alert to phone api

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i think it be great that betangel can send us alerts to our mobile ,like the betting sites that we in a market and notification for goals ,because not all of us can fully automate markets so if we have notification we can semi automate, i know these api are free ,just take your developer maybe a few lines of codes to implement them
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Couldn't agree more an alert to the phone by email or text messege would help us not to miss any oppartunity not every market can be fully automated
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ROCKY1982 wrote:
Wed Sep 15, 2021 9:15 am
Couldn't agree more an alert to the phone by email or text messege would help us not to miss any oppartunity not every market can be fully automated
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It would be possible to create a workaround scripting something in Auto-It or AutoHotkey for a BA alert. The window info is there.

Just run a looping script looking for an alert, then OK it and send the title info via SMTP mail, or possibly text. A mail would pop up on your phone notifications anyway

I've had it in the back of my mind for a while and it's pretty simple. I'll put something together when I get time and post it up if anyone is interested.

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We looked some time ago about text messages, but the cost was too high.

I think a better alternative would be to push to a platform which you can then get an alert on your phone via a notification.
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Euler wrote:
Wed Sep 15, 2021 3:25 pm
We looked some time ago about text messages, but the cost was too high.

I think a better alternative would be to push to a platform which you can then get an alert on your phone via a notification.
I'd agree with that. a push mechanism can be easily subscibed to and incurs far less cost as Euler says. of course, there's development cost (i.e. websockets and associated code don't write themselves, plus a server is needed to host all of this stuff. i'd suggest that a cheap alternative would be to have an option on the Alert rule that launches an exe with parameters taken from the alert. this exe could be your own implementaion, and it could do whatever it liked with the *message*.. just another thought.

[edit] - i'm sure if there was an option to launch an exe with the message parameters, there would be quite a few community based solutions that would spring up.
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Another quite simple solution: Connect BA with Excel. Have an "Alarm-Stored-Value" transferred to Excel (if you want to use BA Automation). Monitor this Stored Value in VBA and when triggered automatically send out an email (just a couple of lines of code). Have an "Alarm-Email-Address" on Push Notification on your phone and you are good to go.
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I did start to write something many moons ago to do it via Excel based off the exceptionally good ron de bruin code base (someone better than me). This is the main routine I developed. I have zero need for it personally but if people wanted to give hand jobs I mean praise I'd finish it off into a finished product (no pun intended with the finishing). It used CDO rather than Outlook object model in case users didn't have Outlook installed.

Code: Select all

Public Sub gGenerateEmail(ByVal pstrRule As string,
                          ByVal pstrMarket As String,
                          bvyal pstrSMTP as sring)

    Dim iMsg As Object
    Dim iConf As Object
    Dim strBody As String
    Dim Flds As Variant

    If wsInterface.Range("fldEmail").Value <> EMPTY_STRING Then

        Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
        Set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
            iConf.Load -1    ' CDO Source Defaults
            Set Flds = iConf.Fields
            With Flds
                .Item("") = 2
                .Item("") = "Fill in your SMTP server here"
                .Item("") = 25
            End With
        strBody = "BetAngel Notification: Email notification for " & pstrRule & _
            " has been trigged for the following market" & vbNewLine & pstrMarket
        With iMsg
            Set .Configuration = iConf
            .To = "[email protected]"
            .CC = ""
            .BCC = ""
            .From = """Ron"" <[email protected]>"
            .Subject = "BetAngel Notifcation - " & pstrRule
            .TextBody = strBody
        End With

    End If

    Set iMsg = Nothing
    Set iConf = Nothing
End Sub

As an edit looking back at this I've taken no consideration to what impact it would have to anything else operating at the same time, VBA is single-threaded (predominantly, can be worked around) so if someone was expecting it to have zero latency you'd have better chance of nailing a date with Charlize Theron
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Sorry to dig up an old post, and not sure if this has been covered anymore, but im now looking to have alerts sent to my phone in some way and wondered if there has been any progress with this ?

I see that BFBM now has a Telegram bot that can be linked and wondered if this is in anyway possible with BA now ?
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