Cancel all bets

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Hello all

Please would someone be kind enough to highlight to my ignorance to me.

I have made a rule file which should cancel all unmatched bets in the market after one selection is matched. This is my ambition at least.

I have had very poor results when setting 'the number of selections' condition on the rule file. It doesnt seem to fire very often and if so it can be very slow. I had hoped it to be lightening quick.

I have had far more luck when using the 'number of matched bets' condition. This is much quicker and more reliable. It's almost instantaneous execution, however if the bet doesnt get swallowed in one, I obviously get cut out having only got partially filled. Sub ideal.

With both conditions I have used the number of selection/matched bets 'equal to 1' .

Please would any kind soul be generous enough to give me some advice? I would be extremely grateful.

Good luck and happy trading to all.

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Balthazar, I've solved this problem in the past by creating a Cancel Unmatched Bets rule for Selection 1 using the conditions:
Number of Matched Bets on the Market is greater than 0
Number of Matched Bets on the Selection equals 0
And then duplicating the rule for Selection 2, 3, etc etc.
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Hi Jukebox

Thank you for your kind reply. I will give that a go. I guess then there is no less fiddly way to isolate the market down to only one selection. it is still nonetheless strange that by selection doesnt work as Peter is normally so thorough.

Many thanks again.
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If the rule is using a fixed stake try using 'Amount of matched bets condition'
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Hi Dallas

thank you so much for your input. Sadly i still cannot get anything to effectivly and accurately do what i want. it is driving me quite mad.

would like to say that thanks to guys like you and Euler et al, this really is the nicest and kindest sanctuary of like minded poeple on the internet. In my opinion of course. Suffice to say you guys are legends - have no idea at all how you guys have the time to do what you do. best

Last edited by Balthazar on Fri Dec 28, 2018 2:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Balthazar wrote:
Fri Dec 28, 2018 12:57 pm
Hi Dallas

thank you so much for your imput. Sadly i still cannot get anything to effectivly and accurately do what i want. it is driving me quite mad.

would like to say that thanks to guys like you and Euler et al, this really is the nicest and kindest sanctuary of like minded poeple on the internet. In my opinion of course. Suffice to say you guys are legends - have no idea at all how you guys have the time to do what you do. best

Thanks for those kind words, and I would totally agree this community does stand well above any other Betfair/trading forum for the help, advice and overall friendly nature and it's all down to each and every user that contributes.

As for your rule, are you refreshing the markets in Guardian fast enough?
If not and/or you have dozens of markets it could be several seconds or more between a bet getting matched and the rule checking the market again

If you have the market on your main trading screen and are watching the bets go in does it cancel them as and when required that way?
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Hi Dallas.

Thank you for your kind reply. Please forgive the delay in response, I was on holiday and then wanted to trial the system before writing back in order to trial things, rather than a superfluous 'will see what happens and write back' post .

This is really a quandry in my life. I have found the most luck with now using a fixed amount condition. It works great about 50% of the time. The other 50% is eaqually divided in two i would say; too slow and also confusingly...too quickly (ie full bet is not filled when the cancel all is executed). The latter may be due to my own short comings but I am not too convinved what is going on to be honest. In this case i am laying and below 2.0. Does that mean i should enter the liability amount or the stake itself? Have played with both and it seems the stake itself is the more reliable.

Am on the verge of giving up completely but that is also ok. One must select thier own battles.

Good luck to all and happy trading.
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Balthazar wrote:
Wed Jan 23, 2019 12:06 pm
The other 50% is eaqually divided in two i would say; too slow and also confusingly...too quickly (ie full bet is not filled when the cancel all is executed). The latter may be due to my own short comings but I am not too convinved what is going on to be honest. In this case i am laying and below 2.0. Does that mean i should enter the liability amount or the stake itself? Have played with both and it seems the stake itself is the more reliable.
The staking method dictates whether your 'Stake' amount is just that or if it's your liability.
Are you trading in-play, that might explain the delay (and why you might need to make your time until cancel a bit longer) but also remember trades aren't instant, between seeing a price and asking for it there might be a delay of several hundered milliseconds. BA might respond quicker than that but your order has to go through the internet and the BF liability and matching engines, and the price might have already gone.
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Does anyone know how to cancel all unmatched bets as soon as you manually click to green up a market inplay? at the moment im greening up then having to 'cancel all' straight after. if im not quick enough sometimes an unmatched bet can get matched just after i green. thanks in advance for any help
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magwitch78 wrote:
Wed Jan 23, 2019 3:16 pm
Does anyone know how to cancel all unmatched bets as soon as you manually click to green up a market inplay? at the moment im greening up then having to 'cancel all' straight after. if im not quick enough sometimes an unmatched bet can get matched just after i green. thanks in advance for any help
If you go into your main settings, on the green up tab you can specify when BA is to cancel unmatched bets
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