Mouse without Borders question

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Posts: 222
Joined: Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:07 am

Does anyone use MwB? If so could you help with this query:
I have recently been receiving a notification (supposedly) from Mouse Without Borders advising me that the security key for MwB will expire in X days and that I should generate a new key. I have 3 questions:

1. Is this legitimately from MwB? (I am wary of scams.)

2. And if so, how do I go about generating a new security key?

3. Does the security key actually expire?

I can see the "new key" tab in the main MwB box but I am unsure what will happen if I activate it.

Can you please help?

Thank you
Galilee 66
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it does sometimes.

on the master pc open up the mouse without borders icon, top right on the opening tab next to the box labelled security key, there is a box labelled new key, hit it, new key generates.

open mouse without borders icon on slave pc enter the new key into security key box on the slave pc and hit apply.

Posts: 222
Joined: Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:07 am

Thanks for that to75ne,

I'll try that.

cheers from Melbourne

Posts: 222
Joined: Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:07 am

All worked perfectly - thanks again.

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