Alert to New High & Low Traded Price on Guardian Screen - Guardian Automation Bot

Get Bet Angel to scan for your favoured trading set up and alert you to any Betfair trading opportunities you are looking for.
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This is a basic Guardian rules file for use on most markets but especially the pre-off horse racing markets

To use this file please make sure you are using the latest version of Bet Angel V1.56 which can be download from the following link

The Purpose of this bot is to alert you via your Guardian trading screen when a selection trades at a new high or low price during the last hour before the official start time.
When an alert goes off it will also auto-scroll to that market in your Guardian, so even if you have 100s of markets you'll still not miss an alert if it goes off on a market out of view.
Also if you have the Guardian window minimized to your taskbar at the time the alert goes off it will also auto maximize the window for you.

So you will have instant notification of which player and match the alerts relates to which you can then click on and launch the on to your ladder or one-click trading screen to take action on

There are two bots to download at the bottom of this post, the first will alert you via your Guardian screen when any runner (with odds below 30.0) trades at a new high or low price, the second version of this rules file monitors just the favourite and alerts you if that trades at a new high or low price.

Alert when Runner Trades at New High or Low

When the alert for a runner trading at a new high or low goes off it display the name of the runner and if its a New high or New low, the background is also coloured so you can see from a quick glance which direction the alert is for and the alert will flash for 20 seconds then remain visible for another 10secs before clearing

Alert to New High and Low in Guardian 2.JPG

Alert when Fav Trades at New High or Low

When the alert for the fav trading at a new high or low goes off it will display the text 'Fav New High' or 'Fav New Low' with a coloured background to help visually show the direction and the alert will flash for 20 seconds before clearing. The rule will re-arm 25secs after it triggers so 5 seconds after it stops flashing it will be ready to trigger again.

Alert to New High and Low Fav in Guardian 2.JPG

Before using these file you must first enable the 'Alert 1' column in Guardian, to do this click on the 'List' tab then the 'Column Chooser' icon (which looks like a calendar), then tick the 'Alert 1' box as shown in the image below

Add Alert Column.JPG

How it works and using the Rules File
Once you have it imported into your Guardian the stake size along with any other aspects of this file can be edited very easily by clicking on "Edit Rules File".

Please refer to the 'Note' tab for each rule understand how each rule works and how it may be connected to other rules within the file

**As with any automation bot always run in practice mode first to ensure everything is working fine, and repeat this each time you make any changes**

Downloading and Importing the Files
To use the files just click on the Alert if Runner Trades at a New High or Low.baf' and/or 'Alert if Fav Trades at New High or Low.baf links below and that will download it to your computer, then with guardian open on the "Automation" tab click "Import a Rules File" as shown in the image, once imported it will now appear in the pick list area just above, you can now apply it to any markets you have added into guardian.

To see a video tutorial on how to download and import an automation file into your Bet Angel please see this link


If you'd like to edit the max price a runner can be before the alert ignores them you just need to edit the first rule named 'Store Intial Prices' and on the conditions tab change the price to whatever you want to set it to

Or if you'd like to see alerts for all runners trading at a new high or low regardless of price you can just click 'Delete' button to remove this condition from the rule.
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To use the settings above you first need to have downloaded and installed the latest version of Bet Angel V1.56
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