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PeterLe wrote:
Thu Aug 02, 2018 2:51 pm
Hi Shaun,
It was :-
C# Basics for Beginners: Learn C# Fundamentals by Coding by Mosh Mahedani
I had the base chassis of a program built for me by a great programmer, Im now able to make slight changes to the code myself
Thx Peter. Theres' so many to choose from that any recommendation helps.
I'm 'transitioning' from vb :) so even though you'd think I'd need something at a higher level, I'm actually looking for the just principals and once I've got those I'll be off and running I hope..... or I'll panic and rear up in the stalls :?
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Sounding a bit coltish ;)
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Euler wrote:
Thu Aug 02, 2018 3:57 pm
Sounding a bit coltish ;)
So you're not just sat thinking about your garden afterall, I assume those wilted rhododendrons were yours ? :)
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PeterLe wrote:
Thu Aug 02, 2018 2:51 pm
Mosh Mahedani
I skipped Udamy and subscribed directly to his site. At $18/mo I think I can get through quite a few for a very fair price in the next few months.

I'm liking them so far. He keeps up a good pace which is good on the parts you get straight away and you can always rewind the bits you don't. The productivity tools in VS have come on so so far since I coded professionally and the course is a good way to see the useful ones used in anger.

It's a nice change actually to do some structured learning, it's been too easy to just wander around when you're just doing your own thing. But you do suddenly realise that most of it was in the wrong *&!@% direction. :x

..anyway, 18 bucks well spent so far, cheers.
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Good stuff Shaun
There are some good guys on here if ever you get stuck (maybe start a C# Thread) ?
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Thx Peter, I'll keep it in mind.
It's all a big investment in time (aka money) , but I feel it's time to take a step backwards in order to go forwards on a different path.

Maybe it'll pay off, maybe not. It's a gamble, but that's the game we're all in so let's instead call it a careful considered strategy. It's win win actually, either it pays, or my CV looks a bit stronger.
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Until a few years ago I knew little about using excel, having access to just a few courses on Udemy has helped massively, as you touched on earlier having a structure to follow rather than jumping in and out watching ad-hoc vids on YT shouldn't be underestimated when trying to learn this type of stuff and as you also said even if it doesn't directly help with trading its still extra knowledge that should come in somewhere :)
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ShaunWhite wrote:
Thu Aug 02, 2018 3:38 pm
I'm 'transitioning' from vb :) so even though you'd think I'd need something at a higher level, I'm actually looking for the just principals and once I've got those I'll be off and running I hope..... or I'll panic and rear up in the stalls :?
Apart from upping your CV, I'm not sure why you would switch from VB to C# if you are proficient in VB - especially if the time spent will cost you lost trading time ?

Those two languages are just skins that compile to a common tokenised base that is interpreted at run time and use the common .Net libraries so there are no performance enhancements and anything you need to do in C# can be equally expressed in VB.

That aside, one thing you might find helps you is one of the many online VB/C# converters - just paste your existing VB program or fragment, click the button and hey presto you have the equivalent C# code that does something you know and understand - can be handy to crack syntax / translation nightmares ;)
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All fair points foxwood and I've wondered that myself sometimes. My VB was seriously out date though, pre oo, and if I was going to update, I felt that syntactically C# was closer to the other, dare I say it, more modern things, and other things I'd be using, eg json, java eventually etc. It was time to start 'seeing' code in that way too. It was actually the shared .net & CRL, and the amazing code converters, that persuaded me in the end, it's not quite as painfull as I thought. There also seemed to be slightly more C# resourses around?

Anyway I've started now so stop making me doubt it :D

When I quit development about 15 years ago, I never wanted to see another line of code ever again. I was sick of it. This has remined me why I fell in love with it in the first place and I'm really annoyed with myself that I didn't go this route much much sooner. Then again, when you're seduced by the apparent simplicity of that addictive video game call 'The Ladder', going the more challenging route (and back to something I thought I hated) didn't seem like the logical choice. A second year watching summer happen to other people out of the window has sealed the deal.
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ShaunWhite wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 8:14 pm
Anyway I've started now so stop making me doubt it :D
lol - learning something new every day keeps the grey cells going - go for it and enjoy the journey !
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