New Version - 1.27.0 Beta

Bet Angel
Bet Angel
Bet Angel
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Yes, we were running out of space so it made sense to locate all settings in one settings area.
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Hi, i'm loving the new excel binding as it enables autotrading really easily

There seems to be a bug somewhere which means sometimes guardian forgets to refresh the market even though it is within the parameters set

See attached screenshot where you'll see even though it should be refreshing the 3 x 20:57 greyhound markets (win, forecast, place), for some reason it hasn't done this since it was added a few hours earlier.

Please can you investigate.... thanks
I think it may get confused when you are using the interface at the same time it is about to switch markets.

A couple of other small issues:

1) It still takes some time for Guardian to cycle through the list of markets even when it's not refreshing them if there are a lot in the list. Even on 500ms refresh time it only refreshes the sheet every 2-3 seconds if there are a couple of hundred markets in guardian

2) Smaller issue: when you add new markets into guardian it immediately binds the excel sheet to these markets, then unbinds it again if it outside the parameters. If you're adding multiple markets using the Ctrl-key or quick picks then it can cause excel to go a bit crazy as it cycles through all the new markets immediately when they're added, which could confuse the trading system running

Please contact me if you need any clarification on these - thanks
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Bet Angel
Bet Angel
Bet Angel
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Joined: Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:47 pm

toptrader wrote: See attached screenshot where you'll see even though it should be refreshing the 3 x 20:57 greyhound markets (win, forecast, place), for some reason it hasn't done this since it was added a few hours earlier
Thanks - we'll try to recreate it in Test. If you see it happen again, then please send more screenshots to support, as it may help identify a pattern.
toptrader wrote: 1) It still takes some time for Guardian to cycle through the list of markets even when it's not refreshing them if there are a lot in the list. Even on 500ms refresh time it only refreshes the sheet every 2-3 seconds if there are a couple of hundred markets in guardian
Could you let us know what connection mode you use when logging in and also what speed you refresh the main Bet Angel screen (one-click etc). Also please upload a screenshot of the Communications page of the settings editor.

It could be that the number of data requests is causing the limiter to kick-in, slowing down Guardian.

Does the issue only occur if you've got hundreds of markets in Guardian? If you load 30 with the same refresh settings does it refresh the sheet quicker?
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Joined: Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:58 pm

yes, still have occasional problems with it not refreshing markets under certain conditions

The problem definitely occurs when you try and add markets into Guardian halfway through the day - if i add them all at the start of the day in order of start time, guardian seems to cope fine... it's when you then add some more at a later point in the day it seems to somehow get confused and miss out some markets

Again please see screen shot today, for some reason it hasn't refreshed 2 of the 12:58 markets since i added them - but it has refreshed the forecast market?

It's a weird one, i'm not sure the exact criteria to cause this problem or any pattern to it.

I have looked into the refresh cycle, and it is definitely the case that the more markets you have in guardian, the longer the refresh takes even with the restricted refresh set.... it makes sense that it has to check these other markets but it shouldn't take this long - about 5 seconds if you have a couple of hundred markets in there? If it was to build an table of the start times when you add or remove markets from the list then it should know pretty quickly whether it needs to cycle the others or not?

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with lots of markets in the guardian, and charts open, and with restricted refresh set on, there are problems with refreshing charts and even Ladder window {if you change the focus from it to Guardian for example}. To have the chart updated you have to click on it. But at times they update properly.
Also when I have lots of charts open not all of them are refreshing in time set and refresh settings get blurred.
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