any of its predictions it does, of course, need to be updated with the latest score at all times. When the live score feed is available this is done for you automatically however even if there is no live score feed as in the Australian open it is still possible to use the Tennis Trader Profiling tool by updating the scores manually.

To do this you just need to start Tennis Trader as normal and select the match type. If a match is mid-way through a when you join you can enter the current score next to the players names in the top two rows as shown in the image below.


You want to ensure a new game is about to start and that you have the tennis ball icon next to the correct player who is serving. Once you have the score filled in and the server the final thing to do is to click the ‘Calibrate’ button (just as you would if there was a live score feed you will need to do this periodically throughout the match but always do so at the start of a new game while the points are still 0-0 and not midway through a game).

As the match progresses and each point is won all you need to do is click the ‘+’ icon next to that players name to award them the point, the predicted odds etc below will update automatically for you as will those shown on the ‘Game’ & ‘Set’ matrix tabs. Even when the match gets to the end of a game as in the image below were ‘Galovic’ is leading the game 15-40 if he wins another point everything will update automatically including the games, points and server on the top two rows.


After ‘Galovic’ wins that game point the next image is how Tennis Trader would now look, its at this time that you could click the ‘Calibrate’ button again to ensure its working optimally from the current odds.


Thats all there is to it, once set up its just a single click after each point and the occasional Re-Calibration to keep everything updated so Tennis Trader can do its job.

If you have never used Tennis Trader before and/or are new to trading tennis see this thread for some examples on how to use it and how it will aid your tennis trading. ... =7&t=13251
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