taking profit and deleting stop loss bet

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Joined: Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:32 pm
Location: Cheltenham and Cologne / Germany

Hello experts,
I haven't been active for four years but now I'm re-joining.

I do most betting on tennis and it works quite ok if I'm at the desk when the match is being played.

I tried with the betfair Automation rules, but I struggle with a very simple challange:
I back player A at 1.75 and expect him to go down to 1.22. This is my exit point.
But I also want to stop my loss at 40%, so this would be at 2.92.

I experienced that both lay bets got matched which resulted in a overall loss.

If the bet @1.22 gets matched, I need to cancel the bet @2.92. I assume this to be very simple, but can you give me the right advice or link me to somewhere where this question already got answered?

Kind regards,

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If your using 'offset bet with greening and stop' from the global settings area on the parameters tab then when one or the other is matched the other is cancelled automatically.

Are you sure you didn't have another rule trigger a further bet somewhere?
Posts: 50
Joined: Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:32 pm
Location: Cheltenham and Cologne / Germany

Thanks for this fast answer. This is exactly what I'm looking for to use within Guardian as part of a rule. But i haven't seen it there.
When placing a bet using the global settings, I can not switch to another market, can I? As far as I know, the picked bet mus be active in order to let the global settings work.
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Joined: Mon Sep 24, 2012 2:32 pm
Location: Cheltenham and Cologne / Germany

OK, OK …
I detected the "Parameters" tab in the "Automation Rules Editor". I think this is what I was looking for.

Sorry for disturbing.

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