What's the best e-cigarette for trading?

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Hi All,

Not much to add the the question in the topic title, but after two weeks without nicotine I was wondering if anybody has a suggestion for the best smoking simulating e-cigarette?
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My advice would be don't get a cheap one. I tried a cheapy and it was bloody horrible. My son says it's all to do with controlling the temperature and his is much better & totally different...but it was about 75 quid.
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I have one of these mouth to lung ones.


Had in about 8 months with no problems.

Be careful getting a direct lung Vape one, takes getting used to and not everyone likes them.
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If you've managed 2 weeks without nicotine you've done the hard bit, why bother going back? The nicotine will be out of your system by now and the only cravings mental ones, they'll go soon enough too
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Hi Derek,

Well done on going 2 weeks - although I've never smoked, I know from friends who have given up how hard it is.

Slightly off topic but an ex managed to quit permanently after reading Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking.

Good luck with it.

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Thanks for replies, I think I'll give it a bit more time. :)
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iambic_pentameter wrote:
Thu May 31, 2018 6:16 pm

Slightly off topic but an ex managed to quit permanently after reading Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking.
Was just about to suggest it. My girlfriend bought it for me and I didn't pick it up for 6 months. Im very skeptical in general and even more so of self-help stuff...gave it a shot after I was desperate to quit, and it worked! I tried to quit a million times before but this was the only thing that did it. Gave it to another friend of mine who was also very skeptical, and he quit as well. I can not recommend this book enough, it really does a great job at getting that monkey off your back. Smoke free for 3 years now.
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iambic_pentameter wrote:
Thu May 31, 2018 6:16 pm
Slightly off topic but an ex managed to quit permanently after reading Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking.
For balance, I read that one, made no difference whatsoever. It's basically just CBT and if you're not susceptible to it then it won't work. I tried hypnotism too, proper Harley Street one, and it was a complete waste of time and money too, I was fully aware the whole time. Ditto more CBT when I had depression, no effect.

Either you're behaviouraly maluable or not it seems. If you're very self aware it's difficult to fool your brain without being so conscious of what you're trying to do that it breaks the illusion.

I wouldn't start smoking but seeing as I do and I enjoy it so much I just limit myself, like you would with food. I have 6 a day and roll only imported unprocessed, raw, additive free organic tobacco. You'd be amazed how clean the filter stays compared to bought fags that are full of crap. I know it's still not healthy but I'm OK with the consequences.

5 Reasons cognitive behavioral therapy may not work for you
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I've read bits of the book and thought it made a lot of sense, particularly the idea that you don't really enjoy smoking. If I smoked six a day I would certainly enjoy each one, but in reality that would never happen - I was smoking 30+ a day and I was barely aware that I was smoking, it becomes just like breathing in (very expensive) air. :)
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Derek27 wrote:
Fri Jun 01, 2018 1:06 am
I've read bits of the book and thought it made a lot of sense, particularly the idea that you don't really enjoy smoking. If I smoked six a day I would certainly enjoy each one, but in reality that would never happen - I was smoking 30+ a day and I was barely aware that I was smoking, it becomes just like breathing in (very expensive) air. :)
That's why I limit myself, I wasn't even noticing most of the ones I had. I tend to have half at a time too because that's usually enough. I decided to cut down after smoking my 300,000th ! (20*365*41yrs), they're very moreish.
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ShaunWhite wrote:
Fri Jun 01, 2018 3:21 am
...they're very moreish.
...especially after a bad trade!
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