The crypto has been infiltrated by the FIAT invisible hand and for good reasons.
- during the pandemic , workers were paid to stay at home and funny enough the economy was 'saved '.and some businesses boomed while the highstreets and commercial property markets saw a decline .( this bubble still waiting to burst )
- flooding the currency markets with free money will inevitably cause the prices of some goods and ' assets ' to go up ..... CRYPTO is an 'asset'
- Crypto was Originally meant to replace FIAT and offer a GOLD standard insurance policy on investment . But Greed and FOMO kicked in and now its a speculative Game of revolving smoking mirrors.
-FIAT prints currency notes out of thin air. (The BANKING cabal) using Quantitative easing and this causes inflation .
- interest rates on savings are almost competing with the SNP 500... some current accounts are offering up to 5-7 % on savings up to £5,000
"Flooding the currency market with Free DEBT , Quantitative easing and free pandemic money ".
result :
inflation caused by increased demand for limited goods and services ... the rich end up being richer and the Rat race generation transfer the little savings to the middle men (Banks).
---others will use the money to speculate with anything that looks like value. And Block Chain is value when used for the right reasons . ( security and transparency )
FIAT will work to remove excessive currency notes out of circulation by encouraging saving and restricting free money handouts.
-AND when all the TRICKS in the books stop working ?
and there is still a lot of FIAT currency notes in the market ?
the price of GOLD goes up
20 yrs of Gold.PNG
But this is still NOT enough ...
take the FIAT currencies in speculative PUMP and DUMP schemes ... and with a stroke of a Button wipe EVERYTHING out ... make the currencies Disappear into thin air !
welcome to the CRYPTO mind games .
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