Apple Inc : APPL

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Thanks for the update. I am guessing it can't be used for trading but I wouldn't mind seeing a video about it on the channel if you ever get chance.
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A couple of weeks ago I was at the Dangerfields comedy club in new york. There was this one guy with a really high-tech watch in the audience. The watch would light up in some fancy blue color every second. Needless to say the guy got picked on by *every* comedian on the stage. He truly had a rough evening :lol:

I love gadgets (hopefully next year I'll have my own personal robot: !) , but the thing with the watches I don't understand. I'll wait until they look like a rolex and have infinite battery time.
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This stock is really taking a hammering. Fallen from around $130 to $115 very quickly... taking out a few key technical supports on the way
Nasdaq is up 8 percent this year, but when the main stocks go down, its usually a very bearish sign for the index as a whole
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Nice piece on Bloomberg

Apple's financial dependence on the smartphone is increasing ... ne-company
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Think there is a big event later this week (9th/10th Aug), where Apple are announcing their new products?
(I need to get a new Ipad as the one I have is a bit old now and Im keen to see if the new Ipad pro will be released..Ie what the spec is and price etc)
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PeterLe wrote:Think there is a big event later this week (9th/10th Aug), where Apple are announcing their new products?
Is it a time machine ;)

The problem they have with the iPad is that it just doesn't have the refresh cycle of a mobile phone. My one which is about 4 or 5 years old now is still perfectly fine and I have no need to replace it anytime soon.

Other members of my family have newer versions and there isn't much difference.

The Apple watch I still don't get. For what it costs you can get a very nice time piece that you can pass down for decades to come but the Apple watch bought this year will be in the 'man drawer' next year when a new version comes out.

There was an interesting discussion I was listening to last week about Apple moving in to being an original content provider to tap into the Netflix/Amazon Video etc market. The conversation turned to who they could buy, one company being Disney outright with some of their spare cash!
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Hi Andy
I got the original first generation ipad and its not compatible with the latest IOS.
I know it will cost £5-600, but I think ive had good value for money over the years, so i dont mind paying out again.
..Or there again; I may put it on my Christmas wish list! :D
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Apple have amazing products and I guess they can last a long time just on their spare cash
The trouble is that Apple have always been the great innovator, not necessarily inventing things, but certainly taking ideas and making outstanding products. Products that were so good people would pay more for the name. They have lost their great innovator in Steve Jobs and one wonders will they ever have another product to change the game like the ipod and the iphone, ipad did in the past
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I maybe proved wrong over time but I suspect they won't come up with another great product and in 10 years time once technology has massively changed again they will have gone the way of several other once great companies.

Time will tell...

Peter - It is September not August in case you were wondering about my time machine comment. I didn't realise they were 'forcing' people to update their hardware with the latest iOs, that's pretty much the only way they can make people upgrade but it is a pretty long product refresh cycle.

If my iPad was stolen or broken I would be looking to replace it in days. I looked back just the other week at the emails I sent you about the iPad when it first came out and I said I could not see it replacing my Notebook. How wrong I was, the Notebook is sat gathering dust on top of my cupboard, the iPad is used constantly throughout the day and goes everywhere with me.
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I think it's going to be a long time until Apple are completely gone. They have all the great barriers: A brand which people are willing to pay more for which gives them a pricing advantage, high consumer switching costs because it's beneficial to have all your devices from Apple and once you do it's veeery costly to switch all your equipment to another brand, and the network effect with their App Store which has the critical mass of content producers who go there for the content buyers who go there for the content producers (aka Betfair exchange). This isn't even to mention the huge amounts of cash they have.

Even though you can hate aspects of Apple, like the essential use of iTunes, the way they don't help you save space on your phone constantly making you upgrade, etc... It's compulsive to stay with them because of the sublime simplicity of their device UIs and the money/content you've already invested with them.

I think the onus is on competitors creating a product that is worth it for the consumer to switch to, then lock into. If you're talking about status quo and not growth, then the onus is not on Apple to create any amazing new products to maintain the lead. After all, look at all the screw-ups they've had in the recent past - not a dent in them.
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I agree with all those points xitian, I was meaning that it will require a major change in the way we use technology, when some new killer way comes around that surpasses the use of smartphones and tablets.

Apple has nailed that area of the market. But as sure as night follows day, we will in years to come be using some new technology form that is only a twinkle in some developers eye. When that change comes I highly suspect it won't be an existing company that is behind it.

Perhaps 10 years is too short a time frame but it will come at some point and Apple will become Nokia.
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Sometimes I wonder if the days of new startups becoming huge companies (ala Google, Facebook, etc..) is over.

One of the latest innovations I've been very excited about is VR and to some extent AR by Microsoft's Hololens. But as an example, Oculus were the biggest innovators of VR and completely opened up the industry, then got bought immediately by Facebook. Or in the world of robotics, look at Boston Dynamics being bought by Google a year or so ago.

It seems the only chance of small unique innovators not being bought out is if their technology stays under the radar until critical mass, which seems very hard in such a connected world (which wasn't the case previously).

AI is the other potential area over big developments, but I expect the big companies are the ones ahead on that already too.
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I am a bit underwhelmed by yesterday's launch. Steve Jobs must be turning in his grave seeing the introduction of the stylus, what was it he said, something like if you see a stylus we have failed!

Also I see the new iPad keyboard comes with cursor keys - pretty sure he said something similar about them.

The TV isn't particularly anything amazing, another thing to try and keep you in the ecosystem but I think it is content that is the key and Netflix and Amazon are well ahead with their own content offerings. Though I do see Apple making a move into this area even more so now they have launched the TV.

Overall, it is pretty much as you were imo.
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Time machine - Back to the future! :D
I may be tempted to look at the Ipad pro depending upon price..(good for home, but not sure for carrying on flights/trains etc).
Ill have a think

Edit : Prices 32Gb - $799 to $1079 for 128Gb with Wifi (thats not bad? Time for a treat maybe:D )
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Apple chucking more money down the pan it seems trying to break into the music streaming market:

Apple 'considering takeover' of Jay Z's streaming service Tidal ... vice-tidal

Can't say I have ever bothered with either service and see no need to when you can share a Spotify Family subscription for next to nothing amongst your family.

Don't know anyone who has bothered with either service.
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