Starting full time

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Joined: Thu May 05, 2016 12:49 pm

So this week I started my full time trading, if anyone would like to share there feelings and emotions of there first week it would be great to share. :roll:
Posts: 3
Joined: Tue May 17, 2016 11:52 am

It's good to know that you are in Sports betting and it is a full time business opportunity if you do it really well. I check all match stats and previous results. It will definitely help you
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Don't leave any stone unturned wozza - this is your business. Many will doubt you, many will think you have a gambling problem, or are a work shy lazy bastard.

There's no better feeling in life than proving people wrong

I used to record my own videos. It was only when I played them back that I realised that I swore lots and sounded like a farmer, but it was great from an educational perspective
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wozza - I'm similarly new to this type of trading, having come from a matched betting background, so our journey's are starting at the same time. Not certain that I can offer any advice other than reiterating what many have said to me on this forum when faced with any issues, namely, be confident, prepared and consistant. Don't abandon your plan mid way thro a session, walk away and come back refreshed the next day, otherwise you'll spend WEEKS trying to figure the holy grail. The holy grail is keeping your cool and following all the wise words that the *old timers* (lol, sorry guys), impart.

will catch up on progress soon.

stay lucky ;)
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Good luck and I hope it goes well :) Keep us updated!
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wozza wrote: So this week I started my full time trading, if anyone would like to share there feelings and emotions of there first week it would be great to share. :roll:
Adrenaline fueled and butterflies! Even though it was £2 stakes (or lower) it was REAL MONEY!

I've since moved 99% of my trading to automation OUTSIDE of the last 15 minutes before the off due to the heart-stopping moments.

I'd suggest that manually trading a few minutes prior to the off is as different as botting gaps in the morning is from in play.

'Trading' can mean many things and I guess the best is to research and find a niche.

Finally I'dsay never expect a single 'one size fits all' solution to any sport. Treat each event as a unique opportuinity.

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Not sure if the OP is going to see your post CS last visit he/she made to this site was in May. There seems to be a lot of posters that take the trouble to join this forum make half a dozen or so posts then disappear with out trace. I know this happens on lots of forums but it seems to be very common on gambling/trading/betting type forums.
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