Alert if Nominated Player is Serving & 0-40 Guardian Automation Bot

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This is a basic Guardian automation file for use on Tennis markets.

The purpose of this bot is to Alert you via your Watch List if a nominated player is serving and 0-40 down.

If the alert goes off it will flash next to the selection for 30 seconds and stay viable for another 30 seconds, then clear after a total of 60 seconds. It will also auto scroll to the match in your watch list as well as maximize the watch list if you have it minimized to your taskbar at the time it goes off - so you'll never miss an opportunity and be able to open the match on your ladder or one-click trading screen with a single click and begin betting/trading.

WL 0-40 Alert.JPG

Once you've applied the Alert automation file to all your markets, then you just use the 'Automation Nominated Selection 1 and 2' columns in Guardian to quickly and easily select which players you want the alert to trigger on in a match, if both players are strong servers then you can select both in these columns.

Alert in Nom Player is 0-40.jpg

How it Works

There is an ‘Alert' rule for each player and each rule has the following two conditions so it knows when to trigger
1, Tennis Serving Condition, to test that the nominated player is serving
2, Tennis Fixed Score Condition, to test that the score is 0-40

To use the file just click on the following Alert if Nominated Player is Serving & 0-40.baf and this will download it to your computer, then with guardian open on the "Automation" tab click "Import a Rules File" as shown in the image, once imported it will now appear in the drop-down box just above, you can now apply them to any markets you have added into guardian.
Once you have it imported into your Guardian the stake size along with any other aspects of this file can be edited very easily by clicking on "Edit Rules File".

With any automation bot always run in practice mode first to ensure everything is working fine, and repeat this each time you make any changes.

To see a video tutorial on how to download and import an automation file into your Bet Angel please see this link
Alert if Nominated Player is Serving & 0-40.baf
(1014 Bytes) Downloaded 598 times
Guardian Import.jpg
Posts: 40
Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2018 8:50 am

Hi Dallas, I have loaded this file up and put each player in the nominated selection 1 and 2 but nothing seems to be triggering? Can anyone else confirm if this file is working or not for them? I'm on ba v1.52.0
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