Drip Feed Bets as Profit Builds Servant

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These servants are for use on any market both pre and in-play although I’ve currently set them up mainly for use on pre-race horse racing markets.

There are two servants to download from the bottom of this post, one for placing back bets into the market the other for placing lay bets.

As the title suggests when started the servant will place a back or lay bet depending which you use at the best current price then if the trade moves 5 ticks into profit another bet will be placed, if it moves another 5 ticks (a total of 10 ticks from the initial bet) then a 3rd bet is placed.

Effectively the servant is adding to a trade IF the price moves in your favour.

Each of the 3 bets are for 33% of the servant context stake so if you have £200 stake chosen for the selection on your ladder or one-click screen when the servant is started each bet placed will be for £66

How it works

When started it will stop any other servants currently running on the selection and also clear any stored values named ‘backentry’ and ‘layentry’ (this allows these servants to be run over and over on the same selection with no interference from the previous one, and also allows you to flip between the back and lay servants if required)

The first back or lay rule places an opening bet at the best price, at the same time it also stores the value of the current back or lay price with the name ‘backentry’ or ‘layentry’ (depending which of the two servants is being used).

The 2nd rule then uses a stored value condition to test if the selections price has moved 5 ticks in favour from the stored value price and if so will trigger another bet.

The 3rd rule uses an identical condition to test if the selections price has moved 10 ticks in favour from the stored value price and if so will trigger a final bet.

The final rule will stop the servant once the market turns in-play (this can, of course, be removed if you wish to use or take a trade in-play)

As I pointed out at the start they are the type of servants that can be used on any sport both pre and in-play, all you need to do is go into the 2nd and 3rd rules and edit the number of ticks you want the price to move before further bets are placed.

To use these servants just click on the ASC Drip Feed Back Bets as Profit Builds and ASC Drip Feed Lay Bets as Profit Builds.Baf attachment links below and this will download them to your computer, then open your Servant Manager window and click the rules link at the top and then "Import a Rules File" as shown in the image, once imported it will now appear in your dropdown boxes and is ready to be started whenever required.

Once you have it imported into your Servant Manager it can be edited very easily simply by clicking on "Edit Rules File".

With any servant always run in practice mode first to ensure everything is working fine, and repeat this each time you make any changes.

See the following thread for step by step instructions on downloading and importing a servant into your Bet Angel, or see image below on were to import it in your Servant Manager.
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NB; With these servants, you can still exit a trade at any time you wish including if it goes against you, as detailed above each time it started it will also stop any previous servants running on the same selection.

So you could, for example, start it on selection ‘A’ then after 2 of the 3 bets have been placed start it again, the previous servant will then be stopped so the 3rd bet won’t trigger and the whole process will start again with the 1st bet placed at the current best price and storing the odds of this new price, the 2nd and 3rd bets will then trigger once a move of 5 and 10 ticks from this latest stored price have occurred.
But if you exit a trade before all 3 bets have triggered please note the remaining bets will still be active and able to trigger unless, you restart the servant again, manually stop the servant or the market goes in-play.
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"The first back or lay rule places an opening bet at the best price, at the same time it also stores the value of the current back or lay price with the name ‘backentry’ or ‘layentry’ (depending which of the two servants is being used)"

I have used this same method mostly successfully..just be aware that if BF gives you a better price (especially in a more volatile market) then your SV will be wrong as pertains to your matched bet and corresponding calcs will be incorrect.Of course when there is a really efficient stable market this won't apply ;) You can wait until a matched bet is successful to do the calc of course :ugeek:
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Thanks Dallas
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Hi Dallas - this automation is interesting stuff.

Just wondered whether to the best of your knowledge the following is currently possible:

If you have successfully backed a steamer in a long-term market, is it possible to set-up a servant that will drip feed/iceberg the net greening stake into the market in small chunks with the next stake only being added when the first has been matched at the best odds +1 tick on the reverse side?

Naturally the remaining net greening stake will increase as the best reverse side market price shortens or will decrease as the best reverse side market price drifts.

Also, is it possible to do this whilst still having unmatched bets on that selection?
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Tuco wrote:
Mon Jan 28, 2019 11:03 am
Hi Dallas - this automation is interesting stuff.

Just wondered whether to the best of your knowledge the following is currently possible:

If you have successfully backed a steamer in a long-term market, is it possible to set-up a servant that will drip feed/iceberg the net greening stake into the market in small chunks with the next stake only being added when the first has been matched at the best odds +1 tick on the reverse side?

Also, is it possible to do this whilst still having unmatched bets on that selection?
Yes it can be done, although you wouldn't use a 'greening' rule instead you would just use a regular back/lay rule, there's an example of opening a position with Iceberg orders here

When you say have 'unmatched bets on a selection' do you mean other unmatched bets other than the Iceberg one/s currently closing the order?
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thanks for your speedy reply - I'll take a look at that.

yes, I was meaning other unmatched bets rather than those part of the drip feed/iceberg order.

EDIT: I downloaded and imported those 2 iceberg rules last night so need to play around with them in practice mode to see the effects of all the different possibilities.
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...effectively what I'm wondering is whether it's possible to have a servant close a back position with greening at the best reverse price +1 tick when laying by drip feeding/iceberging the required lay stake into the market and price chasing (shortening only).
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Tuco wrote:
Mon Jan 28, 2019 12:41 pm
...effectively what I'm wondering is whether it's possible to have a servant close a back position with greening at the best reverse price +1 tick when laying by drip feeding/iceberging the required lay stake into the market and price chasing (shortening only).
You would need a 'lay bet' rule placing at 'Custom ticks below best reverse price +1 tick'
Using either 'Percentage of Net Stake'
Fixed stake (assuming you have backed with £100 you could set your lay bet stake as £20, allow it to trigger 5 times, therefore, iceberging your exit in 5 stages)

If your other unmatched bets are on other selections you could then add a
'Number of unmatched bets'
on selection
is equal to 0

If you have unmatched bets on the same selection(which are to be ignored) then you may be able to adjust this value and/or use the matched bets amounts condition or perhaps even the time since fill/kill bets - it depends what type, how and where any other unmatched bet may appear from
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thanks Dallas - I'll have a play around in practice mode with this and see what I come up with :)
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I don't think it's currently possible to do what I was hoping.

I was hoping to be able to do the following:

Having placed a back or number of back bets in a shortening market, I was hoping to be able to then drip feed/iceberg the net back stake into the market at the best reverse price +1 tick and also to have the option of doing this with greening to level up. The stake of the drip to be either fixed or a percentage of the net stake and the servant to fire in another bet when the previous one stake has been matched. Also, the servant to cancel the bet if the best reverse price shortens and re-load at the new best reverse price +1 tick and keep relaoding until the net stake = zero or the greening figure has been reached.

The above is for a shortening market having backed but the same applies for a drifting market having been layed.

It's a cross between the drip feed / iceberg / batches / greening tools.

Might this servant be possible if not now but in the future?
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Tuco wrote:
Thu Jan 31, 2019 12:46 pm
I don't think it's currently possible to do what I was hoping.

I was hoping to be able to do the following:

Having placed a back or number of back bets in a shortening market, I was hoping to be able to then drip feed/iceberg the net back stake into the market at the best reverse price +1 tick and also to have the option of doing this with greening to level up. The stake of the drip to be either fixed or a percentage of the net stake and the servant to fire in another bet when the previous one stake has been matched. Also, the servant to cancel the bet if the best reverse price shortens and re-load at the new best reverse price +1 tick and keep relaoding until the net stake = zero or the greening figure has been reached.

The above is for a shortening market having backed but the same applies for a drifting market having been layed.

It's a cross between the drip feed / iceberg / batches / greening tools.

Might this servant be possible if not now but in the future?
Which part do you not think is possible?
The above looks similar to what you asked for on the previous page?
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Hi Dallas - yes it's the same as the previous post.

I don't think it's possible to have a fixed stake drip feed/iceberg 'closure with greening' AND chasing the price down, whilst also retaining unmatched bets on the same selection.

I tried using this servant on a selection that had no back bets up and rather than put the bet up at 1000 (as there were no competing back requests) it backed the available lay request which out of choice I did not want (luckily for small stakes and only 3 times).
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Tuco wrote:
Mon Feb 11, 2019 12:16 pm
Hi Dallas - yes it's the same as the previous post.

I don't think it's possible to have a fixed stake drip feed/iceberg 'closure with greening' AND chasing the price down, whilst also retaining unmatched bets on the same selection.

I tried using this servant on a selection that had no back bets up and rather than put the bet up at 1000 (as there were no competing back requests) it backed the available lay request which out of choice I did not want (luckily for small stakes and only 3 times).
You can't have a fixed stake closing with greening as any greening stake will always vary - but you can iceberg a with a fixed stake until £0 net then green up
Or iceberg with a percentage of net stake until a certain point is reached then green up

Both can be done whilst chasing the price down and ignoring unmatched bets priced 'X' ticks away from the current trading price
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...thank you as always Dallas - I'll try iceberging that :)
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