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Kai wrote:
Mon May 03, 2021 11:43 pm
However, I was hoping to maybe sway a few opinions in this very moment, and I think I did because I've already received an apology message from the most recent disbeliever and he says he sent an apology to Dallas as well! :D I guess we take what small victories we can get, good enough for me.
Disbeliever in what, the Oasis? Surely not?!

Where else is your camel supposed to sleep?!
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Awesomely precise analogy, Kai!
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jamesg46 wrote:
Mon May 03, 2021 3:08 pm
Kai wrote:
Mon May 03, 2021 3:06 pm
LeTiss wrote:
Mon May 03, 2021 2:41 pm
I didn't realise people were actually suggesting we're not real people!!

Trading is hard. It requires effort, patience and discipline
Nice try Peter!!!
Hmm, so we all are just Peter's imaginary marketing entities... Creepy...
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napshnap wrote:
Tue May 04, 2021 8:16 am
jamesg46 wrote:
Mon May 03, 2021 3:08 pm
Kai wrote:
Mon May 03, 2021 3:06 pm

Nice try Peter!!!
Hmm, so we all are just Peter's imaginary marketing entities... Creepy...

Yep, I'm not real, just a fox with a view on fashion....
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Quick someone press the button!
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napshnap wrote:
Tue May 04, 2021 8:16 am
jamesg46 wrote:
Mon May 03, 2021 3:08 pm
Kai wrote:
Mon May 03, 2021 3:06 pm

Nice try Peter!!!
Hmm, so we all are just Peter's imaginary marketing entities... Creepy...
Yeah, & I'm 14 updates behind the code written for StellaBot :lol:
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jamesg46 wrote:
Tue May 04, 2021 12:53 pm
napshnap wrote:
Tue May 04, 2021 8:16 am
jamesg46 wrote:
Mon May 03, 2021 3:08 pm

Hmm, so we all are just Peter's imaginary marketing entities... Creepy...
Yeah, & I'm 14 updates behind the code written for StellaBot :lol:
Don't mind me, I am just a simple meme bot. *Beep Boop*
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Kai wrote:
Tue May 04, 2021 12:56 pm
jamesg46 wrote:
Tue May 04, 2021 12:53 pm
napshnap wrote:
Tue May 04, 2021 8:16 am

Hmm, so we all are just Peter's imaginary marketing entities... Creepy...
Yeah, & I'm 14 updates behind the code written for StellaBot :lol:
Don't mind me, I am just a simple meme bot. *Beep Boop*
A complex meme bot, the quality is too good to be a simple one ;)
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If you look at the 'who is online' section at the bottom of each topic, it's not there now but I often see [bot] on the thread. What is this bot doing and how does the forum software know it's a bot?
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Derek27 wrote:
Tue May 04, 2021 1:43 pm
If you look at the 'who is online' section at the bottom of each topic, it's not there now but I often see [bot] on the thread. What is this bot doing and how does the forum software know it's a bot?
That's my brother, from another coder... doesn't really have the same twang to it does it. He's there to scrape your trading activity and feed all of your edges back into mine and StellaBots algo.
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jamesg46 wrote:
Tue May 04, 2021 1:56 pm
Derek27 wrote:
Tue May 04, 2021 1:43 pm
If you look at the 'who is online' section at the bottom of each topic, it's not there now but I often see [bot] on the thread. What is this bot doing and how does the forum software know it's a bot?
That's my brother, from another coder... doesn't really have the same twang to it does it. He's there to scrape your trading activity and feed all of your edges back into mine and StellaBots algo.
I trust Detective Derek to solve this mystery on his own without further clues. If not, then I expect a full report in the rant thread.

In the meantime, as per my programming, I have scraped the internet for the most relevant meme on the topic of covering up evidence of botting.


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Kai wrote:
Tue May 04, 2021 2:13 pm
jamesg46 wrote:
Tue May 04, 2021 1:56 pm
Derek27 wrote:
Tue May 04, 2021 1:43 pm
If you look at the 'who is online' section at the bottom of each topic, it's not there now but I often see [bot] on the thread. What is this bot doing and how does the forum software know it's a bot?
That's my brother, from another coder... doesn't really have the same twang to it does it. He's there to scrape your trading activity and feed all of your edges back into mine and StellaBots algo.
I trust Detective Derek to solve this mystery on his own without further clues. If not, then I expect a full report in the rant thread.

In the meantime, as per my programming, I have scraped the internet for the most relevant meme on the topic of covering up evidence of botting.


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Kai wrote:
Mon May 03, 2021 11:43 pm
Morbius wrote:
Mon May 03, 2021 9:26 pm
I lost my father to Covid last December and shortly after that it nearly took my life.
I know I offered my condolences months ago but once again, I'm sorry for your loss and hopefully you've made a full recovery. Speaking of, my whole family went through Covid in April now but luckily unscathed, timely Pfizer vaccinations have truly made all the difference so very lucky there indeed. Actually, self-isolation is why I dropped by the forum again as well, it's good to have a bit of a distraction sometimes.
Morbius wrote:
Mon May 03, 2021 9:26 pm
The thread has no strategic objective to it and could have been 10k words in length with more imagery and it wouldn't change a thing.
Well, not sure what sort of strategic objective the thread should have since I have not thought that far ahead! :lol:

I rarely do when I just follow my whim and speak what's on my mind, I only felt the urge to say something :) Since we can't properly discuss trading there's not many real topics left anyway, but I know all posts and videos get buried very fast either way, so it does feel pointless at times.

However, I was hoping to maybe sway a few opinions in this very moment, and I think I did because I've already received an apology message from the most recent disbeliever and he says he sent an apology to Dallas as well! :D I guess we take what small victories we can get, good enough for me.

Besides, you already know how much I love analogies and idioms etc, and how much fun I like to have with your language, so I'll take any excuse I can get :D Maybe overdid it a bit although I had fun and hopefully you liked one or two Carl :)

But I'll shut up now before someone gets seriously offended and posts "oi who you calling idiom mate??"

appreciate the kind words guys

Yeah I think "strategic objective" was a bad choice of words as it did come across more of a frustrated half rant Kai if that's a better way of saying it :-). This subject goes deeper than just people not believing the forum or whatever and really that is merely a derivative IMO of something far larger and far more insidious. Unfortunately Kai you rattled another one of my cages with this thread similar to the ESL thread :-) Over the past 20 years since the exponential growth of the internet there has also been an equal exponential growth in a covert industry designed to promote conspiracy theories and hack into the denialism culture. People have a deep fundamental drive to want to believe "stuff" and this is buried deep within people's psychology waiting to be exploited just like some religious cult leader.

The problem is that half truths then get warped into something they are not. Its pretty scary how many Americans refuse to believe they never landed on the moon but this figure has grown as the internet has grown. The fact that the hard part was already done by us being lucky enough to survive 3 billion years of human evolution and not go the same way as the dinosaurs is lost on these people. Nobody doubts that we go into space, but yet that 240k distance between here and the moon which is just x10 the earths circumference is somehow not possible. The fact that it would be many times harder statistically to fake the damn thing and maintain that secret for over half a century than to actually go is lost on these people.

However, combine someone who isn't an astronaut or who has never worked for NASA or has no knowledge of the space industry and who is isolated from intelligent opinions who is also isolated at home in a world of social media and the darker aspects of the internet and a form of radicalisation kicks in. Actually, these people don't even have to be "sold" to because they have basically done the hard part by being ignorant of basic facts. So if someone can't make money trading then in their mind "it isn't possible". Some years ago some supposedly very smart academics tried to prove that poker was a game of pure chance and if you played the game long enough that all standard distributions would even out and that anyone that was ahead was simply running ahead of EV and would correct.

There are many facets of poker that are completely random but the game isn't random in the way trading isn't because skill manipulates payoffs even when the criteria are replicated. Give a novice and professional the same cards and same opponents and the results will not be the same. This is so obvious to anyone that plays the game that to say otherwise is laughable. But the academics just say "yeah but these cave men don't understand the deeper mathematics like we do" can't argue with them because they think that mathematics can prove everything.

Likewise some years ago some equally "smart" people tried to say that the financial markets were purely random and that anyone that was ahead was merely running ahead of EV and this too would correct. They quoted the now famous coin tossing analogy where if every single person in the USA tossed a dollar coin and called heads or tails, the winners went through to the next toss while the losers were eliminated but left their money in the pot. This then reduced further until a small group of people were millionaires. They argued that a chimp who could toss a coin and who got lucky would get the same result and hence stock market millionaires had just gotten lucky and there was no skill.

Then Warren Buffet blew this theory out of the water with a famous article called "The Super Investors of Graham and Doddsville" which basically said that what if those same lucky people all came from the same small town in the same state, wouldn't you think that was rather strange and merited further scientific study!! The fact is only education convinces people but people think they have "education" by watching a few YT videos. People will always doubt what they can't see and the nature of people to want quick fixes to a longer problem is another factor.

Stick a few half truths in the mix and suddenly people cry "fake". The truth is Joe Smith can't make trading pay and neither did his two mates or the six people he spoke to on a forum. But hey the two that did say they were doing well were either lucky or were working for the forum because Joe has his own business and couldn't possibly fail anything and his mate "Dan" who is an accountant who is no fool can't make it pay either....bottom line.....everyone lies based on their "truths". Ditto with the moon rock that was proven to be fake. The bottom line was NASA over committed in how much moon rock they promised to certain institutions so when a few pieces were proven to not come from the moon...THEY NEVER WENT!!!

This "virus" has invaded our culture and it showed itself in COVID. Give a few inaccuracies in how the deaths were reported and suddenly the entire pandemic is exaggerated in the minds of all too many people. Any manipulation of statistics would only ever be in one direction and that is less and not more. What possible strategic objective could any country have to completely go OTT on their death totals unless your logic was so far gone that a you had a "David Icke" picture as pride of place on your mantle piece and you thought Piers Corbyn was somehow a very intelligent person. I despair at how illogical people are but this tsunami of stupidity cannot be stopped so there is no point fighting it, just get out of the way of it. Someone said a few months back how there would be a cure for cancer before there was a cure for human stupidity....that is pretty much nailed on.
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To trade better
Increase profit or reduce losses
Losing trader says why reduce losses
And fails

To rule better
Increase production or reduce liabilities
Government follower says why would government take losses on purpose
And fails to see why

This time they will reduce liabilities
First the old
Then the weak
Useless to society
And stupid

They will reduce them
The net will be better
Their eugenics program is pushed so hard
For a reason
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It's quite insensitive and heartless to continue to post that sort of crap when somebody on here (and maybe one of many) has lost his father to covid. Don't you have any compassion Alex?
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