Dallas = Legend

Servants, just tap your bell to call them.
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A huge thank you to Dallas. I started trading Forex 12 years ago, since then my trading has followed the same pattern, lots of small wins followed by a huge loss that wipes out all the profit and some. Rinse and repeat. I moved over to trading Betfair about five years ago. The same pattern still, I've tried scalping, swing trading, football, tennis, pre race, in race the whole shebang to no avail.

I bought Betangel last year to try to automate things as I have an issue with emotions, I can't handle losses effectively, cut winners short and let losers run. I thought if I could take the emotions out of things it would work for me however as much as I tried I couldn't find anything that worked even over 1 day on a consistent basis.

The last few weeks I've been experimenting with servants, the ones Dallas so kindly writes and publishes in the shared files section. I have been tweaking and modifyfing these and now have around six in my arsenal. I had an epiphany the other day you see. You can't trade each race or even each horse in one race the same! I don't know why it's taken me this long to figure out! I sometimes have three servants working on three horses in one race, it's genius.

Today however has been the break through I've been waiting for. Using Dallas' servants with only a couple of tweaks here and there and some extra rules thrown in I've made, with a £100 account £35 profit using just £2 stakes. I know this is probably an absolute pittance to some of you guys on premium charge etc but to me, well I've never had those kind of returns. Was hard work, no way could I have done that without the hard work Dallas has put in with those servants though.

Onwards and upwards :ugeek:

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Mate I absolutely love reading posts like this!! Please, please more people do this. Well done sir, seriously! It's nice to know people are making it work for them and don't worry about the monetary value. It's green :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Like you said onwards and upwards!

And I agree, thank you Dallas for everything you do here.
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MobiusGrey wrote:
Sat Aug 03, 2019 6:10 pm
Using Dallas' servants with only a couple of tweaks here and there and some extra rules thrown in I've made, with a £100 account £35 profit using just £2 stakes.
Well done MG, and I agree that Dallas does some amazing work and effort on this forum.

I remember explaining to somebody who expected to make money from these servants with absolute zero effort that they are just the framework to get you started, so it's encouraging to hear it only took a few tweaks to get you comfortably off to a profitable start.
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I remember explaining to somebody who expected to make money from these servants with absolute zero effort that they are just the framework to get you started, so it's encouraging to hear it only took a few tweaks to get you comfortably off to a profitable start.
Exactly, even when I started to look into using servants and bots I thought I could just download a shared file, maybe change the staking and apply it to every race and make money. How naive looking back. Even with the servants I thought it was just a matter of applying it to every favourite or 2nd favourite in every race.

The skill is most certainly using the right servant on the right horse under the right market conditions.

Another £12 today courtesy of Dallas and Mr. P Webb on a Sundays weak races! Hopefully I can start to increase stakes a little bit soon and start playing with the big boys.

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Thank you for those kind words MobiusGrey and the other users above who've commented afterwards, more importantly, I'm glad to hear the files have been able to help. Whenever I upload one I do so in the hope that if just one person or is able to tweak it or it teaches them something new and how something is set up or they are able to copy elements into an existing file then it's done its intended job.

Regarding your results with a £100 bank and using £2 stakes those are exceptional results you've managed to achieve so very well done with those and fingers crossed you can remain consistent and you can eventually begin to scale them

Good work

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yes good job MG and many thanks to Dallas from my side.
I had a similar story to MG and only when I started using automation and ask for help from Dallas things started to get better,
I still have a way to go though

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Yep i will chime in also and say thanks to Dallas and the team I have had 2 years of fits and starts trying this trying that all going pear shaped at one stage or another
then along came servants and as MG said it was like wow. Now
I am able to watch the market and activate my tweaked sevants and deactivate if I think all is going sideways
Full Auto I found not good for me yet maybe in the future still learning and yes as MG said having the ability to activate several servants on one market with still a fair amount of control seems to be working for me also early days but I am actually adding to my betfair balance from the profits and not from my bank account for once :D :D :D
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ragamuffin wrote:
Mon Aug 05, 2019 5:09 pm
Yep i will chime in also and say thanks to Dallas and the team I have had 2 years of fits and starts trying this trying that all going pear shaped at one stage or another
then along came servants and as MG said it was like wow. Now
I am able to watch the market and activate my tweaked sevants and deactivate if I think all is going sideways
Full Auto I found not good for me yet maybe in the future still learning and yes as MG said having the ability to activate several servants on one market with still a fair amount of control seems to be working for me also early days but I am actually adding to my betfair balance from the profits and not from my bank account for once :D :D :D
I've just started to try to fully automate 2 of my most successful servants, early results are certainly promising and it's a route I'd ultimately like to take. Servants have kicked it all off for me profitability wise however I do find having to get 'involved' with stopping and starting them to be too close to trading and my negative mindset. I will just add that my discovery of the stored value condition to be one of my major break throughs in fully automating servants.
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