Safety Servant Help requird

Servants, just tap your bell to call them.
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Posts: 74
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Hiya All

I have a safety servant with the take sp etc running on all markets I have downloaded a stop loss servant can I have 2 safety servants running as cant seem to work out how to do this Many Thanks all
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No it only one safety servant at a time that can be run, but there nothing to stop you starting it the same way as a normal servant - if you cant combine the two into one
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Hiya Dallas

Thanks for your reply and all the work you put into sharing servant fles they are really helpful. I have download the stoploss with 10 second delay file etc. And runnng it in practse mode, (Its amazing how hard it is to get a loss in practise mode when your trying to see if something works, So easy to get a loss with real money lol) Anyway It all triggered fine exept if I re enter the market after the loss has been greened up and it comes back into less than the £5 loss but then goes back over the £5 loss again it doesnt seem to red up then Does the servant have to be set again if you re enter Hope this makes sense Many Thanks again

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Banthorpe wrote:
Thu May 03, 2018 8:34 am

(Its amazing how hard it is to get a loss in practise mode when your trying to see if something works, So easy to get a loss with real money lol)
I can relate to that, the number of times during testing I want/need something to happen and it just won't, I once remember spending half a day just trying to get something like a 5 tick loss.
Banthorpe wrote:
Thu May 03, 2018 8:34 am
Hiya Dallas

It all triggered fine exept if I re enter the market after the loss has been greened up and it comes back into less than the £5 loss but then goes back over the £5 loss again it doesnt seem to red up then Does the servant have to be set again if you re enter Hope this makes sense Many Thanks again

On that file when the green up rule triggers it sets a signal named 'stop' which then prevents the other signal rules from working, removing this signal being sent from the green up rule will allow it to continue to trigger.

The other issue would be once greened up ie, for a -£2 loss, if you enter another trade it will immediately start counting as your in a loss, so even if it starts moving in your favors if it's not over £0 within those 10secs it will re-trigger.

With the addition of stored values, you will be able to use them as your entry point and test those, to see if you're in a loss.
It's perhaps a good demonstration of a stored Value so ill try and put a 'reusable' one together ready for the weekend
Posts: 74
Joined: Mon Aug 06, 2012 1:40 pm

Thanks and great work your a star and it is really appreciated. Loving the servants They really can just clear your mind to read the market. Thanks again
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